Sebanyak 26 item atau buku ditemukan

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Illustrated Edition

Harry Potter lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt and Uncle's house. He is bullied by them and his spoilt cousin, and lives a very unremarkable life. But then Harry is transported to a world of magic and excitement

The landmark publishing event of 2015 -- a full-colour illustrated edition of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone with breathtaking illustrations by Jim Kay, winner of the Kate Greenaway medal.

Interpretations of English

essays on language, linguistics and philology

SUBSTITUTION (12) *paquet instead of packet" (13) *inmediately instead of
immediately TRANSPOSITION (14) *bussines instead of business. So far, we
have explained why consonant doubling has such a decisive influence on the ...

101 pertanyaan yang harus anda tanyakan pada diri anda

Anda. Pikir. Anda. Bisa. Hidup. di. Negeri. Asing? Jika anda atau calon pasangan
anda mempunyai pekerjaan yang bisa jadi membuat anda ditugaskan ke negara
lain, apa- kah anda terbuka untuk memulai sebuah hidup baru di luar negeri?

Bunga rampai komunikasi manusia

Critique on social and cultural condition in Indonesia.

Dan mereka memang berubah, sekalipun boleh dibilang tetap konservatif. Ketika
orde baru membebaskan munculnya radio swasta niaga - muncullah bisnis baru
yang mengasyikkan. RRI pun pernah merasa "ewuh aya" akan misinya.

Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problems

Pengenbangan Sistem Jaringan Distribusi dan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Sebagai Infrastuktur Bangunan Ekonomi Rakyat