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Pokok pokok pengetahuan hukum dagang indonesia

Hukum dagang menurut menurut Kitab undang-undang hukum dagang (KHUD) dan Kitab undang hukum perdata (KUHPer). buku kesatu

Psikologi Industri & Organisasi

Buku ini mencoba memetakan dan menyajikan berbagai aspek SDM dalam sebuah organisasi bisnis dalam sebuah analisis mendalam berbasis teori psikologi organisasi. Rentang pembahasannya mulai dari definisi dan teori tentang motivasi dan hubungannya dengan prestasi kerja; kepuasan dan stres kerja serta implikasinya terhadap prestasi kerja; frustrasi dalam bekerja; dan pengetahuan serta keterampilan mengelola konflik dalam sebuah organisasi bisnis. Dilengkapi dengan contoh angket asli, buku ini menjadi referensi penting bagi mereka yang menaruh perhatian kepada dunia bisnis baik dari kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi.--- Penerbit Kencana Prenadamedia Group

Buku ini mencoba memetakan dan menyajikan berbagai aspek SDM dalam sebuah organisasi bisnis dalam sebuah analisis mendalam berbasis teori psikologi organisasi.

Lecture Notes In Public Budgeting And Financial Management

This lecture notes provides an overview of budgeting and financial management in the public and non-profit sectors. Fundamental concepts and practices of budgeting, financial management and public finance are introduced, with special emphasis on state and local government budgeting and financial management in the United States. The objectives of courses in Public Budgeting and this title are to teach the basic concepts and nomenclature of public finance, to develop an understanding of budget processes as well as the sources and uses of public revenues, and to make relatively simple, but useful computations in an intelligent way. Key course learning outcomes include the abilities to: There are no indispensable pre-requisites by the reader, and it has been designed for students from a wide variety of backgrounds and undergraduate majors. Although this works well as an introductory text to a broader public administration curriculum, it also can make sense for students to take after some more basic courses in economics, policy analysis, and public organizations. Issues of tax incidence and the effect of taxes on economic efficiency can be covered in greater depth.

Although this works well as an introductory text to a broader public administration curriculum, it also can make sense for students to take after some more basic courses in economics, policy analysis, and public organizations.

Manajemen Pemasaran teori & Implementasi

Pemodelan Sistem