Sebanyak 13 item atau buku ditemukan

Tanah, Rakyat dan Penanaman Modal Pasca Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja (2)

Dalam Buku Jilid 2 ini ada 16 tulisan yang membahas dan mengupas tanah, rakyat dan penanaman modal. Bahwa selama manusia masih hidup dan telah matipun akan berkaitan dengan tanah atau hal lainnya yang selalu memerlukan tanah seperti penanaman modal, sehingga dalam hal ini apakah rakyat jadi subjek atau objek ? Ketiga hal - tanah, rakyat dan penanaman modal - tersebut dibahas dalam buku ini. Buku ini diawali dengan tulisan tentang kebijakan reforma agraria di indonesia dari Maria Fransiska Christiani Nawang, S,H. Pada dasarnya perjalanan reforma agraria di Indonesia bukan hal yang mudah. Hal ini dilihat dari perjalanan reforma agraria sejak awal kemerdekaan hingga saat ini.Meskipun pada masa orde baru reforma agraria sempat terhenti, namun adanya dorongan rakyat dan kelompok lainnya membuat kebijakan reforma agraria kembali dijalankan. Peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah dibentuk seperti UUD 1945, TAP MPR IX/2001, UU Pokok Agraria, UU Cipta Kerja, PP Bank Tanah, Perpres 86/2018 adalah perangkat aturan yang menjadi petunjuk perjalanan reforma agraria yang tentunya diharapkan tetap memberikan keadilan, kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.

dan tersistematis untuk mencegah dan memberantas praktek mafia tanah yang kian merajalela. Praktek kejahatan mafia tanah sungguh sangat menciderai semangat Negara dalam memberikan sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat dalam aspek sumber ...

Architecting the Internet of Things

Many of the initial developments towards the Internet of Things have focused on the combination of Auto-ID and networked infrastructures in business-to-business logistics and product lifecycle applications. However, the Internet of Things is more than a business tool for managing business processes more efficiently and more effectively – it will also enable a more convenient way of life. Since the term Internet of Things first came to attention when the Auto-ID Center launched their initial vision for the EPC network for automatically identifying and tracing the flow of goods within supply-chains, increasing numbers of researchers and practitioners have further developed this vision. The authors in this book provide a research perspective on current and future developments in the Internet of Things. The different chapters cover a broad range of topics from system design aspects and core architectural approaches to end-user participation, business perspectives and applications.

The authors in this book provide a research perspective on current and future developments in the Internet of Things.

Perencanaan pembangunan nasional

proses penyusunan rencana pembangunan nasional dengan fokus Repelita V

Analysis on the economic development system within the Fifth Five Year Development Plan of Indonesia.

Peningkatan itu disertai peningkatan penguasaan dan kualitas teknologi, agar
dapat memberikan sumbangan yang optimal kepada pertumbuhan produksi
daerah, peningkatan mutu produksi, eskpor dan pemerataan hasil-hasil
pembangunan di daerah. Pembangunan sektor sosial, kependudukan dan
sektor ekonomi dilaksanakan secara terpadu dalam rangka pembangunan
wilayah. Secara keseluruhan pembangunan wilayah diarahkan pada
peningkatan kualitas masyarakat, ...

The Hikayat Abdullah

For all its shirtcoming - the blunders of fact, the confused chronology and the frequent moral perorations - Munshi Abdullah's autobiography, The Hikayat Abdullah, is a document of much interest to historians of South-East Asia.

Territorial Acquisition, Disputes, and International Law

This book analyzes the traditional criteria of territorial acquisition and demonstrates their inadequacies in the modern context. It also addresses contemporary territorial doctrines and conflicts. It regards territorial acquisition as a comprehensive process involving various considerations leading to the establishment or transfer of exclusive control over territory. This approach has many advantages and adds to the development of the law of territorial acquisition. The author also provides an analysis of the claims and counter-claims in major contemporary territorial disputes and suggests appropriate legal perspectives bearing upon decision-making in regard to them. This book will be highly useful to students, academics and practitioners in the field of international law, as well as all governments and institutions dealing with territorial matters.

This book analyzes the traditional criteria of territorial acquisition and demonstrates their inadequacies in the modern context.

Total Quality Management for Home Care

The first quality management handbook developed specifically for the h ome health care industry, this book provides a comprehensive program w ith step-by-step guidelines, ready-to-use models, charts, sample forms, questionnaires, surveys, letters, and reports everything needed to d esign, implement, and maintain an effective program. It includes vital information regarding OSHA and Joint Commission requirements and inte rnational standards, as well as auditing and statistical data collecti on and evaluation techniques. This book provides the framework for tra nsforming a home care company into a customer driven organization. Too ls and techniques are provided to establish unparalleled service excel lence throughout the delivery of care and subsequent business transact ions.

Quality. Management. THE SINGLE FOCUS The concepts of continuous quality
improvement (CQI) have begun to take root and flourish in the field of home
health. We in the home health care industry are beginning to feel more
comfortable ...

50 tahun HMI mengabdi Republik

Volume commemorating the 50th anniversary of HMI, the Indonesian Muslim Students Association, 1947-1997; Muslim students, political activity; Indonesia, politics and government, Islam and state; collection of articles.

tang oleh Pimpinan Angkatan Darat ketika itu yaitu Letnan Jenderal Ahmad Yani.
Berbagai konflik kepentingan politik yang keras dan tajam antara kekuatan PKI
dan para sekutunya disatu pihak dengan kekuatan non komunis dilain pihak ...