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Managing Politics and Islam in Indonesia

This book examines the politics of Islam and the state in Indonesia over recent decades, during which time there has been a notable resurgence of Islamic political movements. It argues that after a period in the late 1980s and 1990s, when the state worked to bring religious authority and institutions within state-prescribed limits in order to support the official state ideology and political stability, there was a change whereby Suharto incorporated Muslim interests within the political system. One unintended consequence of this was to raise Muslims' political expectations and to mobilise Muslim political interests in the context of broadening 'pro-democracy' opposition which contributed to the downfall of Suharto's regime. Based on extensive original research, including interviews with participants, the book charts the shifts in relations between Islam and the Indonesian state over time, assessing the impact on other groups, and on the cohesion of Indonesia overall.

2, 31 May 2000 'Instruksi Menteri Agama Nomor 8 Tahun 1979 Tentang
Pembinaan, Bimbingan Dan Pengawasan Terhadap Organisasi Dan Aliran
Dalam Islam Yang Bertentangan Dengan Ajaran Islam', Buku Peraturan
Perundangan ...

The Gaia Hypothesis

Science on a Pagan Planet

In 1965 English scientist James Lovelock had a flash of insight: the Earth is not just teeming with life; the Earth, in some sense, is life. He mulled this revolutionary idea over for several years, first with his close friend the novelist William Golding, and then in an extensive collaboration with the American scientist Lynn Margulis. In the early 1970s, he finally went public with the Gaia hypothesis, the idea that everything happens for an end: the good of planet Earth. Lovelock and Margulis were scorned by professional scientists, but the general public enthusiastically embraced Lovelock and his hypothesis. People joined Gaia groups; churches had Gaia services, sometimes with new music written especially for the occasion. There was a Gaia atlas, Gaia gardening, Gaia herbs, Gaia retreats, Gaia networking, and much more. And the range of enthusiasts was—and still is—broad. In The Gaia Hypothesis, philosopher Michael Ruse, with his characteristic clarity and wit, uses Gaia and its history, its supporters and detractors, to illuminate the nature of science itself. Gaia emerged in the 1960s, a decade when authority was questioned and status and dignity stood for nothing, but its story is much older. Ruse traces Gaia’s connection to Plato and a long history of goal-directed and holistic—or organicist—thinking and explains why Lovelock and Margulis’s peers rejected it as pseudoscience. But Ruse also shows why the project was a success. He argues that Lovelock and Margulis should be commended for giving philosophy firm scientific basis and for provoking important scientific discussion about the world as a whole, its homeostasis or—in this age of global environmental uncertainty—its lack thereof. Melding the world of science and technology with the world of feeling, mysticism, and religion, The Gaia Hypothesis will appeal to a broad range of readers, from students and scholars of the history and philosophy of science to anyone interested in New Age culture.

In The Gaia Hypothesis, philosopher Michael Ruse, with his characteristic clarity and wit, uses Gaia and its history, its supporters and detractors, to illuminate the nature of science itself.

The Gaia Project

The Earth's Great Changes

According to Hwee-Yong Jang, the world as we know it will undergo a profound transformation. Are you ready? As part of a grand cosmic plan called the Gaia Project, the earth is already undergoing a purification process—marked by natural disasters, disease, war, and social chaos—that will ultimately end in our planet's ascension to a new dimension. Jang's prophetic proclamation—communicated to him through channeling, dreams, and energy reading—explains countless mysteries about the world, including: The origins of the world and humankind The collapse of Lemuria and Atlantis Reincarnation and past-life memories The purpose of life and the meaning of existence The nature of consciousness New revelations regarding alien life This visionary text reveals how each of us can prepare for the coming "Great Change" and take part in the universal expansion of consciousness. Along with a thorough description of the purpose of the Gaia Project, this field guide to the future includes a question and answer section, recommended reading list, and glossary to provide additional insight into the unprecedented challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Along with a thorough description of the purpose of the Gaia Project, this field guide to the future includes a question and answer section, recommended reading list, and glossary to provide additional insight into the unprecedented ...

UML for Developing Knowledge Management Systems

UML for Developing Knowledge Management Systems provides knowledge engineers the framework in which to identify types of knowledge and where this knowledge exists in an organization. It also shows ways in which to use a standard recognized notation to capture, or model, knowledge to be used in a knowledge management system (KMS). This volume enables knowledge engineers, systems analysts, designers, developers, and researchers to understand the concept of knowledge modeling with Unified Modeling Language (UML). It offers a guide to quantifying, qualifying, understanding, and modeling knowledge by providing a reusable framework that can be adopted for KMS implementation. Following a brief history of knowledge management, the book discusses knowledge acquisition and the types of knowledge that can be discovered within a domain. It offers an overview of types of models and the concepts behind them. It then reviews UML and how to apply UML to model knowledge. The book concludes by defining and applying the Knowledge Acquisition framework via a real-world case study.

