Sebanyak 87 item atau buku ditemukan

Qawa'id Fiqiyyah dan Penerapannya dalam Transaksi Keuangan Syari'ah Kontemp

Corporate Governance, Capital Markets, and Capital Budgeting

An Integrated Approach

The primary contribution of this book is to integrate the important disciplines which simultaneously impact the investment appraisal process. The book presents a study that develops a new approach to investment appraisal which uses a multiple objective linear programming (MOLP) model to integrate the selected disciplines which include capital markets, corporate governance and capital budgeting. The research covers two case studies, one in the e-commerce sector and another in the airline industry in which the above disciplines are integrated. Readers from the areas of corporate governance, regulation, and accounting would find the survey of different approaches and the new integrated optimization approach particularly useful. ​

Other significant economic issues that impact on capital budgeting are discussed
in the next section. 1.6 Capital Budgeting, Regulation, Capital Markets and
Accounting Practices 1.6.1 Capital Budgeting and Regulation Regulation in
capital ...

Fundamental Research at Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2002-2005: Arts

Frequent floods that occur in Kulim River Catchment has caused extensive
damage and inconvenience to the community especially floods event in October
2003 which exceeds 100 year ARI. Previous study for Kulim River (DID 1996;
Yahaya 1999; Lee 2001; Koey 2003) are limited to a flood event, therefore it is
not able to predict river stability efficiency. Thus, a long-term simulation by using
two computer models (FLUVIAL-12 and InfoWorks RS) is proposed for this river
stability study.

Fundamental Research at Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2002-2005: Life sciences

111. | 12. 113. 114. 115. Piah A.R.M. and Chew P.C. (2004). Generating G'Fonts
Using Cubic Ball Functions with Weight. In Banissi E., Piah A.R.M. and Sarfraz M.
(Eds.). Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization, pp. 115–119. Los
Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society. Rahman I.A., Saad B., Ariffin R., Saleh M.I.,
Yusof A.T.M. and Azahari A. (2003). Perincian Nanotiub Silika yang Disediakan
Secara Sol-Gel. Seminar Kimia Analisis Ke-16, Kuching, Sarawak, September 9–
11, 2003.

Fundamental Research at Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2002-2005: Physical sciences

Computer-Aided Design 10(6), 350. 2. Goodman T.N.T. (1991). Closed
biquadratic surfaces. Constructive Approximation 7, 149. 3. Lee S.L. and Majid
A.A. (1992). Closed smooth piecewise bicubic surfaces. ACM Transactions of
Graphics 10(4), 342. 4. Piah A.R.M. (1992). Construction of smooth surfaces by
piecewise tensor product polynomials. In: Lyche T. and Schumaker L.L. (Eds.).
Mathematical Methods in Computer Aided Geometric Design II. San Diego:
Academic Press, 441. 5.