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Implementation Guide for IBM Spectrum Virtualize for Public Cloud

IBM® Spectrum Virtualize is a key member of the IBM SpectrumTM Storage portfolio. It is a highly flexible storage solution that enables rapid deployment of block storage services for new and traditional workloads, on-premises, off-premises and in a combination of both. IBM Spectrum VirtualizeTM for Public Cloud is a brand new offering that provides the IBM Spectrum Virtualize functionality in IBM Cloud. This new capability provides a monthly license to deploy and use Spectrum Virtualize in IBM Cloud to enable hybrid cloud solutions, offering the ability to transfer data between on-premises private clouds or data centers and the public cloud. This IBM RedpaperTM publication gives a broad understanding of IBM Spectrum Virtualize for Public Cloud architecture and provides planning and implementation details of the common use cases for this new product. This publication helps storage and networking administrators plan and implement install, tailor, and configure IBM Spectrum Virtualize for Public Cloud offering. It also provides a detailed description of troubleshooting tips.

IBM® Spectrum Virtualize is a key member of the IBM SpectrumTM Storage portfolio.

A Cloud of Suspicion

"What's he doing back in town?" With his black leather jacket, Patrick Rivers looks every inch the bad boy the townsfolk believe him to be. Ten years ago, he left Loomis, Louisiana, under a cloud of suspicion. Back to settle his stepfather's estate, Patrick knows he isn't welcome and can't wait to leave. Until Shelby Mason gives him a reason to stay. Because Shelby knows a secret…and someone in Loomis will do anything to keep her quiet.

"What's he doing back in town?" With his black leather jacket, Patrick Rivers looks every inch the bad boy the townsfolk believe him to be. Ten years ago, he left Loomis, Louisiana, under a cloud of suspicion.

Gender, 'Race' and Class in Schooling

A New Introduction

With education and social inequalities under scrutiny, this timely book provides an up-to-date summary of research into the key issues, as well as practical strategies for educators, including strategies for staff development, working with children and school policy. The facts have changed significantly, and much received wisdom cannot be relied upon: girls' performance is rising faster than boys and surpasses them in almost all respects up to the age of 18; unequal opportunity faced by those of different race is becoming more fractured along class, gender, ethnic and religious lines; class divisions are increased with the reintroduction of selection and has become a matter of concern for government and school policy makers. This title makes good the lack of literature on inequality, and brings teachers, and those training to be teachers, the latest information.

There is still some overlap since some Kashmiri Pakistanis are very fair-skinned,
some having blue eyes too, and some 'white' English people are darker-skinned
than most, perhaps because of some distant Mediterranean ancestor.

No Scruples?

Managing to Be Responsible in a Turbulent World

Bringing together ideas, insights and strategies of key players from across business and finance this book explores the key questions and pressures facing business and shows how organizations can respond in a way which makes both business and ethical sense.

Bringing together ideas, insights and strategies of key players from across business and finance this book explores the key questions and pressures facing business and shows how organizations can respond in a way which makes both business ...

Action Research

Teori, model dan aplikasinya

Kajian ini merupakan eligibilitas suatu penelitian tindakan (action research) untuk digunakan dalam ndidikan, baik pada jenjang pendidikan sarjana, magister, maupun doktoral. Mencakup puluhan modeL penelitian tindakan yang kemudian dikaji dan ditelaah lebih mendalam, yang pada akhirnya tersusun dalam suatu pokok pembahasan action research atau model penelitian tindakan. Cakupan isi buku dalam delapan bab ini membahas berbagai topik penting model action research: memahami penelitian tindakan; jenis penelitian tindakan; model-model pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan; identifikasi fokus penelitian dan pencarian informasi awal; perencanaan penelitian; teknik pengumpulan data; menganalisis data; dan menulis penelitian tindakan. Buku pegangan utama (textbook) ini direkomendasikan untuk berbagai aksi penelitian yang dilakukan lembaga riset ilmiah dan sosial-politik, kalangan LSM, organisasi/ perusahaan, dosen LPTIK, mahasiswa, guru, dan kalangan umum yangtertarik melaksanakan action research -PrenadaMedia-

New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Stake, Robert E. 2010. Qulatitative
Research: Studying How Things Work. New York: The Guilford Press. Stringer,
Ernest T. 2007. Action Research, 3rd 3dition. Los Angeles: Sage Publication Inc.
Sugiyono. 2012. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif
, dan R & D. Bandung: Afabeta. The Pennsylvania State University. 2000. “Using
Surveys for Data Collection in Continuous Improvement”. Innovation Insight,
Series No.

