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Kewirausahaan Industri

Buku ini mengkaji kewirausahaan industri yang merupakan bagian atau ranah teori kewirausahaan yang dikembangkan melalui ilmu ekonomi pembangunan. Pembahasan meliputi: pendidikan kewirausahaan, kewirausahaan dan kewiraswastaan, kewirausahaan industri, karakteristik dan pengembangan wirausaha dalam kewirausahaan industri, etika bisnis dan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, industrialisasi pertanian di indonesia, paradigma transformasi industri pertanian, serta pemberdayaan wirausaha sektor pertanian dan industri di pedesaan. Melalui buku ini, mahasiswa tidak hanya belajar mengenai kewirausahaan secara teoretis, namun juga pengaplikasiannya dalam sektor industri, terkhusus di sektor pertanian Indonesia.

Buku ini mengkaji kewirausahaan industri yang merupakan bagian atau ranah teori kewirausahaan yang dikembangkan melalui ilmu ekonomi pembangunan.

The Maya Tropical Forest

People, Parks, and Ancient Cities

The Maya Tropical Forest, which occupies the lowlands of southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, is the closest rainforest to the United States and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Western Hemisphere. It has been home to the Maya peoples for nearly four millennia, starting around 1800 BC. Ancient cities in the rainforest such as Palenque, Yaxchilan, Tikal, and Caracol draw thousands of tourists and scholars seeking to learn more about the prehistoric Maya. Their contemporary descendants, the modern Maya, utilize the forest's natural resources in village life and international trade, while striving to protect their homeland from deforestation and environmental degradation. Writing for both visitors and conservationists, James Nations tells the fascinating story of how ancient and modern Maya peoples have used and guarded the rich natural resources of the Maya Tropical Forest. He opens with a natural history that profiles the forest's significant animals and plants. Nations then describes the Maya peoples, biological preserves, and major archaeological sites in Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. Drawing on more than twenty-five years of conservation work in the Maya Tropical Forest, Nations tells first-hand stories of the creation of national parks and other protected areas to safeguard the region's natural resources and archaeological heritage. He concludes with an expert assessment of the forest's future in which he calls for expanded archaeological tourism to create an ecologically sustainable economic base for the region.

Writing for both visitors and conservationists, James Nations tells the fascinating story of how ancient and modern Maya peoples have used and guarded the rich natural resources of the Maya Tropical Forest.

Statistik Industri 1970: Indonesia

Hasil Pengolahan Data Perusahaan2 Industri Besar & Sedang: Pemakaian Bahan Baku & Penolong Bahan Bakar, Upah & Gadji Dan Pengeluaran2 Lain, Produksi, Perlengkapan Mesin Tenaga Serta Banjaknja Tenaga Kerdja Menurut Kelompok Industri. Survey of Large and Medium Scale Manufacturing Industries: Raw Materials & Fuel Consumed, Wages & Salaries, Miscellenous [sic] Output, Power Equipments and Number of Persons Employed Classified by Industry Group

Photoshop CS3: Visual QuickPro Guide

Annotation This full-color Visual QuickPro Guide is a more advanced companion volume to the best-selling Photoshop CS3 Visual QuickStart Guide, from the same authors. This book takes the reader beyond the general and broad over view of Photoshop provided by the Visual QuickStart Guide, offering more focused tasks written in greater depth to help the reader master intermediate skills. The Visual QuickPro Guide provides instructors with the more advanced tutorials that students need in order to master Photoshop, and which can prove to be a real time-saver for any teacher. In the Visual QuickPro Guide, Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas cover many key areas in Photoshop that an intermediate user needs to know: a variety of methods for creating complex selections; specific steps to improve tone and color; in-depth tasks for retouching portraits; a closer look at combining images into composites; detailed steps for improving sharpening; creative use of tinting; applying fine art touches to an image; and steps for creative type treatments. Also included are sections on paths & shapes as well as actions, material best geared to intermediate readers.

This book takes the reader beyond the general and broad over view of Photoshop provided by the Visual QuickStart Guide, offering more focused tasks written in greater depth to help the reader master intermediate skills.

Photoshop CS3 for Nature Photographers

A Workshop in a Book

In the new edition of this practical guide, master photographer Ellen Anon and digital-imaging expert Tim Grey show you how to capture the beauty of nature by shooting the best possible photos from the start—and then getting the most out of your images at your desktop. You’ll find eye-opening techniques, workflow ideas, and terrific Photoshop tools, plus a host of valuable tips and stunning examples from some of the most esteemed professional nature photographers working today.

... many of which are quite similar to those found in ACR, and then discuss how to
limit those tonal corrections to specific parts of your image. Chapter Contents
Shooting for Optimal Exposure Tonal Adjustments with Levels Targeting
Adjustments with a Layer Mask Safe Dodge and Burn Layers Curves The
Shadow/Highlight Adjustment 171. 6. 172 Shooting for Optimal Exposure The
ability to perform exposure. Photoshop CS3 for Nature Photographers: Chapter 6:
Exposure Adjustments.