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Pengembangan Pendidikan Karakter

Panduan Lengkap Membuat Desain Bangunan Ruko dan Perkantoran dengan AutoCAD dan Google SketchUp

Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk Perguruan Tinggi Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Karakter Bangsa

233 Tanya Jawab Seputar Hukum Bisnis

Analisis Kinerja Manajemen

Laporan keuangan merupakan salah satu sumber informasi yang penting bagi para penggunanya, terutama dalam rangka pengambilan keputusan. Laporan keuangan akan menjadi lebih bermanfaat apabila informasi yang terkandung dalam laporan keuangan tersebut dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi apa yang akan terjadi di masa mendatang, melalui suatu proses perbandingan, evaluasi, dan analisis trend. Analisis laporan keuangan merupakan suatu proses untuk ”membedah” laporan keuangan ke dalam unsur-unsurnya, dan menelaah masing-masing dari unsur tersebut untuk memperoleh pengertian dan pemahaman yang baik atas kinerja manajemen. Hasil analisis laporan keuangan ini akan membantu analis dalam menginterpretasikan berbagai hubungan kunci antar pos laporan keuangan, serta dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam menilai potensi keberhasilan manajemen di masa mendatang.

Analisis laporan keuangan merupakan suatu proses untuk ”membedah” laporan keuangan ke dalam unsur-unsurnya, dan menelaah masing-masing dari unsur tersebut untuk memperoleh pengertian dan pemahaman yang baik atas kinerja manajemen.

Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management

Presenting a dramatic shift in the way marketing is viewed and how its value is determined, this diverse resource focuses on the retention of customers through excellent customer service. Attending to the “4 Ps” of marketing, the guidebook addresses the ways in which a marketer can make decisions with the customer’s perspective as the priority. With strategies both for one-to-one marketing and for mass customization, this critical handbook offers information for today’s ever-adapting business environment.

With strategies both for one-to-one marketing and for mass customization, this critical handbook offers information for today’s ever-adapting business environment.

Customer Relationship Management

A Global Perspective

Customer Relationship Management is the first book to explore the benefits to the firm of a globally integrated approach to the management philosophy of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The best hope for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in a global marketplace is by means of better understanding which customers are in the best position to experience long-term, profitable relationships for the globally oriented firm. This book offers both an academic and a practical viewpoint of the importance of CRM in a global framework. It integrates the topics of knowledge management, total quality management, and relationship marketing with the goal of explaining the benefits of CRM for internationally active firms. The authors have included six case studies which allow the reader to undertake the role of CRM consultant in a 'learning by doing' approach. The book should be required reading for all business executives who desire a customer-oriented approach to success, and for all students of business who desire to gain insight into a relationship management approach which will become ever-more important in the years ahead.

Customer Relationship Management is the first book to explore the benefits to the firm of a globally integrated approach to the management philosophy of Customer Relationship Management (CRM).