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Introduction to Linux (Third Edition)

Whether you're just starting out with Linux or looking to hone your existing skills, this book will provide you with the knowledge you need. For new users, it is an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter. Advanced trainees can consider it a desktop reference, a collection of the base knowledge needed to tackle system and network administration. To help you work more effectively with Linux, this book contains hundreds of real life examples derived from the author's experience as a Linux system and network administrator, trainer and consultant. These examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and feel encouraged to try out things on your own.

Whether you're just starting out with Linux or looking to hone your existing skills, this book will provide you with the knowledge you need.

Introdução ao Pentest

Introdução ao Pentest tem o intuito de capacitar o leitor a entender e a realizar o pentest – uma auditoria minuciosa sobre falhas e vulnerabilidades em computadores e redes – e, assim, buscar a melhor forma de solucionar os problemas encontrados. Tendo como base a metodologia Backtrack para o ensino do pentest, que é extremamente didática e adaptada a partir da metodologia OSSTMM de testes de invasão, com certeza este livro fará você se sentir à vontade e confiante ao estudar pentest, tornando o seu aprendizado fácil e rápido. O leitor terá acesso às táticas e técnicas utilizadas na realização do pentest em um ambiente controlado por laboratório e máquinas virtuais. Cada capítulo aborda uma etapa do pentest e, no decorrer da leitura, você: Conhecerá aspectos básicos de segurança da informação, como a instalação de máquinas virtuais e os primeiros passos com o Kali Linux. Construirá redes zumbie para ataques DDoS por meio do projeto Perl-bot. Aprenderá a realizar ataques Man-in-the-Middle remotamente pela internet (pivoteamento via VPN). Construirá um pendrive infectado com programas maliciosos (o famigerado BadUSB). Fará a escrita e posterior criptografia de um relatório de pentest.

Introdução ao Pentest tem o intuito de capacitar o leitor a entender e a realizar o pentest – uma auditoria minuciosa sobre falhas e vulnerabilidades em computadores e redes – e, assim, buscar a melhor forma de solucionar os problemas ...

Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis

An Introduction

The informal tone of these ten lectures by Roberto Harari reflects their original character as classes held at El Centro de Extension Psicoanalitica del Centro Cultural General, San Martin Buenos Aires. Destined for a wider audience than just the psychoanalytical camp, Harari's work presents the Lacanian endeavor without presupposition of specialized knowledge—and yet without conceding intellectual subtlety. Harari provides an introductory display of essential themes developed in Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, and offers his own insightful reading of the text's central ideas. These ten classes, sparked by the crucial Seminar XI within the teaching of Lacan, reframe a wide range of questions in psychoanalysis for the professional in the field, scholars and students across disciplines, and interested lay readers. Harari is so at ease with Lacan's oeuvre that he can dismantle and rebuild its structure so that order and logic suddenly appear inherent to Lacan's way of thinking. The unconscious, transference, repetition, and the drive are here reintroduced, not only to do justice to Freud's insights, but also to link these concepts to the larger question of the complex relationships between psychoanalysis, religion, and science. Harari's didactic approach and his analytic style come together to bring us one step closer to understanding Lacan and one step closer to understanding ourselves.

Prior to its "retrieval" by psychoanalysis, this issue had been treated prevalently
within the fields of literature and logic. Lewis Carroll holds a distinguished place
in this practice. Of course, not just for Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the

Logistics Systems Analysis

This book describes how to plan and design efficient logistics systems considering simultaneously all integral aspects of their operation, and how to evaluate economically existing or proposed systems. The approach, more physical than mathematical, requires little data. Building on an understanding of the simplest logistics system with only one origin and one destination, the book treats problems with many origins and one destination, many destinations and one origin, and many origins and many destinations; this is done for systems with and without transshipments. The methodologies presented in the book are particularly useful when decisions have to be made with incomplete or uncertain information; e.g., when evaluating a business plan, or designing a system for a long time horizon. This expanded edition includes new research results and numerous modifications to enhance comprehensiveness and clarity. It has two new sections, a new appendix, and more than half a dozen new figures.

Then, repeat the analysis of Sec. 1.2. using the average demand and the
average distances (or any coarse approximation thereof) from the table you
generated. You will find that, with variable demand, the numerical results of the
detailed and ...

Fifth Generation Computer Systems

The Japan Information Processing Development Centre (JIPDEC) established a committee for Study and Research on Fifth-Generation Computers. Beginning in 1979, this Committee set out on a two-year investigation into the most desirable types of computer systems for application in the 1990`s (fifth-generation computers) and how the development projects aimed at the realization of these systems should be carried forward. This book contains the papers presented at the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems. Included among these papers is a preliminary report on the findings of the Committee.

Machine translation system Question answering system Applied speech
understanding system Applied picture and image understanding system Applied
problem solving system Initial Stage Interim Stage Final Stage fifth generation
computer ...

Mobile Video with Mobile IPv6

This timely guide: Provides a comprehensive overview of the Mobile IPv6 protocol, including the Basic Mode and its various extensions Offers practical suggestions for cost-effective entertainment delivery within existing service provider ...

Language Ideologies and Media Discourse

Texts, Practices, Politics

An exploration of the relationship between language ideologies and media discourse, together with the methods and techniques required for the analysis of this relationship.

An exploration of the relationship between language ideologies and media discourse, together with the methods and techniques required for the analysis of this relationship.