Sebanyak 25 item atau buku ditemukan

Perilaku birokrasi dalam pengaruh paham kekuasaan Jawa

Impact of Javanese culture in Indonesian government system.

Melalui manajemen dan administrasinya, maka negara atau pemerintah
merupakan agregasi yang "unavoidable" dan manajemen negara atau birokrasi
pemerintah menjadi "ultimately compel obedience'* (Gerald Caiden, 1982).
Birokrasi 12 ...

The Economics of Productivity in Asia and Australia

"Suggests processes and strategies for choosing the best technique to draw up policies for sustainable growth." - dust jacket.

Section 7.6 presents the empirical evidence and section 7.7 concludes. 7.2
MOTIVATION OF CASE STUDY Although many studies have shown that output
growth in Singapore's aggregate economy is input-driven, few studies apart from
Tsao ...

Psikologi agama

kepribadian muslim Pancasila

Kesadaran Beragama pada Masa Anak-anak Pada waktu lahir, anak belum
beragama. Ia baru memiliki potensi atau fitrah untuk berkembang menjadi
manusia beragama. Bayi belum mempunyai kesadaran beragama, tetapi telah
memiliki ...

Soal Jawab Undang-undang Kontrak

Peruntukan tersirat ini dibuat bagi melindungi hak pengguna bagi mengelakkan
penindasan perjanjian seragam yang dibuat oleh peniaga. Ini bermakna, apabila
terma dalam perjanjian seragam yang dibuat oleh peniaga bertentangan ... Fasal
pengecualian adalah sebahagian terma dalam sesuatu kontrak yang
dimasukkan bagi melepaskan tanggungan yang wujud akibat daripada kontrak.
Kontrak akan me- wujudkan tanggungan kepada pihak-pihak yang berkontrak.
Dalam ...

Sepuluh hal yang harus dilakukan sebelum aku mati

Karena kalau aku pergi ke suatu tempat di mana benar-benar ada penyakit dan
kemiskinan dan kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan dan kalau aku bisa membantu
dengan cara apa pun — kalau aku bisa bantu satu saja hal kecil, untuk sekali ...

Heidegger and the Project of Fundamental Ontology

It is by all means a dubious thing to depend and rest on what an author himself has brought to the forefront. The important thing is rather to give attention to those things he left shrouded in silence. "

The topic investigated is the thesis regarding Being contained in logic as a
discipline, and according to which "every being, regardless of its particular way of
being can be addressed and talked about by means of the 'is'."6 In other words,
the ...

The Future University

Ideas and Possibilities

Winner of the Comparative and International Education Society Higher Education Special Interest Group Best Book Award for 2014! As universities increasingly engage with the world beyond the classroom and the campus, those who work within higher education are left to examine how the university's mission has changed. Official reviews and debates often forget to inquire into the purposes and responsibilities of universities, and how they are changing. Where these matters are addressed, they are rarely pursued in depth, and rarely go beyond current circumstances. Those who care about the university's role in society are left looking for a renewed sense of purpose regarding its goals and aspirations. The Future University explores new avenues opening up to universities and tackles fundamental issues facing their development. Contributors with interdisciplinary and international perspectives imagine ways to frame the university's future. They consider the history of the university, its current status as an active player in local governments, cultures, and markets, and where these trajectories may lead. What does it mean to be a university in the twenty-first century? What could the university become? What limitations do they face, and what opportunities might lie ahead? This volume in the International Studies in Higher Education series offers bold and imaginative possibilities.

What could the university become? What limitations do they face, and what opportunities might lie ahead? This volume in the International Studies in Higher Education series offers bold and imaginative possibilities.