Sebanyak 53 item atau buku ditemukan

Governance in Indonesia

Challenges Facing the Megawati Presidency

When Megawati Soekarnoputri became the President of Indonesia in July 2001, there were strong expectations. But so far, fundamental economic and political reforms have yet to be undertaken. The deadly Bali bombings on 12 October 2002 presented a wake-up call for the Megawati government. Terrorism on an international scale had now hit home. Now, more than ever, there is greater urgency on the part of the Megawati government to tackle the myriad of political and economic problems plaguing the country. This volume features some of the major issues that faced the Megawati government even before the devastating Bali attacks. The contributors include academics, practitioners and activists, offering a diversity of views.

Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 26 Tahun 2000 Tentang Pengadilan Hak
Asasi Manusia [Indonesian Republic Law No. 26 Year 2000 Concerning Human
Rights Courts Act] (Jakarta: B.P. Panca Usaha, 2000). 59. See Chapter 8, Article
43 ...

The Neurolab Spacelab Mission: Neuroscience Research in Space: Results from the STS-90, Neurolab Spacelab Mission

Blood pressure fell more during straining in space than on Earth (the average
reduction of systolic pressure with 30-mmHg straining was 49 mmHg during and
27 mmHg before the mission). However, the increases of muscle sympathetic
nerve ...

The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission

Even before the present Administrator of NASA, Daniel Goldin, made the phrase 'better, faster, cheaper' the slogan of at least the Office of Space Science, that same office under the Associate Administrator of Lennard Fisk and its Division of Solar System Exploration under the direction of Wes Huntress had begun a series of planetary spacecraft whose developmental cost, phase CID in the parlance of the trade, was to be held to under $150M. In order to get the program underway rapidly they chose two missions without the open solicitation now the hallmark of the program. One of these two missions, JPL' s Mars Pathfinder, was to be a technology demonstration mission with little immediate science return that would enable later high priority science missions to Mars. Many of the science investigations that were included had significant foreign contributions to keep NASA's cost of the mission within the Discovery budget. The second of these missions and the first to be launched was the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous mission, or NEAR, awarded to Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory. This mission was quite different than Mars Pathfinder, being taken from the list of high priority objectives of the science community and emphasizing the science return and not the technology development of the mission. This mission was also to prove to be well under the $150M phase CID cap.

Another consequence of the Sun-spacecraft-Earth geometry is that the
autonomous Earth acquisition algorithm that is used in the event of an attitude
anomaly can be greatly simplified. In a traditional planetary spacecraft the Earth
acquisition ...

Asuransi syariah & asuransi konvensional

Legal comparative study between Islamic and traditional insurance in Indonesia.

Legal comparative study between Islamic and traditional insurance in Indonesia.

Orang Indonesia Banyak Masuk Surga

• Jika Anda ingin istirahat dari segunung persoalan di dunia...masuklah surga. • Jika Anda ingin bebas dari segala tekanan, intimidasi, rasa takut, gelisah, kekurangan...kejarlah surga. • Jika Anda ingin kemewahan materi, puncak kelezatan kuliner, sejuta kehangatan cinta, lautan eksotisme, popularitas orisinil, aneka kejutan berkesan...ketuklah pintu surga. • Jika Anda ingin tetap optimis, tidak lelah berjuang, tidak malas beramal, tidak bosan mendaki tebing-tebing ikhtiar manusiawi...jadikan surga sebagai tujuan. • Jika Anda ingin ketenangan, damai, bebas konflik, kualitas kesopanan, kekeluargaan, harmoni sosiaL.berjuanglah mencapai surga-Nya. • Jika Anda ingin selamat dari siksa menyakitkan, penderitaan panjang, jilatan api, suara raungan histeris, kemalangan paling sial, para Malaikat penjaga neraka yang bengis, kejam, dan tanpa toleransi... maka raihlah keselamatan surga. Allah SWT berfirman dalam hadits qudsi: "Aku sediakan bagi hamba-hamba-Ku yang shalih (di surga) kenikmatan yang tak pernah dilihat oleh mata, tidak pernah didengar oleh telinga, dan tidak pernah terlintas di had manusia." [HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim, dari Abu Hurairah $®]. Buku ini membahas keindahan surga dengan pendekatan kehidupan riil, lebih praktis, berdasar dalil-dalil syariat, dan mudah. Bahkan buku ini membahas sejumlah poin tentang peluang bangsa Indonesia masuk surga. Kata penulis, "Insya Allah, peluangnya terbuka lebar." Sebuah karya unik, motivatif, dan memberi arah jalan lurus. Kejarlah surga, engkau akan mendapatkan. Tebarkan sebanyak-banyak kebajikan, engkau akan memetik hasil. Tetap konsisten di jalan kebenaran, meskipun menanggung kesulitan, engkau akan berbuka di sisi-Nya. Amin. www. -pustaka al-kautsar-

• Jika Anda ingin istirahat dari segunung persoalan di dunia...masuklah surga. • Jika Anda ingin bebas dari segala tekanan, intimidasi, rasa takut, gelisah, kekurangan...kejarlah surga. • Jika Anda ingin kemewahan materi, puncak ...

Sun Tzu, creating distribution strategy

aplikasi strategi perang Sun Tzu dalam pendistribusian produk

The New Solution Selling

  • ISBN 13 : 9797316556
  • ISBN 10 : 9797316556
  • Judul : The New Solution Selling
  • Pengarang : Keith M. Eades,  
  • Penerbit : Penerbit ANDI
  • Klasifikasi : 658.85 EAD T
  • Call Number : 658.85 EAD T KEI t
  • Bahasa : Indonesia
  • Penaklikan : xvi + 308 hlm 16 x 23 cm
  • Tahun : 2011
  • Halaman : 308
  • Halaman : 308
  • Ketersediaan :
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa
    Tersedia di Perpustakaan Universitas Pelita Bangsa