Sebanyak 71 item atau buku ditemukan

Enabling efficient and operational mobility in large heterogeneous IP networks

The transport layer connection is bound to HI instead of the IP address, and the
IP address becomes a pure routing message. The HI is dynamic, mapped to one
or more IP addresses in the HIP layer. In practice, HIP uses a Host Identifier Tag ...




Aspek hukum dalam ekonomi global

Legal aspects of international business practice in Indonesia according to global economic concept.

Legal aspects of international business practice in Indonesia according to global economic concept.

Food and Drink - Good Manufacturing Practice

A Guide to its Responsible Management (GMP6)

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) refers to advice and guidance put in place to outline the aspects of production and testing that can impact the quality and safety of a product. In the case of food and drink, GMP is aimed at ensuring that products are safe for the consumer and are consistently manufactured to a quality appropriate to their intended use. Manufacturers have for several years been driving towards such goals as Total Quality Management (TQM), lean manufacturing and sustainability – GMP is bound up with these issues. The ever-increasing interest amongst consumers, retailers and enforcement authorities in the conditions and practices in food manufacture and distribution, increases the need for the food manufacturer to operate within clearly defined policies such as those laid down in GMP. The ability to demonstrate that Good Manufacturing Practice has been fully and effectively implemented could, in the event of a consumer complaint or a legal action, reduce the manufacturer’s liability and protect them from prosecution. First launched in 1986, IFST’s Good Manufacturing Practice Guide has been widely recognized as an indispensable reference work for food scientists and technologists. It sets out to ensure that food manufacturing processes deliver products that are uniform in quality, free from defects and contamination, and as safe as it is humanly possible to make them. This 6th edition has been completely revised and updated to include all the latest standards and guidance, especially with regard to legislation-driven areas such as HACCP. The Guide is a must have for anyone in a managerial or technical capacity concerned with the manufacture, storage and distribution of food and drink. It is also a valuable reference for food education, training and for those involved in food safety and enforcement. Food scientists in academic and industry environments will value its precision, and policy makers and regulatory organizations will find it an indispensable guide to an important and multifaceted area. About IFST IFST is the leading independent qualifying body for food professionals in Europe and the only professional body in the UK concerned with all aspects of food science and technology. IFST members are drawn from all over the world and from all ages and backgrounds, including industry (manufacturing, retailing and food service), universities and schools, government, research and development, quality assurance and food law enforcement. IFST qualifications are internationally recognised as a sign of proficiency and integrity.

In order to achieve the objectives of good manufacturing practice (GMP), it is
necessary to have in place: 1. Quality Assurance: that is, to design and plan, as
relevant, raw material specifications, ingredients formulation, adequate resources

Divining the Oracle

Monteverdi's Seconda Prattica

Claudio Monteverdi's historical position in music has been compared to that of Shakespeare in literature: almost exact contemporaries, each worked from traditional beginnings to transform nearly every genre he attempted. In this book, Massimo Ossi delves into the most significant aspect of Monteverdi's career: the development, during the first years of the seventeenth century, of a new compositional style he called the seconda prattica or "second manner." Challenged in print for the unconventional aspects of his music, Monteverdi found himself at the center of a debate between defenders of Renaissance principles and the newest musical currents of the time. The principles of the seconda prattica, Ossi argues in this sophisticated analysis of Monteverdi's writings, music, and approaches to text-setting, were in fact much more significant to the course of Monteverdi's career than previously thought by modern scholars-not only did Monteverdi continue to pursue their aesthetic and theoretical implications for the rest of his life, but they also affected his dramatic compositions as well as his chamber vocal music and sacred works. Ossi "divines the oracle" of Monteverdi's ambiguous theoretical concepts in a clear way and in terms of pure music; his book will enhance our understanding of Monteverdi as one of the most significant figures in western music history.

Palisca, Claude V. “The Artusi–Monteverdi Controversy.” In The New Monteverdi
Companion, Ed. Denis Arnold and Nigel Fortune, 127–58. London: Faber and
Faber, 1985. ———. The Florentine Camerata. New Haven: Yale University
Press, ...

Easy Adobe Photoshop 6

Showcases the most recent upgrade of the computer graphics programs with a visually-oriented tutorial covering common tasks, including selection tools, color, editing, manipulation, filters, and printing.

Showcases the most recent upgrade of the computer graphics programs with a visually-oriented tutorial covering common tasks, including selection tools, color, editing, manipulation, filters, and printing.


Kisah Masa Muda Sang Visioner

Rudy, sebuah kisah apik yang tersusun dari cerita-cerita B.J. Habibie yang belum pernah tersiar ke publik hingga saat ini. Buku ini merekam perjalanan seorang anak laki-laki yang tengah tumbuh dewasa dan Tanah Air kita yang masih belia. Tak banyak yang tahu kalau cita-cita membangun industri pesawat terbang untuk Indonesia justru diawali oleh ketakutan Rudy pada burung besi semasa Perang Dunia Kedua. Begitu pula kisah cinta Rudy yang tersembunyi sebelum pertemuannya dengan Ainun, sang cinta sejati, hingga fakta bahwa Rudy tak menyukai kata "mimpi" sebagai kata ganti hal yang sangat diinginkannya. Baginya, "cita-cita" adalah kata yang lebih menjejak dan nyata. Rudy, sosok yang jengah disebut jenius, tapi senang dianggap sebagai pekerja keras yang setia. Setia pada cita-citanya. Setia pada cintanya. Buku ini akan mengantarkan kita untuk melihat langsung perjalanan B.J. Habibie, yang kita kenal sekarang ini, datang dari visi besar orangtuanya, pengorbanan keluarganya, dukungan para sahabatnya, dan inspirasi terbesarnya: Indonesia. [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Habibie, Ainun, Bangsa, Negara, Ilmuan, Riset, Indonesia]

Rudy, sebuah kisah apik yang tersusun dari cerita-cerita B.J. Habibie yang belum pernah tersiar ke publik hingga saat ini.