This volume enables knowledge engineers, systems analysts, designers, developers, and researchers to understand the concept of knowledge modeling with Unified Modeling Language (UML).

Input/Output Intensive Massively Parallel Computing

Language Support, Automatic Parallelization, Advanced Optimization, and Runtime Systems

Massively parallel processing is currently the most promising answer to the quest for increased computer performance. This has resulted in the development of new programming languages and programming environments and has stimulated the design and production of massively parallel supercomputers. The efficiency of concurrent computation and input/output essentially depends on the proper utilization of specific architectural features of the underlying hardware. This book focuses on development of runtime systems supporting execution of parallel code and on supercompilers automatically parallelizing code written in a sequential language. Fortran has been chosen for the presentation of the material because of its dominant role in high-performance programming for scientific and engineering applications.

This book focuses on development of runtime systems supporting execution of parallel code and on supercompilers automatically parallelizing code written in a sequential language.

Kisah Sukses Bisnis Barbie

Belajar dari Keberhasilan Ruth Handler Mendirikan Bisnis Boneka Terbesar di Dunia

Bayangkan, dalam satu detik, dua buah Barbie terjual di seluruh dunia. Barbie memang icon mainan anak-anak perempuan--bahkan wanita dewasa--di seluruh dunia selama lebih dari 50 tahun. Ia merupakan mainan terlaris sepanjang masa. Sebuah pencapaian yang tidak main-main. Namun, kesuksesannya diwarnai oleh perjalanan panjang jatuh bangunnya seorang Ruth Handler. Sebagai pendiri Mattel Company, salah satu perusahaan mainan raksasa dunia, dia sempat didepak. Belum lagi keterlibatannya dalam kasus penipuan, kematian sang putra (inspirasi tokoh Ken) karena AIDS, hingga perjuangannya melawan penyakit kanker payudara. Semua itu tidak mematahkan sosok Ruth yang dikenal sangat ambisius dan bertangan besi untuk menjadi sang pionir dan master entrepreneur sejati. Buku ini ditulis berdasarkan penelitian, wawancara eksklusif, serta cerita-cerita yang tidak pernah dipublikasikan sebelumnya. Inilah kisah yang sangat menggugah tentang seorang wanita imigran yang mengubah bisnis dan budaya Amerika selamanya. [Mizan, Hikmah, Bisnis, Inspirasi, Indonesia]

Bayangkan, dalam satu detik, dua buah Barbie terjual di seluruh dunia.

23 Days of Terror

The Compelling True Story of the Hunt and Capture of the Beltway Snipers

In October 2002, a nation still recovering from the 9/11 attacks found itself under siege once more -- by an unseen, unknown, and seemingly unstoppable enemy. For 23 days, the area around Washington, D.C., was the hunting ground for a pair of serial snipers who struck at random, killing from afar, only to vanish time and time again. With each attack, they raised the stakes, taunting the authorities to try to stop them -- until their luck ran out. Here, from veteran reporter Angie Cannon and the staff of U.S. News & World Report, comes the complete story of one of the most heinous crimes in American history -- a chronicle of the harrowing days in October that took ten innocent lives and wounded three others; the means and methods used by law enforcement -- and their mistakes; the suspects' backgrounds and possible motives; and the fear that gripped a region of five million people and the effect these shocking acts of terror continue to have on American society.

Here, from veteran reporter Angie Cannon and the staff of U.S. News & World Report, comes the complete story of one of the most heinous crimes in American history -- a chronicle of the harrowing days in October that took ten innocent lives ...

The CIO's Guide to Oracle Products and Solutions

From operating systems to the cloud, Oracle’s products and services are everywhere, and it has the market share to prove it. Given the share diversity of the Oracle product line, and the level of complexity of integration, management can be quite a daunting task. The CIO's Guide to Oracle Products and Solutions is the go-to guide for all things Oracle. It provides management-level guidance on how to successfully navigate and manage the full range of Oracle products. The book presents management best practices and user/developer lessons learned in the use of Oracle products and services. Supplying both conceptual and technical views, the text focuses on what CIOs need to do to orient, or reorient, their organization toward the use of Oracle products and services. It describes how to develop a strategic framework for the use of these products and services rather than the specific product or service itself. This strategic framework will help you to prepare, educate, keep up with change, mitigate risk, and implement with the confidence needed to succeed. Providing an overview of the suite of Oracle technologies and solutions, the book covers the heart of the Oracle products set, including Oracle analytics, enterprise performance management, Oracle cloud, data management, application development, social business, and fusion. It examines compliance and security issues and includes metrics to help you evaluate potential solutions. The book also provides readers with access to a set of helpful resources on the book’s page at, including cloud procurement best practices, cloud migration tips, a sample project procurement plan template, and various glossaries.

Keyes has given seminars for such prestigious universities as Carnegie Mellon,
Boston University, University of Illinois, James Madison University, and San
Francisco State University. She is a frequent keynote speaker on the topics of ...