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The Hidden Power of Adjustment Layers in Adobe Photoshop

Provides instructions on Photoshop's adjustment and fill layers, covering such topics as color, composition, histograms, and gradient maps.

Paint in the window to show warm light coming from the interior of the house, and
lightly paint some of the shadow areas to add a hint of detail and reflection. To
maintain realism, you need to choose a direction for the light source. I've chosen

West of Jesus

Surfing, Science, and the Origins of Belief

After spending two years in bed with Lyme disease, Steven Kotler had lost everything: his health, his job, his girl, and, he was beginning to suspect, his mind. Kotler, not a religious man, suddenly found himself drawn to the sport of surfing as if it were the cornerstone of a new faith. Why, he wondered, when there was nothing left to believe in, could he begin to believe in something as unlikely as surfing? What was belief anyway? How did it work in the body, the brain, our culture, and human history? With the help of everyone from rebel surfers to rocket scientists, Kotler undertakes a three-year globetrotting quest. The results are a startling mix of big waves and bigger ideas: a surfer's journey into the biological underpinnings of belief itself.

After spending two years in bed with Lyme disease, Steven Kotler had lost everything: his health, his job, his girl, and, he was beginning to suspect, his mind.

Kotler On Marketing

Since 1969, Philip Kotler's marketing text books have been read as the marketing gospel, as he has provided incisive and valuable advice on how to create, win and dominate markets. In KOTLER ON MARKETING, he has combined the expertise of his bestselling textbooks and world renowned seminars into this practical all-in-one book, covering everything there is to know about marketing. In a clear, straightforward style, Kotler covers every area of marketing from assessing what customers want and need in order to build brand equity, to creating loyal long-term customers. For business executives everywhere, KOTLER ON MARKETING will become the outstanding work in the field. The secret of Kotler's success is in the readability, clarity, logic and precision of his prose, which derives from his vigorous scientific training in economics, mathematics and the behavioural sciences. Each point and chapter is plotted sequentially to build, block by block, on the strategic foundation and tactical superstructure of the book.


The Way of the Oracle

Recovering the Practices of the Past to Find Answers for Today

Throughout history, the uncertainties of life have driven people to seek counsel from prophets, seers, and oracles on everything from love to livelihood: people want to talk to their lost loved ones, heal old family traumas, find out about work, and determine what the future will bring. In The Way of the Oracle, bestselling author, scholar, and priestess Diana L. Paxson offers a broad overview of the traditions of famous oracles in history: from the pythia at Delphi, the son of Beor, the Irish druidess, and the Greenland völva, to today’s modern seers who are resurrecting ancient skills to serve their communities. Paxson identifies the core elements of prophetic practice, her belief in probability rather than predestination, and offers exercises and examples to demonstrate how anyone can be trained to do oracle work. Her methods focus on trance skills and improving communication between one’s unconscious and conscious mind to encourage selfknowledge and decision making. The Way of the Oracle introduces the practice of oracle work to a wider audience, and shows how exploring the potential of other minds can expand our own.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1939. The Poetic Edda. Vol. III:
Mythological Poems. Edited and translated by Ursula Dronke. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1997. The Poetic Edda. Translated by Lee M. Hollander. Austin: University
of ...

Total Quality in Research and Development

The present environment for research and development in business can be characterized in two simple words: inconsistent horizons. As the rapid development of technology and the number of new scientific discoveries have led to tremendous change, businesses have modified their entire corporate structure, downsizing, and operating in a constant state of flux. This environment with its inconsistency makes R&D a risky venture. Total Quality in Research and Development looks at these problems and presents models, systems, and paradigms that offer a systematic improvement process for businesses and their management. The unparalleled challenge faced by those working in R&D functions is examined, offering beneficial approaches for implementing total quality improvement efforts. This book shows how TQ promotes rather than stifles inventiveness, ingenuity, and individual accomplishment. Through collaborative efforts, both team and individual performance initiates and maintains clear objectives as well as produces the optimal environment for the prospering of research. The total quality systems presented here are not just a system, method, or philosophy, but rather a working model for daily operations. This valuable and practical working model examines actual daily work practices, guideposts and measurements for success, and management practices that stress creativity and group achievements that support company goals.

