Sebanyak 74 item atau buku ditemukan

Menyusun Proposal Penelitian Kualitatif: Skripsi dan Tesis

Diandra Kreatif

Penelitian kualitatif adalah jenis penelitian yang temuan-temuannya tidak diperoleh melalui prosedur statistik atau bentuk hitungan lainnya dan bertujuan mengungkapkan gejala secara holistik-kontekstual melalui pengumpulan data dari latar ...

The UML Profile for Framework Architectures

This book presents a set of principles for designing frameworks and practical techniques for adapting them efficiently. It also describes how UML may be used to model frameworks and their applications and proposes a set of extensions to the UML which apply specifically to framework design.

This book presents a set of principles for designing frameworks and practical techniques for adapting them efficiently.

Enakmen Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam (Negeri Melaka) 2002 dan kaedah-kaedah

& Islamic Family Law (State of Malacca) Enactment 2002 and rules : hingga 10hb Mac 2005

... sengaja ingkar mematuhi perintah untuk pemulihan hak-hak persetubuhan,
atau gila di pihak isteri atau isteri-isteri yang sedia ada; (b) bahawa pemohon
mempunyai kemampuan yang membolehkan dia menanggung, sebagaimana
yang di- kehendaki oleh Hukum Syarak, semua isteri dan orang tanggungannya,
termasuk orang yang akan menjadi orang tanggungannya berikutan dengan
perkahwinan yang dicadangkan itu; (c) bahawa pemohon akan berupaya
memberi layanan ...

Kamus dwibahasa lengkap Lamaholot-Indonesia

tatabahasa singkat, kosa kata umum, bentuk idiom, antonim, sinonim

Lamaholot language-Indonesian dictionary, grammar, idioms, antonyms and synonyms.

Lamaholot language-Indonesian dictionary, grammar, idioms, antonyms and synonyms.

HR Strategy

With a huge proportion of any organization’s expenditure invested in human resources and economic pressures demanding that companies become leaner than ever, it has never been more important for HR professionals to think and act strategically to turn their people planning into profit. Focusing on HR as a key driver of competitive advantage and sustainable success, HR Strategy, second edition, demonstrates how to create a winning human resource strategy by predicting the results you expect to see and developing a workable, measurable plan for managing human capital. All of this requires an ability to tap into the needs of individual employees to unleash their maximum value. This concise, easy-to-read text takes a practical, how-to approach, covering both the wide-angle theory and the day-to-day practice. This new edition includes: Updated case studies to demonstrate how strategies work in different organizational contexts Thorough revision throughout to incorporate the latest theories, developments, tools and measures Increased focus on the questions you need to ask about how your organization is configured, its values and principles, and what changes can be made from the ground up

A hardnosed, pureprofit motive will dictate you locate them wherever local
planning laws allowyouto and where they can ... continuous improvement
philosophy encapsulated inits three key principles: Plan – Developing strategies
to improve ...

Metodologi penelitian kualitatif

pendekatan positivistik, rasionalistik, phenomenologik, dan realisme metaphisik telaah studi teks dan penelitian agama