Sebanyak 61 item atau buku ditemukan

Pengembangan metode sampling untuk mendapatkan estimasi indikator MDG tingkat kecamatan

Development of sampling methods for estimating millenium development goals applied for subdistricts in Indonesia.

Prevalensi tuberculosis - Angka kematian karena tuberculosis - Insiden DBD (
demam berdarah dengue) Tujuan 7: Memastikan kelestarian lingkungan hidup
Target 9: Memadukan prinsip-prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan dengan ...

Becoming a Public Relations Writer Instructor's Manual

A Writing Process Workbook for the Profession

Using no-nonsense language, realistic examples, easy-to-follow steps and practical exercises, this book guides students through various types of public relations writing. A focus on ethical and legal issues is woven throughout, with examples and exercises that deal with public relations as practiced by corporations, non-profit agencies, and other types of organizations large and small. In addition, the book addresses the most comprehensive list of public relations writing formats to be found anywhere--from old standbys like news releases to electronic mail and other opportunities in new technologies. Laying the foundation for an integrated approach that touches on public relations advertising and direct mail, this second edition is divided into four parts. Part I deals with principles of effective writing useful in all disciplines. Part II focuses on news as the bridge an organization can build to its various publics. Part III takes you through a variety of writing formats and environments that provide an internal or controlled approach. Part IV is the wrap up that pulls together the various writing styles presented in this book as part of an integrated communication package. Becoming a Public Relations Writer is a different kind of textbook for college and university students. It provides writing instruction for people preparing to enter the profession and guides students with models and step-by-step patterns designed to increase competence and build confidence in students on their way to becoming public relations writers.

In the Test Bank section of this Instructor's Manual you will find two versions of a
50item stylebook test that can serve as both adiagnostic and an instructional tool.
Itis diagnostic in that it evaluatesthe degree to which students are ableto apply ...

Total Quality in Marketing

Total Quality in Marketing integrates the two areas of marketing and quality management and demonstrates how they are mutually compatible and complementary. Its primary focus is to assist managers in applying total quality principles to the overall marketing management process-preparing for a more highly competitive marketplace. Practical guidelines and processes are offered on how quality initiatives impact planning, organization, implementation, and quality control. This unique and valuable book presents a systems approach to quality-how to operationalize in the context of both the management and marketing cycles. It demonstrates how to establish effective team-based practices as well as describes the pitfalls of quality programs that are introduced as stand-alone programs without any linkage to overall strategy. This useful new book serves as a teaching tool and comprehensive reference source for integrating total quality. Case studies, exercises and chapter profiles also provide excellent support materials.

WHAT IS QUALITY? Quality is one of those elusive concepts which is easy to
visualize but difficult to define. Quality has many definitions, ranging from specific
to general, and varies by functional area. For example, Philip Kotler, a leading ...

Balada Gathak-Gathuk

Gathak dan Gathuk kelimpungan. Tanah Air mereka, Giri, telah tumpas diganyang Mataram. Bahkan junjungan mereka pun, Raden Jayengresmi-keturunan Sunan Giri Perapen-pergi entah ke mana. Gathak dan Gathuk galau. Mereka tak tahu harus mulai mencari dari mana. Tiba-tiba, Petruk datang di atas sekerat tempe dan tahu untuk memberi petunjuk. Mereka harus berjalan ke barat. Perjalanan mereka rupanya penuh warna. Bahkan, sempat-sempatnya diundang masuk studio televisi untuk syuting acara talkshow yang tersohor se-Nusantara. Gara-garanya, seluruh warga ikut termehek-mehek menyaksikan si kembar yang tampak frustrasi mencari tuannya. Untung tak lama kemudian, Raden Jayengresmi ketemu. Jayengresmi, keindahan dari segala sesuatu yang indah, telah memikul nama baru: Ki Amongraga, ia yang menggembala raganya. Tok ... tok ... tok .... *** Dalam tradisi dakwah di Jawa, ada satu tahap tersukar untuk menjadi kiai. Tahap tersebut adalah mendiamkan dunia berlangsung apa adanya, tanpa main larang ini-itu, sebagaimana sikap Musa terhadap segala kelakuan aneh bin ajaib Nabi Khidir. Akan tetapi, saya tak kuat untuk berpuasa diam dan membiarkan siang berpasangan malam di alam semesta, sebagaimana "baik" dan "buruk" berpasangan demi keberlangsungan hidup. Saya bisa berpuasa makan dan minum. Namun, menghadapi dinamika sosial masa kini, saya tak mau melakoni tapa bisu. Dan, demi tatanan masyarakat yang perlahan bobrok akibat korupsi ini, saya akan bicara dengan meminjam Serat Centhini. Selamat menikmati. [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Sujiwo Tejo, Budaya, Indonesia]

Dan, demi tatanan masyarakat yang perlahan bobrok akibat korupsi ini, saya akan bicara dengan meminjam Serat Centhini. Selamat menikmati. [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Sujiwo Tejo, Budaya, Indonesia]

Plumbing Services

Waste Disposal, Roof Plumbing

This series covers the core curriculum in plumbing, draining and gasfitting. It is compiled by a team of experienced teachers and includes many diagrams and photographs to help acquire the necessary skills and understanding.

This series covers the core curriculum in plumbing, draining and gasfitting. It is compiled by a team of experienced teachers and includes many diagrams and photographs to help acquire the necessary skills and understanding.

Guardians of Islam

Religious Authority and Muslim Communities of Late Medieval Spain

"Kathryn A. Miller radically reconceptualizes what she calls the exclave experience of medieval Muslim minorities. By focusing on the legal scholars (faqihs) of fifteenth-century Aragonese Muslim communities and translating little-known and newly discovered texts, she unearths a sustained effort to connect with Muslim coreligionists and preserve practice and belief in the face of Christian influences. Devoted to securing and disseminating Islamic knowledge, these local authorities intervened in Christian courts on behalf of Muslims, provided Arabic translations, and taught and advised other Muslims. Miller follows the activities of the faqihs, their dialogue with Islamic authorities in nearby Muslim politics, their engagement with islamic texts, and their pursuit of traditional ideals of faith.

"Kathryn A. Miller radically reconceptualizes what she calls the exclave experience of medieval Muslim minorities.

Sehat Holistik Ala Rasulullah panduan gaya hidup bagi manusia modern