Sebanyak 101 item atau buku ditemukan

Utilización de UML en ingeniería del software con objetos y componentes

Utilización de UML es un libro que surge como texto para estudiantes de cursos superiores de informática, Ingeniería del Software y otros cursos similares, ante la inexistencia de un libro de texto adecuado; todo el material existente de ...

Heavy Metal in Baghdad

The Story of Acrassicauda

documentary Heavy Metal in Baghdad featuring the members of Iraq’s only heavy metal band—Acrassicauda—and their daily struggle to survive and rock on even as their country fell into a bloody insurgency. Acrassicauda (Latin for a deadly black scorpion) is Iraq’s only heavy metal band. Inspired by groups like Metallica, Slayer, and Slipknot, the band began writing and playing metal in 2001, performing a handful of shows before the war started in 2003. With increased security precautions throughout Iraq, it became difficult to practice or even get through a show without serious problems. When they began receiving death threats from insurgent groups and religious fundamentalists accused them of Satan-worship, they became a band on the run. As recently seen in the feature film documentary of the same name, Iraq disintegrated around them while Acrassicauda struggled to stay together and stay alive, always refusing to let their heavy metal dreams die. Their story echoes the unspoken hopes of an entire generation of young Iraqis, and it became a race-against-time humanitarian effort, irrevocably transforming everyone’s lives in the process. Going beyond the documentary to explore all the players’ unique perspectives, Heavy Metal in Baghdad features new information about one of the most dramatic and unique stories in modern music.

What do you do?” One guy kept looking at me and he finally asked me, “Who are
you working for?” and I told him, “I work for nobody.” He said, “Where are you
from?” “From Baghdad, originally.” heAvy meTAl in BAGhdAd “You're an Iraqi?

The Sacred Balance

Rediscovering Our Place in Nature

In this extensively revised and enlarged edition of his best-selling book, David Suzuki reflects on the increasingly radical changes in nature and science — from global warming to the science behind mother/baby interactions — and examines what they mean for humankind’s place in the world. The book begins by presenting the concept of people as creatures of the Earth who depend on its gifts of air, water, soil, and sun energy. The author explains how people are genetically programmed to crave the company of other species, and how people suffer enormously when they fail to live in harmony with them. Suzuki analyzes those deep spiritual needs, rooted in nature, that are a crucial component of a loving world. Drawing on his own experiences and those of others who have put their beliefs into action, The Sacred Balance is a powerful, passionate book with concrete suggestions for creating an ecologically sustainable, satisfying, and fair future by rediscovering and addressing humanity’s basic needs.

137 Need for vitamins, A. Despopoulus and S. Silbernagl, Color Atlas of
Physiology, 4th ed. (New York: Theime Medical Publishers, 1991). 142 Gaia
Vince, “Your Amazing Regenerating Body,” New Scientist 190 (2006): 2556. 144
Vernon Gill ...

The New Gaia Atlas of Planet Management

Definitive guide to a planet in critical transition, providing a blueprint for our survival Maps and analyses our living planet at a point in its evolution, as we humans threaten to disrupt and exhaust its life-support systems Shows what a complex and magnificent world we have inherited, how it works and what bad stewards we have been Explains how we can mend our ways and re-dress the situation Divided into seven topics, this book takes a clear and structured approach, allowing the reader to examine any critical area of concern

Definitive guide to a planet in critical transition, providing a blueprint for our survival Maps and analyses our living planet at a point in its evolution, as we humans threaten to disrupt and exhaust its life-support systems Shows what a ...

