Sebanyak 81 item atau buku ditemukan

Water and Wastewater Systems Analysis

This book provides a sound basis for analysing water supply schemes from the point of view of water quality. A systematic approach to decision making in water resources planning is presented with particular reference to wastewater re-use. Methods for deciding between recycling, purification or use of river water are given. The problems of poor quality water are documented and alternatives suggested, including management in a way to achieve objectives in the most economic manner. Various methods of system simulation and optimization are applied in a number of case studies. Methods of analysis and numerical methods are described, as well as the basis of pollution and water quality. The economics of desalination are also discussed. The examples studied range from regional supplies to internal re-circulation. Groundwater and artificial recharge are considered, and stormwater quality and sewerage systems are also covered. Computer applications exist throughout and a number of simulation and optimization programs in BASIC are presented. The necessity for scientific sampling procedures in monitoring water quality, an often ignored subject, was written by Professor Tom Sanders of Colorado State University. The theory and case studies should prove of value in many aspects of planning the use of water resources with quality constraints. Wastewater re-use and conservation are therefore promoted by the approach adopted.

This book provides a sound basis for analysing water supply schemes from the point of view of water quality.

Sejarah Keraton Yogyakarta

History of Kraton Yogyakarta.

Pendahuluan : 3 2. ... Buwono I (Sultan Pertama Kerajaan Yogyakarta) 25 6
Pangeran Mangkubumi Arsitek Agung Ahli Tata Kota 48 7 Pangeran
Mangkubumi Seniman Agung 64 8 Perjanjian 1749 (Paku Buwono II - Kompeni)
72 9 Perjanjian ...

Berbagai tantangan dan permasalahan kebijakan pembangunan kesejahteraan rakyat dalam implementasi otonomi daerah

(Depkes, 2000: 1) Hasil temuan yang diperoleh di lapangan, bahwa personil
UPM belum memenuhi ketentuan' dari Petunjuk Teknis Unit Pengaduan
Masyarakat Jaringan Pengaman Sosial Bidang Kesehatan, Departemen
Kesehatan RI.

The Economics of Telecommunications Systems

The process of formulating and implementing telecommunications policy in the United States often seems chaotic and disorganised, with overlapping responsibility and frequent conflicts among federal and state regulators, Congress, the Administration, and the Federal judiciary. There has never been a consensus on what should change and what should remain unaltered. Telecommunications policy has evolved gradually over a relatively long period of time, resulting in a cumulative major transformation. It is still tied, however, to the Communications Act of 1934. Actions have been taken that have gradually moved policy from traditional public utility regulation of a monopoly to greater reliance on market forces and encouragement of competition. The policies are an amalgam incorporating elements from a wide range of political and economic views. There is nothing endemic in this transformation process to guarantee that the resulting policies have led to greater economic efficiency or that they are better in some subjective sense than alternatives that are available. This being the case, what is very useful is an ex post assessment of the policies that have been implemented in order to evaluate their impact. An objective evaluation of the impact of a policy affords an opportunity to make adjustments to it based on the realised economic consequences. This approach to policy making can be looked upon as a learning-by-doing exercise. In this book a number of objective studies based on data from various telecommunications systems are presented. These studies discuss and evaluate policies that have been implemented. In a number of instances, the policies have been misguided. Recommendations to correct the most egregious problems are offered.

The Malmquist index approach is based on physical measures of inputs and
outputs and thereby avoids many of the biases (previously noted) that are
associated with the conventional growth accounting approach to measuring the
rate of ...

Pentadbiran undang-undang Islam negeri Johor

History of Islamic law in Johor, Malaysia.

Majlis ini mempunyai kuasa mendakwa, membuat perjanjian-perjanjian dan
memiliki harta sama ada yang alih atau tak alih. Seksyen 5(6) memperuntukkan
hanya orang-orang Islam bermazhab Shafi'i sahaja boleh menjadi ahli Majlis ini.
Seksyen 9 dan 10 mengadakan kuasa untuk menyerah, memberi atau menukar
segala harta, hak dan tanggungan sebelum kuat kuasa enakmen ini dipindahkan
kepada Bait alMal, Zakat dan Fitrah serta Wakaf. Seksyen 16 memberi kuasa
kepada ...

Psikologi perkembangan

stimulasi aspek perkembangan anak dan nilai kearifan lokal melalui permainan tradisional Sasak