Sebanyak 42 item atau buku ditemukan

Burning Tanks and an Empty Desert

Based on the Unpublished Journal of Major John Sylvanus MacGill, MB, ChB, MD, Royal Army Medical Corps

The Successes and Sacrifices of the British Army in 1914 This work is a study of military history from the top down and also from the bottom up. It describes a brigade—four thousand men—of the old British Regular Army that fought in the British Expeditionary Force in France in 1914. This army was of the highest quality but was very small. The book describes the strategy and tactics of the fighting, in which the British played a major role. But the work also describes the fighting from the point of view of junior officers and men in the ranks from the bottom up. Johnny: The Legend and Tragedy of General Sir Ian Hamilton Hamilton was a heroic leader of men. He had an extremely successful career until his last and biggest campaign, the assault on the Gallipoli peninsula in 1915. This was a disaster because Hamilton, despite all his other qualities, was an inadequate strategist. General Sir Roger Wheeler, chief of the general staff and professional head of the British Army, wrote an enthusiastic foreword to the book. It was also very favourably received by the Royal United Services Institute. Battles of a Gunner Officer: Tunisia, Sicily, Normandy and the Long Road to Germany This book describes some of the most important campaigns fought by the British army during the Second World War. The unique feature of the book is that the campaigns are revealed through the eyes of a successful battery commander in the Royal Artillery (widely considered to be the most successful individual element of the British army). General Sir Richard Barrons, a senior serving officer and head of the Joint Forces Command, wrote the foreword to the book and commented on the unique nature of the work.

Tunisia, Sicily, Normandy and the Long Road to Germany, by John Philip Jones,
based on the unpublished diary of Major Peter Pettit, DSO, TD, HAC.) By trial and
error I had learned that a book of this type cannot be made to work unless the ...

BUKU DIARSIP : The Portable MBA in Economics

They school you in the basics of both macro- and micro-economics and show you how they relate to one another, and above all, how both directly affect your business. And most importantly, they teach you how to apply what you've learned to your day-to-day decision making and planning.

An overview of economic concepts along with a generous portion of real world examples that demonstrate exactly how to apply economics to everyday business decisions and forecasting.

The Essential Herman Kahn

In Defense of Thinking

By the time of his untimely death in 1983, Herman Kahn was recognized by both friends and intellectual adversaries as 'one of the world's most creative and best minds.' The current growing resurgence of interest in Kahn's ideas and intellectual legacy demonstrates the enduring relevance of his work. Yet, in spite of the constant influence of his arguments, there is a shortage of books summarizing Kahn's essential contributions, and thus his work is not as well known as it should be. The Essential Herman Kahn is an attempt to cope with this predicament and offer the public for the first time an anthology consisting of the essence of Kahn's work, organized thematically. The two decades that have passed since his death allow us today to approach his work undisturbed by the 'sound and fury' of the many public debates and controversies he participated in and to focus on some of the deepest and most enduring dimensions of his intellectual contributions. The anthology will try to bring together, out of the several thousands pages published by Kahn during his life, the 'essential Kahn,' the most relevant, consequential and interesting themes, ideas and arguments defining his legacy. As such it will met the needs of those who are interested in Kahn's work but do not have the time and energy to access his out-of-print books, to make their way through the voluminous number of pages, and then to sort out the essential from the accidental, the perennial from the contextual.

It is the purpose of such techniques as systems analysis to make designs that are
relatively insensitive to changes in assumptions. For a remarkable number of
cases this can be done, given sufficient intelligence, care, and interest. While of ...

An Introduction to Programming with IDL

Interactive Data Language

Ideal for those with no programming experience.

Ideal for those with no programming experience.

Pendidikan kewarganegaraan di perguruan tinggi

Buku Ajar: Asuhan Kebidanan Komprehensif Pada Ibu Bersalin dan Bayi Baru Lahir/oleh Ika Putri damayanti

Kehamilan, persalinan, nifas dan bayi baru lahir merupakan suatu keadaan yang fisiologis namun dalam prosesnya terdapat kemungkinan suatu keadaan yang dapat mengancam jiwa ibu dan bayi bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Oleh karena itu, kehamilan, persalinan, nifas dan bayi baru lahir harus ditangani oleh petugas kesehatan yang berwenang demi kesehatan dan keselamatan ibu dan bayi. Buku ajar ini disusun berdasarkan materi pokok bahasan mata kuliah asuhan ibu bersalin yang telah disesuaikan dengan kurikulum diii kebidanan STIKES Hang Tuah Pekanbaru tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Buku ajar ini diharapkan dapat diajadikan sebagai bahan bagi mahasiswa. [Penerbit Deepublish, Deepublish, Kebidanan]

Kehamilan, persalinan, nifas dan bayi baru lahir merupakan suatu keadaan yang fisiologis namun dalam prosesnya terdapat kemungkinan suatu keadaan yang dapat mengancam jiwa ibu dan bayi bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian.