Sebanyak 110 item atau buku ditemukan

Keputusan Menteri Penerangan, Republik Indonesia, nomor 230A/Kep/Menpen/1984 tentang organisasi dan tata kerja Departemen Penerangan

On the organizational structure and functions of the Dept. of Information; a manual.

Pasal 662 Setiap Rmpinan organisasi dalam lingkungan Badan LlTBANG
bertanggung jawab memimpin dan ... Pasal 665 Para Kepala Pusat Penelitian
dan Pengembangan menyampaikan laporan kepada Kepala Badan LlTBANG
melalui ...

Undang-undang perkongsian

Hak ini meliputi juga hak untuk menahan aset-aset baki itu bagi maksud
mendapat balik sumbangan modal atau bayaran membeli syer. (ii) hak untuk
ditempatkan sebagai pemiutang-pemiutang per- kongsian bagi semua bayaran
yang beliau telah buat berhubung dengan tanggungan-tanggungan firma.
Sebagai seorang pekongsi sudah tentu beliau juga turut menyumbangkan
bayaran bagi me- nyelesaikan tanggungan-tanggungan firma terhadap pihak
lain. Maka dalam keadaan ...

Forecasting interest rates

It teaches a proven, easy-to-use system for determining rate trends. With this ground-breaking book at your side, you'll now be able to make informed, profitable business and personal investment decisions like never before.

The ORACLE of Stone Street

The ORACLE, a mysterious cat who can read minds and only drinks Bud Light, leads a group of special animals - - an iguana, a black squirrel, a Bull Terrier - Chihuahua mix, and a talking parrot -- to help the patrons of Ulysses, a Wall Street area bar - restaurant to realize their dreams as the stock market melts down around them. It is a funny, a bit sad, uplifting story. - An elderly man near death strives to leave a legacy to show that his life had meaning. - A currency trader loses a fortune but tries to find happiness by reinventing himself. - A witch falls for a gangster and causes havoc on historic Stone Street. - A female kickboxer turned attorney goes toe-to-toe with a Wall Street bank. - A beautiful widow sexually harassed by her new boss seeks justice. - A securities broker who hates his job tries to dance his way into a new career. - A busboy solves a difficult Sudoku puzzle in order to change his life. - A bartender is determined to write the great American novel no matter what. - A paraplegic who makes big money by manipulating stock prices develops a conscience.

He didn't see Pedro again until 4:00 P.M. when all of the test results were in and
he had the opportunity to confer with his former colleagues at the university. “
Pedro, tengo una gran noticia, tengo las puntuaciones de sus pruebas.” “
Professor ...

Babylonian Oracle Questions

The tamitu texts are a corpus of Babylonian oracle questions addressed to two gods as a duo: Shamash the sun god and Adad the storm god. Answers to the queries came not from abstract principles embodied somewhere in the universe but were decisions reached by this divine duo based on their understanding of the case brought to them, and a tamitu is the formal judgment brought by them. Though all of the known copies are from the first millennium B.C., some questions clearly date to the second millennium. The topics vary from matters of state (Should the king undertake such-and-such a campaign?) to purely personal matters (Is my wife telling me the truth?). As with many oracles, the only answer given was yes or no. In this volume, W. G. Lambert has collected, edited, and translated (with notes) the known corpus of tamitu texts. Included are hand copies of most of the texts, a total of more than 50 plates.

General Editor Jerrold S. Cooper, Johns Hopkins University Editorial Board
Walter Farber, University of Chicago Marvin Powell, Northern Illinois University
Jean-Pierre Grégoire, C.N.R.S. Jack Sasson, University of North Carolina Piotr ...