Sebanyak 29 item atau buku ditemukan

Lingua Franca in the Mediterranean

The subject of this study is the language of commerce and diplomacy during the period from 1500 BCE to 1500 CE. Based on texts of chancery provenance, its aim is the identification of a linguistic sub-system that effected and informed the major channel of international relations. The standard procedures of contact and exchange generated a format that facilitated inter-lingual transfer of concepts and terms. Lingua Franca refers to the several natural languages that served as vehicle in the transfer, but also to the format itself.

Covers the language of commerce and diplomacy during the period from 1500 BCE to 1500 CE. Aims at the identification of a linguistic sub-system that effected and informed the major channel of international relations.

Perspektif etika baru

55 esai tentang masalah aktual

Issues on social, political conditions, technology, and education in Indonesia; collected articles.

Seorang pemimpin ideal selalu tahu menjaga keseimbangan antara taraf makro
dan taraf mikro. Ia tetap akan memfokuskan hal-hal besar yang penting, tetapi
hal-hal kecil atau detail-detail juga tidak pernah luput dari perhatiannya. Hal itu
tidak saja berlaku untuk pemimpin pemerintahan seperti presiden, tetapi untuk
setiap pemimpin, termasuk juga pemimpin di bidang bisnis. Memang benar,
makin besar sebuah organisasi makin penting pula pemimpinnya berkonsentrasi
pada ...

Revolusi damai

rekaman kemelut di Filipina

Analysis and political background of the fall of Ferdinand E. Marcos, President of the Philippines.

Tech- nosphere Consultants Group, sebuah perusahaan Herdis, akan
menyediakan manajemen bangunan dan konstruksi. Perusahaan lain milik
Disini, Summa Insurance Corporation yang melakukan kegiatan dalam asuransi
bukan jiwa, memenangkan kontrak untuk menyusun kebijakan asuransi bernilai
668 juta dolar AS di dalam proyek. Sebuah lagi cabang perusahaan Herdis,
Asian Petrochemical Development Corporation diangkat sebagai agen
pemerintah untuk kompleks ...

Nuansa psikologi pembangunan

Issues on development in Indonesia; psychological viewpoint; collected articles.

Dia merupakan tempat tumbuh dan berkembangnya kepribadian anak. Anak
akan masuk surga atau akan masuk neraka sangat ditentukan oleh bagaimana
cara ibu mengasuhnya. Demikian pula bagaimana produktivitas suami dan
perilaku ...

Teach Yourself Basic Plumbing and Central Heating

- a basic, step-by-step guide that shows you how carry out essential tasks and avoid exorbitant call-out rates - gives you clear and straightforward instructions with plenty of illustrations - features a useful glossary - covers both emergency repairs and small projects such as plumbing dishwashers, changing taps and so on teach yourself Basic Plumbing and Central Heating is a straightforward guide to such easy, yet frequently mysterious, tasks as replacing a radiator or changing a tap; it also offers ample help for such crises as blocked toilets and frozen pipes. It will tell you all about the layout of the house and water system, then show you how to undertake basic emergency repairs; complete small and achievable projects and even tackle bigger things like installing a bathroom suite or plumbing in a dishwasher. With plenty of illustrations, step-by-step guides, a full glossary and a whole chapter on how and when to call in expert help, this book is perfect for you if you dread the expense of call-out charges and labour.

This basic and accessible guide gives you all you need to know to carry out essential plumbing and heating jobs at home - and also tells you where to draw the line!