Sebanyak 101 item atau buku ditemukan

Powering the Internet of Things With 5G Networks

With the rise of mobile and wireless technologies, more sustainable networks are necessary to support such communications. These next generation networks can now be utilized to strengthen the growing era of the Internet of Things. Powering the Internet of Things With 5G Networks is a comprehensive reference source for the latest scholarly research on the progression and design of fifth generation networks and their role in supporting the Internet of Things. Including a range of perspectives on topics such as privacy and security, large scale monitoring, and scalable architectures, this book is ideally designed for technology developers, academics, researchers, and practitioners interested in the convergence of the Internet of Things and 5G networks.

Including a range of perspectives on topics such as privacy and security, large scale monitoring, and scalable architectures, this book is ideally designed for technology developers, academics, researchers, and practitioners interested in ...

Collaborative Internet of Things (C-IoT)

For Future Smart Connected Life and Business

The book provides the reader with a quick overview of theevolution of Internet of Things and its impact on Smart ConnectedDigital Life and emerging Cloud Services comparing trials in the1990s with current solutions offering and future trends. Theunderline drivers of innovative change are the scalability ofInternet, advancement of wireless technology and accelerated growthof mobility. Broadly, the book is organized into eight chapters andprovides a comprehensive overview on emerging cloud services andIoT networking paradigms.

This book provides a simplified visionary approach about the future direction of IoT, addressing its wide-scale adoption in many markets, its interception with advanced technology, the explosive growth in data, and the emergence of data ...

Customer-Driven Strategy

Winning Through Operational Excellence

This indispensable resource presents a straightforward technique to evolve a customer-driven perspective from new product development in order to effectively manage the supply chain. Explains how to leverage continuous improvement initiatives to attain higher levels of performance, create accurate performance measures and maximize the market impact of novel product releases. Includes examples from leading companies.

Includes examples from leading companies. Customer Driven Strategy Thomas F. Wallace Strategic Planning, in many companies, consists of annual treks to resorts for two days of planning and one day of golf.

Think IMC!

Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi tidak sekadar mengubah cara berkomunikasi manusia. Lebih dari itu, perkembangan ini berdampak luas di bidang bisnis, pemasaran, dan perusahaan (dalam hal bagaimana ia berhubungan dengan pelanggannya). IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) lahir untuk menyikapi perubahan tersebut. Faktanya, sebagai konsep yang baru dan sedang berkembang, IMC masih dipahami secara berbeda sampai hari ini. Buku ini mencoba untuk mengeksplorasi sejarah pembangunan konsep IMC dari awak kelahirannya pada tahun 1980-an dan perkembangan sampai hari ini, pro kontra yang sering terjadi seputar IMC hingga bagaimana proses implementasinya di Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk mensintesiskan berbagai perbedaan pemikiran tentang IMC yang difokuskan pada perkembangan modern konsep IMC di dunia internasional.Buku ini menyajikan suatu petualangan intelektual dari satu pemikir IMC ke pemikir IMC lainnya secara lugas untuk memahami keseluruhan peta IMC dan memberikan sudut pandang baru dalam memahami IMC yang belum pernah ditulis dalam buku IMC lainnya. Bagi para praktisi, buku ini menjelaskan secara mendalam dan menyeluruh bagaimana IMC harus diimplementasikan dalam perusahaan untuk meningkatkan loyalitas merek dan laba perusahaan dan menyediakan prinsip-prinsip utama sebagai panduan dasar bagi implementasi IMC dalam praktik bisnis dewasa ini dan tantangan pemasaran dan komunikasi pemasaran di masa mendatang sehingga perusahaan mampu merespons secara tepat dan cepat persaingan pasar dan pergeseran perilaku konsumen.

Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi tidak sekadar mengubah cara berkomunikasi manusia.

Belajar Sendiri: Microsoft Office Access 2007

"Bagi sebagian orang, database merupakan sesuatu yang di anggap sulit, hanya dapat dipelajari oleh seorang programmer, dan memiliki skala yang besar. Namun dalam `dunia` Micfrosoft Office Access 2007, semua stereotip tersebut tidak ada lagi. Database bukan lagi sesuatu yang sulit, Anda tidak perlu menjadi seorang programmer untuk mempelajarinya, dan skala penggunaanya pun tidak harus besar. Ingat, Access 2007 tergabung dalam paket Microsoft Office 2007, dan itu berarti penggunaannya hanya untuk skala perkantoran. Buku ini akan membantu Anda untuk membuang segala stereotip negatif tentang sebuah database. Anda akan dituntun untuk mengenal konsep database, pembuatan tabel, pembuatan Query, dan berbagai fitur lain yang ada pada Access 2007. Semua dituturkan dengan bahasa yang sederhana dan lugas sehingga dijamin anda tidak akan merasa kesulitan dalam memahaminya."

"Bagi sebagian orang, database merupakan sesuatu yang di anggap sulit, hanya dapat dipelajari oleh seorang programmer, dan memiliki skala yang besar.

Workbook and Licensure Exam Prep for Radiography Essentials for Limited Practice - E-Book

Use this workbook to learn and review limited radiography concepts! Corresponding to the chapters in Radiography Essentials for Limited Practice, 4th Edition, this practical study tool helps you understand and apply the material you need for limited radiography practice. Exercises include multiple-choice, matching, and labeling of diagrams and anatomy. Written by the textbook’s authors, Bruce Long, Eugene Frank, and Ruth Ann Ehrlich, this workbook prepares you to succeed on ARRT exams and as a Limited X-Ray Machine Operator. Exercises reinforce your understanding of important topics, including x-ray science and techniques; radiation safety; radiographic anatomy, pathology, and positioning of upper and lower extremities, spine, chest and head; patient care; and ancillary clinical skills. Over 100 labeling exercises for anatomy and radiographic images help you learn anatomy and gain familiarity with how anatomy appears on radiographic images. Section I offers review and practice of limited radiography topics and concepts. Section II provides a review guide for the ARRT exam with guidelines for exam prep, the ARRT content specifications for the Examination for the Limited Scope of Practice in Radiography, plus a mock exam. Section III is a preparation guide for the ARRT Bone Densitometry Equipment Operators Exam and includes study guidelines, ARRT content specifications, and a mock exam. NEW questions are added to cover new content on digital imaging concepts. NEW drawings, photos, and medical radiographs are added from the textbook. Updated exercises and activities reflect the addition of common podiatric and chiropractic radiography procedures in Radiography Essentials for Limited Practice, 4th Edition, for practitioners working in states that have limited podiatric or chiropractic license categories. UPDATED anatomy and positioning labeling and terminology ensure that you learn standard and accepted radiographic terminology.

Fourth Edition iii Workbook and Licensure Exam Prep for RADIOGRAPHY
Director and Associate Professor Radiologic Sciences Programs Indiana
University School of Medicine Indianapolis, Indiana EUGENE D. FRANK MA, RT(
R) FASRT, FAEIRS Assistant Professor Emeritus Mayo Clinic College of
Medicine Rochester, Minnesota RUTH ANN EHRLICH RT(R) Retired, Radiology
Faculty Western States ...