The Gaia Natural House Book

Creating a Healthy and Ecologically Sound Home

This is a classic guide to creating a natural, healthy home, based on sound environmental principles

This is a classic guide to creating a natural, healthy home, based on sound environmental principles

The Vanishing Face of Gaia

A Final Warning

The global temperature is rising, the ice caps are melting, and levels of pollution across the world have reached unprecedented heights. According to eminent scientist James Lovelock, in order to survive an assault from her dependents, the Earth is lurching ever closer to a permanent “hot state.” Within the next century, we will almost certainly be forced to give up many of the comforts of western living as supplies are threatened. Only the fittest—and the smartest—will survive. A reluctant jeremiad from one of the environmental movement's elder statesmen, The Vanishing Face of Gaia offers an essential wake-up call for the human race.

According to eminent scientist James Lovelock, in order to survive an assault from her dependents, the Earth is lurching ever closer to a permanent “hot state.” Within the next century, we will almost certainly be forced to give up many ...

Gender, State and Social Power in Contemporary Indonesia

Divorce and Marriage Law

This book examines gender, state and social power in Indonesia, focusing in particular on state regulation of divorce from 1965 to 2005 and its impact on women. Indonesia experienced high divorce rates in the 1950s and 1960s, followed by a remarkable decline. Already falling divorce rates were reinforced by the 1974 Marriage Law, which for the first time regulated marriage for both Muslim and non-Muslim Indonesians and restricted access to divorce. This law defined the roles of men and women in Indonesian society, vesting household leadership with husbands and the management of the household with wives. Drawing on a wide selection of primary sources, including court records, legal codes, newspaper reports, fiction, interviews and case studies, this book provides a detailed historical account of this period of important social change, exploring fully the impact and operation of state regulation of divorce, including the New Order government’s aims in enacting this legal framework, its effects in practice and how it was utilised by citizens (both men and women) to advance their own agendas. It argues that the Marriage Law was a tool of social control enacted by the New Order government in response to the social upheaval and protests experienced in the mid 1970s. However, it also shows that state power was not hegemonic: it was both contested and co-opted by citizens, with men and women enjoying different degrees of autonomy from the state. This book explores all of these issues, providing important insights on the nature of the New Order regime, social power and gender relations, both during the years of its rule and since its collapse.

... Jakarta:Badan KesejahteraanMasjid (BKM) Pusat,1992–3, 407–17. 'Instruksi
Presiden 9/2000 Tentang Pengarusutamaan Gender Dalam Pembangunan
Nasional', Himpunan Peraturan PerundangUndangan Republik Indonesia Tahun

Criando um E-Commerce com CodeIgniter

Aprenda a criar sua própria plataforma de e-commerce

O mercado de e-commerce caminha na contramão do cenário econômico atual: enquanto diversos setores enfrentam crises e recessão econômica, o mercado de varejo online persiste com crescentes lucros, bem acima da média nacional. Podem-se destacar como parte do sucesso fatores como custo operacional reduzido, remoção de limites geográficos, boa penetração de mercado e grande interesse por parte dos consumidores. A demanda por analistas e engenheiros de software dedicados ao e-commerce acompanha a tendência do mercado, crescendo na mesma proporção que novos negócios surgem. O livro Criando um e-commerce com o CodeIgniter constrói de forma didática um exemplo de loja online, com sistema de cobrança por cartão de crédito e boleto bancário, utilizando a versão 3 do consagrado framework PHP CodeIgniter. São abordados temas como: • Construção do carrinho de compras. • Consumo de dados por meio da API REST. • Cálculo de frete com base em tarifas praticadas por transportadoras e no web service dos Correios. • Envio de emails para clientes. • Gerenciamento de sessão e autenticação de usuários. Também é apresentada uma aplicação simples para os leitores menos experientes na utilização de frameworks: um exemplo de blog como ferramenta para construção de aplicações PHP. Os exemplos são construídos de maneira incremental, de modo que ao longo do desenvolvimento o leitor se familiarize com os recursos e o método de trabalho do framework de forma prática e intuitiva.

O livro Criando um e-commerce com o CodeIgniter constrói de forma didática um exemplo de loja online, com sistema de cobrança por cartão de crédito e boleto bancário, utilizando a versão 3 do consagrado framework PHP CodeIgniter.