Sebanyak 112 item atau buku ditemukan

Ibnu Sutowo mengemban misi revolusi

sebagai dokter, tentara, pejuang minyak bumi

Biography of Ibnu Sutowo as a physician, revolutionist, and founder of Indonesian oil industry.

Seperti diketahui, masalah manajemen adalah merupakan masalah utama
karena masalah tersebut dipandang oleh perusahaan asing bisa menimbulkan
akibat-akibat ekonomis. Namun kenyataan kemudian menunjukkan banyak
perusahaan asing menyatakan kesediaan mereka menerimanya setelah mereka
mempelajarinya dengan seksama. Masalah Manajemen Menyinggung masalah
manajemen Kuntjoro mengutip pandangan Ibnu Sutowo tentang manajemen
yang sejalan ...

Applied Data Mining for Forecasting Using SAS(R)

Applied Data Mining for Forecasting Using SAS, by Tim Rey, Arthur Kordon, and Chip Wells, introduces and describes approaches for mining large time series data sets. Written for forecasting practitioners, engineers, statisticians, and economists, the book details how to select useful candidate input variables for time series regression models in environments when the number of candidates is large, and identifies the correlation structure between selected candidate inputs and the forecast variable. This book is essential for forecasting practitioners who need to understand the practical issues involved in applied forecasting in a business setting. Through numerous real-world examples, the authors demonstrate how to effectively use SAS software to meet their industrial forecasting needs. This book is part of the SAS Press program.

Through numerous real-world examples, the authors demonstrate how to effectively use SAS software to meet their industrial forecasting needs. This book is part of the SAS Press program.

Data Mining for Design and Marketing

Data Mining for Design and Marketing shows how to design and integrate data mining tools into human thinking processes in order to make better business decisions, especially in designing and marketing products and systems. The expert contributors discuss how data mining can identify valuable consumer patterns, which aid marketers and designers in detecting consumers’ needs. They also explore visualization tools based on the computational methods of data mining. Discourse analysis, chance discovery, knowledge discovery, formal concept analysis, and an adjacency matrix are just some of the novel approaches covered. The book explains how these methods can be applied to website design, the retrieval of scientific articles from a database, personalized e-commerce support tools, and more. Through the techniques of data mining, this book demonstrates how to effectively design business processes and develop competitive products and services. By embracing data mining tools, businesses can better understand the behavior and needs of their customers.

Through the techniques of data mining, this book demonstrates how to effectively design business processes and develop competitive products and services.

Advances in Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology

Molecular Technology, Nutrient Removal, Sludge Reduction, and Environmental Health

This book is the result of the international symposium, "Establishment and Evaluation of Advanced Water Treatment Technology Systems Using Functions of Complex Microbial Community", organized in 2000 at the University of Tokyo. The volume presents the most recent progress in application of microbial community analysis, health-related microorganisms management, nutrient removal, waste sludge minimization and materials recovery, and water management in tropical countries. Included in this work are the following major topics in wastewater treatment: application of various innovative techniques of molecular biology such as FISH, DGGE to microbial community analysis of various types of wastewater treatment; microbial aspect of biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus; emission of nitrous oxide during nitrogen transformation; reduction of sludge production in the wastewater treatment process using membrane and material recovery of biopolymer and cell of photosynthetic bacteria. Health-related microbiology in water supply and water management using recent innovative molecular biological tools is presented and health risk management is discussed. The practical application of wastewater treatment in developing countries, especially tropical countries is also reviewed. Researchers in the field of environmental engineering and applied microbiology, and practical engineers who wish to learn the most recent progress in the microbiological aspect of water and wastewater management, will find this book a useful tool.

This book is the result of the international symposium, "Establishment and Evaluation of Advanced Water Treatment Technology Systems Using Functions of Complex Microbial Community", organized in 2000 at the University of Tokyo.

TCP / IP JumpStart

Internet Protocol Basics

The following flowchart outlines the decision process that TCP/IP uses to decide
whose hardware address is required to send a packet. Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) A protocol used to trans- late an IP address to a hardware

Lobu Tua Sejarah Awal Barus

Situs Lobu Tua merupakan salah satu situs kota kuno daerah Barus, Provinsi Sumatra Utara, dan pernah dihuni antara akhir abad ke-9 hingga awal abad ke-12 Masehi. Buku ini bertujuan menunjukkan betapa pentingnyaperanan Barus dalam sejarah kuno Nusantara. Selain memuat hasil-hasil penelitian aekeologi mengenai benda-benda yang ditemukan di situs Lobu Tua, diperkenalkan juga penelitian tentang sumber-sumber kuno berkenaan dengan Barus, termasuk sebuah prasasti berbahasa Tamil, sebuah teks berbahasa Armenia, dan beberapa sumber Tionghoa. Buku ini juga memuat sumbangan artikel mengenai kamper dan kemenyan yang dahulu menjadi sumber kekayaan Barus.

Dumarçay, Jacques, Candi Sewu dan Arsitektur Bangunan Agama Buda di Jawa
Tengah, Winarsih Arifin & Henri ... 2. Cœdès, George & Louis-Charles Damais,
Kedatuan Sriwijaya, Penelitian Tentang Sriwijaya, EFEO Jakarta (trad.), Jakarta ...

Good governance (kepemerintahan yang baik) dan good corporate governance (tata kelola perusahaan yang baik)

bagian ketiga

Restructuring the system in the government to create good governance in the implementation of regional autonomy in Indonesia.

Restructuring the system in the government to create good governance in the implementation of regional autonomy in Indonesia.