Sebanyak 39 item atau buku ditemukan

Data Mining and Multi-agent Integration

Data Mining and Multi agent Integration aims to re?ect state of the art research and development of agent mining interaction and integration (for short, agent min ing). The book was motivated by increasing interest and work in the agents data min ing, and vice versa. The interaction and integration comes about from the intrinsic challenges faced by agent technology and data mining respectively; for instance, multi agent systems face the problem of enhancing agent learning capability, and avoiding the uncertainty of self organization and intelligence emergence. Data min ing, if integrated into agent systems, can greatly enhance the learning skills of agents, and assist agents with predication of future states, thus initiating follow up action or intervention. The data mining community is now struggling with mining distributed, interactive and heterogeneous data sources. Agents can be used to man age such data sources for data access, monitoring, integration, and pattern merging from the infrastructure, gateway, message passing and pattern delivery perspectives. These two examples illustrate the potential of agent mining in handling challenges in respective communities. There is an excellent opportunity to create innovative, dual agent mining interac tion and integration technology, tools and systems which will deliver results in one new technology.

Chayapol Moemeng, Vladimir Gorodetsky, Ziye Zuo, Yong Yang and Chengqi
Zhang Abstract Distributed data mining is originated from the need of mining over
decentralised data sources. Data mining techniques involving in such complex ...

The Economics of Rapid Growth

The Experience of Japan and Korea

In The Economics of Rapid Growth, Dirk Pilat uses catch up theory to explain why countries with lower levels of income can use the technology of more advanced economies to foster growth and industralisation. His analysis emphasises the importance of pre-existing education levels, financial and commercial institutions and infrastructure to explain the rapid economic growth of Japan and Korea. A growth accounting framework is used to show the contribution of capital, labour and land to the rapid economic growth from the early 1950s. This growth is put in an international perspective by detailed sectoral productivity comparisons which include discussion of some of the measurement problems implicit in international comparisons. The final parts of the book look at the links between productivity and competitiveness, as well as the role of trade policy and exports in productivity growth. This acclaimed new book will be widely read by researchers, students and policy makers concerned with growth, development and the emergence of two of the most powerful economies in the modern world.

problem here is that information on prices and quantities of inputs is even more
difficult to derive than information on output prices and quantities. For the
agricultural sector some detailed double deflated estimates have been made (
van der ...

Kamus Jepang Terlengkap & Terupdate

Kamus ini berisi ribuan entri kata dalam bahasa Jepang terkini. Disusun secara lengkap dan praktis agar tetap mudah dipelajari. Di dalamnya dilengkapi dengan Ribuan entri kata bahasa Jepang dalam huruf Hiragana, Katagana, dan Kanji dengan disertai artinya, Alfabet Bahasa Jepang, Daftar Huruf Hiragana, Daftar Huruf Katagana, Huruf Kanji, Partikel Bahasa Jepang -IndonesiaTera-

~teki (~ Н) ilmiah, bersifat keilmuan. ~ni (~ (С) secara ilmiah. ~ni setsumeisuru (~
(СВtНН3 5) menjelaskansecara ilmiah; menguraikansecara ilmiah gakunen (**)
tahun pelajaran, tingkat, kelas. ~ hajime (~f) &b) awal tahun pelajaranjawal ...



Penyakit nonmedis ibarat parasit yang melekat atau menyatu pada jiwa anak manusia. Apabila parasit itu berhasil dicabut atau diangkat secara tuntas, maka saat itu juga si penderita sembuh seketika, meskipun dia telah menderita selama berminggu-minggu, berbulan-bulan, bertahun-tahun, bahkan puluhan tahun, dengan syarat bahwa tidak ada organ tubuh atau fisiknya yang rusak. Dengan buku ini penulis berharap siapapun bisa mengerti secara mendalam kasus nonmedis yang dideritanya sehingga bisa menangani sendiri penyakit nonmedis yang dialaminya atau mempermudah tugas penyembuh yang mengobatinya secara tuntas.

Dalam agama Islam orang-orang yang rajin ibadah seperti shalat fardhu dan
sunnah, puasa ramadhan dan puasa sunnah, sedekah, dzikir dan wirid pada
hakekatnya hanya untuk ibadah pada Allah Ta'ala. Tetapi dalam
pelaksanaannya ...

Belajar Otodidak MYSQL (Teknik Pembuatan dan Pengelolaan Database)

Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism, and the Internet

Make the most of your online business resources The growing acceptance and use of the Internet as an increasingly valuable travel tool has tourism and hospitality businesses taking a critical look at their business-to-customer online environments while pondering such questions as, “How do I get people to visit my Web site?” “Is my Web site attracting the ’right’ kind of e-consumers?” and “How do I turn browsers into buyers?” The Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism, and the Internet analyzes the latest strategies involving Internet business applications that will help you attract—and keep—online travel customers. Researchers from the United States, Europe, and Asia present the latest findings you need to make the right decisions regarding long-term e-commerce development and planning. The Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism, and the Internet examines vital issues affecting the travel and tourism industry from an online perspective. This book analyzes the latest theory and research on general online buyer characteristics, the differences between online and offline consumer behavior, the differences between broadband and narrowband users, the online search process, quality and perception of lodging brands, and Web site design, maintenance, and development. Each section of the book includes a model/diagram that serves as an overview of the topic, followed by a thorough discussion on the topic from several sources. Each section ends with commentary on the areas where future research is needed. The book’s contributors use a variety of research methodologies ranging from qualitative data analyses using artificial neutral network analysis, to experimental design, non-parametric statistical tests, and structural equation modeling. Topics examined in the Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism, and the Internet include: the need for businesses to use internal examinations to determine and meet online consumer needs the emerging field of e-complaint behavior—consumers taking to the Web to voice complaints about travel services how to use e-tools to measure guest satisfaction how to measure consumer reaction to Web-based technology the Internet’s impact on decision making for travel products and how to use e-mail marketing, electronic customer relationship management (eCRM), Web positioning, and search engine placement The Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism, and the Internet is equally valuable as a classroom resource or professional reference, providing up-to-date material on Internet applications and their impact on consumers and e-commerce.

2/3, 2004, pp. xxxv-xxxvi; and: Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism, and
the Internet (eds: Juline E. Mills, and Rob Law) The Haworth Hospitality Press, an
imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc., 2004, pp. xv-xvi. Single or multiple copies of ...

Laporan Semiloka Pemanfaatan Data Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Manajemen Dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan di Tingkat Puskesmas, Jakarta, 1-2 Desember 1986

Menyusun DUP dan Pra-Perencanaan Operasional a. Penyusunan DUP terpadu
. * • Diadakan pertemuan-pertemuan koordinasi penyusunan DUP masing-
masing program, agar anggaran dapat saling mengisi untuk membiayai bersama