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Pengantar Ilmu Geoinformatika

Bidang Ilmu Geoinformatika merupakan bidang ilmu paling muda dari kajian Ilmu Spasial. Sebagai sebuah bidang ilmu baru, ia lahir dari pondasi kajian ilmu geografi dengan analisis keruangannya, ilmu komputer dengan teknik komputasinya, dan ilmu informasi dengan kajian khusus didalamnya. Berdasarkan waktu lahirnya, kajian ilmu geoinformatika didahului oleh kelahiran Geographical Information System (1968), kemudian ilmu geomatika (1981) yang merupakan bagian dari bidang ilmu teknik rekayasa dan geodesi, kemudian barulah lahir ilmu geoinformatika pada awal tahun 2000 seiring dengan lahirnya teknik komputasi tinggi dan perangkat keras yang mendukung.

Bidang Ilmu Geoinformatika merupakan bidang ilmu paling muda dari kajian Ilmu Spasial.

Sex in Middlesex

Popular Mores in a Massachusetts County, 1649-1699

Social historian Roger Thompson brings the forgotten and faceless men and women in 17th-century Massachusetts to suggest that records from Middlesex County of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay show that the puritan social system was not so rigid and the relationships between sexes not so regulated as some historians have suggested. The argument of 'Sex in Middlesex' is revisionist: the 'puritans' and 'theocrats' who throng its pages do not behave in accordance with popular stereotype or conform tot he interpretations of major historians.

When another witness found them in the woods together at dawn, Wilkinson
explained that they were retrieving stock, since "Durrant was so idle and lazy that
he would not looke after the cowe." Although this sounded like the pot calling the

Fighting the Death Penalty

A Fifty-Year Journey of Argument and Persuasion

Michigan is the only state in the country that has a death penalty prohibition in its constitution—Eugene G. Wanger’s compelling arguments against capital punishment is a large reason it is there. The forty pieces in this volume are writings created or used by the author, who penned the prohibition clause, during his fifty years as a death penalty abolitionist. His extraordinary background in forensics, law, and political activity as constitutional convention delegate and co-chairman of the Michigan Committee Against Capital Punishment has produced a remarkable collection. It is not only a fifty-year history of the anti–death penalty argument in America, it also is a detailed and challenging example of how the argument against capital punishment may be successfully made.

The advocates of execution also refer to a study by Isaac Ehrlich. The study is
based upon a highly sophisticated and arbitrarily designed econometric formula
comprising dozens and dozens of mathematical components. Its validity, design
and findings have been thoroughly discredited by other econometricians at
Columbia University, and elsewhere, and there is only one other published
econometric analysis, which has equally been discredited, I might add, that
supports Ehrlich's ...

Approaches to the Qur'an in Contemporary Indonesia

Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim country, but much of its scholarly work on Islam is not available to a wider readership. This volume brings together a wide range of Muslim intellectuals, from traditionalists to modernists, and makes their varied approaches to the Qur'an accessible to an English-speaking audience for the first time. Topics covered range from textual interpretation and religious pluralism to debates on polygamy within the Indonesian Muslim women's movement and the use of Qur'anic verses in contemporary Indonesian politics.

Purposive exegesis: a study of Quraish Shihab's thematic interpretation of the
Qur'an MUHAMMADIYAH AMIN and KUSMANA Muhammad quraIsh shIhab is
recognised as one of the first Muslim scholars to establish a contemporary
methodology of tafsir (exegesis, interpretation) in Indonesia. In his 1996 work
Wawasan al-Qur'an: Tafsir Maudhu'i atas Pelbagai Persoalan Umat (The Qur'
anic Perspective: Thematic Interpretation of Various Community Problems),
which is listed in ...

Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals

A Complete Digital Imaging Course for Investigators

After reviewing the rules and guidelines that govern the use and handling of
images in a legal setting, we'll look at how to set up and navigate through
Photoshop, Bridge, and Adobe Camera Raw. I Chapter 1 Chapter2 Chapter3
Chapter 4 Chapter5 Chapter 6 Best Practices Reports and Testimony Basic
Imaging Settings Navigating with Bridge Camera Raw Viewing Metadata Best
Practices In any aspect of evidence collection, crime scene Photoshop CS3 for
Forensics Professionals: ...

Photoshop CS3 RAW

Transforming Your RAW Data Into Works of Art

Describes how to create digital images using Photoshop CS3, Adobe Bridge 2.0, and Camera Raw 4.