Sebanyak 74 item atau buku ditemukan

Speeches by the Right Honorable Sir Robert Peel During His Administration

Also His Address to the Electors of the Borough of Tamworth and Speech at the Grand Entertainment in Honor of Him at the Merchant Tailor's Hall

Was it not Lord Duncannon, named to the office of Secretary of State from his
especial connection with Ireland ? Now mark the indications of gratitude for this
appointment, and the prospect that Lord Duncannon had of cordial support from
the only party on which he could place a reliance. On the llth of October last, a
month preceding the dissolution of Lord Melbourne's Government, the Hon. and
Learned Member for Dublin addressed a letter to Lord Duncannon, having for its
motto, ...

Lean in

Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

The Facebook chief operating officer and Fortune top-ranked businesswoman shares provocative, anecdotal advice for women that urges them to take risks and seek new challenges in order to find work that they can love and engage in passionately.

The Facebook chief operating officer and Fortune top-ranked businesswoman shares provocative, anecdotal advice for women that urges them to take risks and seek new challenges in order to find work that they can love and engage in ...

Predictive Data Mining

A Practical Guide

This book presents a unified view of data mining, drawing from statistics, machine learning, and databases and focuses on the preparation of data and the development of an overall problem-solving strategy. It will interest researchers, programmers, and developers in knowledge discovery and data mining in the disciplines of AI, software engineering, and databases.

This book presents a unified view of data mining, drawing from statistics, machine learning, and databases and focuses on the preparation of data and the development of an overall problem-solving strategy.

Algoritma & Pemrograman Menggunakan Matlab (Matrix Laboratory)

Buku ini merupakan buku pendukung mata kuliah pemrograman dasar yang diajarkan pada berbagai jurusan di lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) dan Teknik tingkat sarjana atau diploma. Buku ini akan membantu mahasiswa untuk melakukan berbagai komputasi dan visualisasi model matematika bidang Sains dan Teknik dengan menggunakan program komputer menggunakan MATLAB. Kompetensi yang dapat dicapai setelah mempela-jari buku ini adalah: Memahami dasar-dasar pemrograman terstruktur menggunakan MATLAB. Mengenal operasi-operasi dasar dalam MATLAB. Menggunakan fungsi-fungsi standar dalam MATLAB untuk aplikasi dalam bidang sains. Menyusun program komputer untuk komputasi berbagai model matematika dalam bidang sains dengan menggunakan MATLAB. Menyusun program komputer untuk visualisasi . berbagai model matematika dalam bidangsains dengan menggunakan MATLAB. -PrenadaMedia-

Buku ini merupakan buku pendukung mata kuliah pemrograman dasar yang diajarkan pada berbagai jurusan di lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) dan Teknik tingkat sarjana atau diploma.