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Algoritma dan Pemrograman

Hemat Energi & Lestari Lingkungan Melalui Bangunan

Experiencing Politics

A Legislator's Stories of Government and Health Care

John E. McDonough affords a rare glimpse into the practice of state politics in this insider's account of the fascinating interface between political science and real-life politics. A member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives for thirteen years and a skilled storyteller, McDonough eloquently weaves together stories of politics and policy with engaging theoretical models in a way that illuminates both the theory and the practice. By providing a link between scholarship and the world of experience, he communicates much about the essence of representative democracy. In the process, he demonstrates how politics extend beyond the public sphere into many aspects of life involving diverse values and interests. McDonough describes the nature of conflict, the role of interests, agenda setting, the nature and pace of change, the use of language, and more. Accessible, insightful, and original, his stories touch on a broad range of issues—including health care politics, campaigns, and elections; a street gang called the X-men; the death penalty; campaign finance reform, and tenants versus landlords. To the author, politics is everywhere and political dynamics are universal. While the setting for this book is one legislature, the lessons and insights are intended for everyone.

To the author, politics is everywhere and political dynamics are universal. While the setting for this book is one legislature, the lessons and insights are intended for everyone.

Principles of Data Mining

Data Mining, the automatic extraction of implicit and potentially useful information from data, is increasingly used in commercial, scientific and other application areas. This book explains and explores the principal techniques of Data Mining: for classification, generation of association rules and clustering. It is written for readers without a strong background in mathematics or statistics and focuses on detailed examples and explanations of the algorithms given. This should prove of value to readers of all kinds, from those whose only use of data mining techniques will be via commercial packages right through to academic researchers. This book aims to help the general reader develop the necessary understanding to use commercial data mining packages discriminatingly, as well as enabling the advanced reader to understand or contribute to future technical advances in the field. Each chapter has practical exercises to enable readers to check their progress. A full glossary of technical terms used is included.

Data for data mining comes in many forms: from computer files typed in by human
operators, business information in SQL or some other standard database format,
information recorded automatically by equipment such as fault logging devices, ...

Islam & hak asasi manusia dalam pandangan Nurcholish Madjid

Thoughts of Nurcholish Majid, an Indonesian Muslim scholar, on human rights from Islamic teaching perspectives in Indonesia.

G. Wacana Asasi Dunia Kontemporer Seiring dengan kemajuan zaman, wacana
hak-hak asasi pun berkembang dan mengalami redefinisi bahkan rekonstruksi.
Salah satu wacana baru adalah paham lingkungan hidup dan kebebasan pers.

The Really Inconvenient Truths

Seven Environmental Catastrophes Liberals Don't Want You to Know About- Because They Helped Cause Them

Al Gore is bad for the planet... Talk about really inconvenient truths--that's one of the many you'll find in Iain Murray's rollicking exposé of environmental blowhards who waste more energy, endanger more species, and actually kill more people (yes, that's right) than the environmental villains they finger. Did you know that estrogen from birth control and "morning after" pills is causing male fish across America to develop female sex organs? Funny how "pro-choice" and "environmentalist" liberals never talk about that. Or how about this: the Live Earth concert to "save the planet" released more CO2 into the atmosphere than a fleet of 2,000 Humvees emit in a year? We hear a lot about AIDS in Africa, but the number one killer of children in much of Africa is malaria--and guess who was responsible for banning the pesticide that used to have malaria under control? Iain Murray, a sprightly conservative environmental analyst with a long record of skewering liberal hypocrisy, has dug up seven of the all-time great environmental catastrophes caused by the Left and exposed them in The Really Inconvenient Truths. Murray lays bare: * How ethanol, the liberals' favorite fuel, is destroying the world's rainforests--and could cause global food shortages * How Al Gore's hero Rachel Carson cost the lives of millions of Africans through her efforts to ban DDT * How the environmentalists have covered up the polluting effects of contraceptive and chemical abortion drugs * How the Endangered Species Act actually endangers species * How Gore's vision of greater state control over the economy has already produced some of the greatest environmental disasters in history All of us want a planet with clean air and clean water, vibrant forests, healthy animal populations, and glorious open space. But liberal environmentalists aren't the ones to deliver it. In fact, they've made the planet worse, while old-fashioned property rights, unpopular hunters, and the innovative engine of capitalism have made it better. The facts are all here, in a book that Al Gore would rather burn than read.

proper level.” He goes further with his animism than ever before, saying that Gaia
likes it cool,16 that Gaia is “angry” with us and that she will “eliminate those that
break her rules.” Lovelock could easily be accused of cribbing from the Norse ...