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Controllership : Manajemen Strategis, Pengendalian Internal,

Perusahaan hanya akan mencapai keberhasilan yang maksimal dengan cara menemukan dan mempertahankan strategi jangka panjangnya. Agar strategi yang dirumuskan sesuai dengan tujuan dan arah bisnis perusahaan, kontroler wajib memberikan informasi tentang peluang yang ada di pasar melalui pemanfaatan sumber daya maupun pemanfaatan atas faktor kunci keberhasilan yang dimiliki perusahaan. Pengetahuan atas data keuangan dan aspek lainnya yang mempengaruhi bisnis, termasuk pemahaman tentang performa perusahaan, memungkinkan kontroler merumuskan strategi bisnis secara lebih adaptif dan konstruktif, serta memberikan masukan yang berharga bagi peningkatan business value perusahaan. Di semua jenis industri dan fungsi, para pemimpin semakin menyadari bahwa data berperan penting dalam meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan. Data dianggap sebagai sumber daya yang bernilai tinggi, oleh karena itu diperlukan pemahaman kontroler atas segala aspek untuk mentransformasi sebagian besar data (yang pada umumnya masih tidak terstruktur) menjadi data yang efektif bagi pengambilan keputusan bisnis perusahaan yang berkelanjutan.

Perusahaan hanya akan mencapai keberhasilan yang maksimal dengan cara menemukan dan mempertahankan strategi jangka panjangnya.

Building Great Customer Experiences

This book is about building and delivering great customer experiences. Many companies neglect this, but the physical execution and emotional impact of customer experiences, companies and brands may ultimately determine customer satisfaction and loyalty and commercial success. With the use of compelling examples and cases the authors show that this is key for all companies and organisations.

This book is about building and delivering great customer experiences.

The World of Customer Service

Introduce your students to the exemplary customer service skills that are essential in all types of organizations today with the powerful, practical and engaging presentation in Gibson's THE WORLD OF CUSTOMER SERVICE, 3rd Edition. This text demonstrates how effective customer service techniques can help your students and their organizations achieve critical goals, deal with problems and complaints, consistently exceed customer expectations, and create loyal customers. Author Pattie Gibson focuses on the strategies most important in customer service today with insights and memorable examples from practicing professionals. Several new chapters in this edition highlight how to maximize revenue and customer satisfaction, effectively solve problems and resolve complaints, and better understand the impact and potential in today's social media. Students also gain new insights into establishing their own effective customer service habits. This edition emphasizes the importance of effective global communication and collaboration techniques with a wide range of real customer-focused activities and actual business cases. The new, optional CourseMate website for this edition reinforces concepts with interactive learning tools, including a complete eBook, videos and the unique Engagement Tracker for monitoring student outcomes. Help your students develop the customer service skills essential for professionals in all areas of business today with THE WORLD OF CUSTOMER SERVICE, 3rd Edition. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This text demonstrates how effective customer service techniques can help your students and their organizations achieve critical goals, deal with problems and complaints, consistently exceed customer expectations, and create loyal customers ...

Tubuh, seksualitas, dan kedaulatan perempuan

bunga rampai pemikiran ulama muda

Women issues according to Islamic view points.

Women issues according to Islamic view points.

The Rough Guide to Cloud Computing

100 Websites That Will Change Your Life

The Rough Guide to Cloud Computing is your essential 'how to' guide for taking your life online, sharing 100 websites that will change your life forever. This guide takes a practical view at the phenomena of "cloud computing" - in simple terms, computing that takes the focus away from applications that live on home PCs and instead puts it all online. This guide will teach you how to use these tools to become more productive, find new ways to work and, of course, play online in this ever changing digital age. Written for novices and experts alike this jargon-busting guide will teach you how to stay in sync so that your contacts, emails, bookmarks and calendars are always at your fingertips. Discover how to keep in touch with friends using Google Docs, Zoho Office, Twiddla and how to take your media online, sharing snaps on Flickr and discovering new music with Spotify and Rely on tips and tricks for protecting precious data online and avoiding getting scammed. Find the coolest Cloud tools including using Remember The Milk to plan your days and discover how to scrapbook your life with Evernote. The Rough Guide to Cloud Computing will help you find your feet, and keep a cool head, in the Cloud.

The Rough Guide to Cloud Computing is your essential 'how to' guide for taking your life online, sharing 100 websites that will change your life forever.