He later worked at Bell Laboratories in the area of quality assurance. He worked
as a government administrator, university professor, labor arbitrator, and
corporate director before establishing his own consulting firm, the Juran Institute,

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: The Illustrated Edition (Harry Potter, Book 2)

When the Chamber of Secrets is opened again at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, second-year student Harry Potter finds himself in danger from a dark power that has once more been released on the school.

The Dursleys were so mean and hideous that summer that all Harry Potter wanted was to get back to the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: The Illustrated Edition, Collector's Edition (Harry Potter, Book 2)

Award-winning artist Jim Kay illustrates year two of Harry Potter's adventures at Hogwarts in a stunning collector's edition. In addition to the jacketed hardcover illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, we are pleased to offer a small-run, high-end collector's format in time for the 2016 holiday season. Special features include: *Clothbound hardcover in slipcase *Intricate gold foil stamped artwork on book cover and slipcase *Gilt edges on premium grade paper *Two-and-a-half-foot-wide accordion-folded removable poster *Two ribbon bookmarks *Packed in bespoke individual mailing cartons *Printed in Italy A rare opportunity and a luxurious reading experience, this collector's edition is the ultimate gift for Harry Potter fans and bibliophiles alike.

When the Chamber of Secrets is opened again at the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, second-year student Harry Potter finds himself in danger from a dark power that has once more been released on the school.

Friend Zone

Di mata Abel, David adalah cowok sempurna. Dia ganteng, populer, dan selalu berada di sisi Abel. Tiap David memandangnya, Abel selalu berharap rona merah di pipinya tidak ketahuan oleh David. Apalagi saat David menyentuhnya, mengacak rambutnya, seolah seluruh partikel di dalam tubuh Abel siap memelesat tinggi menembus langit. Hanya satu kekurangan David, ia adalah sahabat Abel. Di mata David, Abel adalah cewek tomboi yang sejak kecilselalu ada di orbit kehidupannya. Ia merasa sangat nyaman bersama Abel. David nggak perlu jaga image di depan cewek itu. Sayangnya, kenyamanan yang berlebihan ini membuatnya nggak peka. Tanpa David sadari, janjinya untuk menjadi sahabat Abel selamanya justru melukai perasaan gadis itu. [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Belia, Novel, Wattpad, Kisah, Romance, Remaja, Cinta, Indonesia]

Di mata Abel, David adalah cowok sempurna.


Di Bolivia, Gio mendapat kabar bahwa Diva hilang dalam sebuah ekspedisi sungai di pedalaman Amazon. Di Indonesia, perjalanan seorang anak yatim piatu bernama Bodhi dimulai. Bodhi, yang dibesarkan di wihara oleh Guru Liong, akhirnya meninggalkan tempat ia dibesarkan dan bertualang ke Asia Tenggara. Di Bangkok, ia bertemu pria eksentrik bernama Kell yang mengajarinya seni tato. Setelah melalui petualangan yang berliku di berbagai negara, Bodhi akhirnya kembali ke Indonesia. Ia dipertemukan dengan tokoh punk karismatik bernama Bong. Sejak itu, Bodhi menjadi bagian dari komunitas punk dengan perannya sebagai seniman tato. Sebuah surat misterius yang ditemukan secara tidak sengaja oleh Bodhi kembali membawanya ke gerbang petualangan baru. [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Dewi Dee Lestari, Supernova, Best Seller, Fantasi, Travelling, Bodhi, Punk, Indonesia]

Sebuah surat misterius yang ditemukan secara tidak sengaja oleh Bodhi kembali membawanya ke gerbang petualangan baru. [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Dewi Dee Lestari, Supernova, Best Seller, Fantasi, Travelling, Bodhi, Punk, Indonesia]