The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate

Between TV talk shows, radio call-in programs, email and the Internet, spontaneous-talk media has skyrocketed in the '90s. People are interacting more frequently and more fervently than ever before, turning the English language into an indecipherable mess. Now, this unique and concise compendium presents the most confused and misused words in the language today -- words misused by careless speakers and writers everywhere. It defines, discerns and distinguishes the finer points of sense and meaning. Was it fortuitous or only fortunate? Are you trying to remember, or more fully recollect? Is he uninterested or disinterested? Is it healthful or healthy, regretful or regrettable, notorious or infamous? The answers to these and many more fascinating etymological questions can be found within the pages of this invaluable (or is it valuable?) reference.

Between TV talk shows, radio call-in programs, email and the Internet, spontaneous-talk media has skyrocketed in the '90s.

Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate

Anyone looking to improve his or her vocabulary and anyone who loves words will be enthralled by this unique and impressive thesaurus that provides only the most unusual -- or is it recondite? --words for each entry.

Anyone looking to improve his or her vocabulary and anyone who loves words will be enthralled by this unique and impressive thesaurus that provides only the most unusual -- or is it recondite? --words for each entry.

Suffragists in an Imperial Age

U.S. Expansion and the Woman Question, 1870-1929

In 1899, Carrie Chapman Catt, who succeeded Susan B. Anthony as head of the National American Women Suffrage Association, argued that it was the "duty" of U.S. women to help lift the inhabitants of its new island possessions up from "barbarism" to "civilization," a project that would presumably demonstrate the capacity of U.S. women for full citizenship and political rights. Catt, like many suffragists in her day, was well-versed in the language of empire, and infused the cause of suffrage with imperialist zeal in public debate. Unlike their predecessors, who were working for votes for women within the context of slavery and abolition, the next generation of suffragists argued their case against the backdrop of the U.S. expansionism into Indian and Mormon territory at home as well as overseas in the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii. In this book, Allison L. Sneider carefully examines these simultaneous political movements--woman suffrage and American imperialism--as inextricably intertwined phenomena, instructively complicating the histories of both.

Schurz, “Speech of Hon. Carl Schurz,” 29. 147. Ibid., 27. 148. Ibid., 30. 149. Ibid.,
31. 150. Scott v. Sandford 60 U.S. (19 How. 1857), 446, as cited in Owen Fiss,
Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise: History of the Supreme Court of the United States
, vol. 8, Troubled Beginnings of the Modern State, 1888–1910 (New York:
Macmillan, 1993), 231–32. 151. Hamilton Fish to General Babcock (6 November
1869), S. Ex. Doc. No. 17, 41st Cong., 3rd sess., 16 January 1871, 80–82. 152.
Schurz ...

Matematika Ekonomi Jilid 1

Tujuan utama penulisan buku ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan mengenai matematika ekonomi. Buku ini sangat berguna bagi para mahasiswa yang latar belakang matematikanya sangat minim. Buku ini ditulis secara ringkas dan esensial supaya mudah dan lebih praktis dibaca, apalagi buku ini disajikan dengan bahasa yang sangat komunikatif atau bahasa seharihari, menyebabkan buku ini enak sekali diikuti dan isinya mudah dicerna. Penyajiannya disusun dengan dimulai dari konsepkonsep awam, contohcontoh soal yang banyak, dan tidak lupa latihanlatihan soal. Buku ini akan memberikan manfaat yang sangat efektif apabila dibaca atau diikuti dari awal dengan urutan sesuai dengan penyajian.

Tujuan utama penulisan buku ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan mengenai matematika ekonomi.