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MEDIA BARU DALAM KOMUNIKASI POLITIK (Komunikasi Politik I Dunia Virtual)

Media baru memberi kontribusi yang besar bagi demokrasi. Kontribusi tersebut berupa terbentuknya ruang publik yang universal, bisa diakses oleh siapa saja. Sehingga masyarakat tidak mengalami hambatan untuk menyuarakan aspirasinya. Di sisi lain, media baru mengubah komunikasi politik yang selama ini cenderung top-down, menjadi bottom up dan decentralized. Pemerintah makin membuka ruang bagi masyarakat lewat program e-government untuk meningkatkan pelayanan publik kepada masyarakat. Perubahan ini pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan partisipasi politik masyarakat. Partisipasi politik merupakan modal bagi terwujudnya demokrasi yang substantif bagi suatu bangsa.

Media baru memberi kontribusi yang besar bagi demokrasi.

Buku Ajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Perguruan Tinggi

Langit dan bumi dengan segala isi dan peristiwa yang terkandung di dalamnya merupakan suatu kenyataan yang sangat mengesankan dan menakjubkan akal dan hati sanubari makhluk manusia, itulah alam semesta atau yang disebut alkaun. Segala sesuatu yang ada ini mempunyai akal dan asal, termasuk alam semesta yang sangat mengagumkan ini. Manusia salah satu bagian dari alam, telah dianugerahi oleh Allah akal dan pikiran untuk mencari dan memikirkan segala yang ada di alam ini dan memikirkan siapa pencipta dari semua ini serta dari mana alam itu berasal. Dari dahulu manusia telah berusaha dengan akal dan pikirannya mencari hakikat alam ini, sehingga melahirkan ahli-ahli filsafat seperti Socrates, Aristoteles, dan lain-lain, tetapi mereka tidak berhasil menemukan apa yang mereka cari, yang mereka peroleh hanya kebenaran relatif. Dengan kasih dan sayangnya Allah sebagai pencipta manusia, maka Allah sampaikan agama melalui para Rasul-Nya, maka agamalah yang mengajarkan kepada manusia siapa pemilik kebenaran yang mereka cari itu atau kebenaran mutlak (hakiki). Buku Buku Ajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Perguruan Tinggi ini diterbitkan oleh penerbit deepublish dan tersedia juga versi cetaknya.

Buku Buku Ajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Perguruan Tinggi ini diterbitkan oleh penerbit deepublish dan tersedia juga versi cetaknya.

Cloud Computing

Automating the Virtualized Data Center

The complete guide to provisioning and managing cloud-based Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) data center solutions Could computing will revolutionize the way IT resources are deployed, configured, and managed for years to come. Service providers and customers each stand to realize tremendous value from this paradigm shift-if they can take advantage of it. Cloud Computing brings together the realistic, start-to-finish guidance they need to plan, implement, and manage cloud solution architectures for tomorrow's virtualized data centers. It introduces cloud 'newcomers' to essential concepts, and offers experienced operations professionals detailed guidance on delivering Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). This book's replicable solutions and fully-tested best practices will help enterprises, services providers, consultants, and Cisco partners meet the challenge of provisioning end-to-end cloud infrastructures. Drawing on extensive experience working with leading cloud vendors and integrators, the authors present detailed operations workflow examples, proven techniques for operating cloud-based network, compute, and storage infrastructure; a comprehensive management reference architecture; and a complete case study demonstrating rapid, lower-cost solutions design. Cloud Computing will be an indispensable resource for all network/IT professionals and managers involved with planning, implementing, or managing the next generation of cloud computing services. • •Review the key concepts needed to successfully deploy and cloud-based services •Transition common enterprise design patterns and use cases to the cloud •Master architectural principles and infrastructure design for 'real-time' managed IT services •Understand the Cisco approach to cloud-related technologies, systems, and services •Develop a cloud management architecture using ITIL, TMF, and ITU-TMN standards •Implement best practices for cloud service provisioning, activation, and management •Automate cloud infrastructure to simplify service delivery, monitoring and assurance •Choose and implement the right billing/chargeback approaches for your business •Design and build IaaS services, from start to finish •Manage the unique capacity challenges associated with sporadic, real-time demand •Provide a consistent and optimal cloud user experience This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.

This book''s replicable solutions and fully-tested best practices will help enterprises, service providers, consultants, and Cisco partners meet the challenge of provisioning end-to-end cloud infrastructures.

Scientology: A New Slant on Life

SYNOPSIS Scientology essentials for every aspect of life. Basic answers that put you in charge of your existence, truths to consult again and again: Is It Possible to Be Happy?, Two Rules for Happy Living, Personal Integrity, The Anti-Social Personality and many more. In every part of this book you will find Scientology truths that describe conditions in your life and exact ways to improve them. FULL DESCRIPTION The materials of Scientology comprise the greatest accumulation of knowledge ever assembled on the mind, spirit and life. Through more than a hundred books and publications, thousands more articles and essays, and over 3,000 recorded lectures, the works of L. Ron Hubbard embrace virtually every aspect of living. Here, then, is Scientology: A New Slant on Life, containing a timeless selection of Mr. Hubbard’s discoveries drawn from the full wealth of his writings and each one presenting a broad, yet comprehensive overview of Scientology applied to a specific aspect of existence—and, in combination, providing the panoramic overview of life itself. Here are the answers to questions Man has sought through the ages; here are practical answers you hoped could be found somewhere; here are answers that work. Is It Possible to Be Happy? Personal Integrity Man’s Search for His Soul On Our Efforts for Immortality The Eight Dynamics that comprise life itself The Affinity, Reality and Communication Triangle providing the components for interpersonal relationships Handling the Confusions of the Workaday World Marriage How to Live with Children What Is Greatness? The Two Rules for Happy Living Anti-Social and Social Personalities The Third Party Law revealing the cause of conflict Honesty and Ethics My Philosophy, L. Ron Hubbard’s personal statement on what motivated his life’s work and the quest for Scientology Here, then, are essentials for living, real solutions that work in the here and now, truths to consult again and again.

, Two Rules for Happy Living, Personal Integrity, The Anti-Social Personality and many more. In every part of this book you will find Scientology truths that describe conditions in your life and exact ways to improve them.

The Kite Runner

Traces the unlikely friendship of a wealthy Afghan youth and a servant's son, in a tale that spans the final days of Afghanistan's monarchy through the atrocities of the present day.

Traces the unlikely friendship of a wealthy Afghan youth and a servant's son, in a tale that spans the final days of Afghanistan's monarchy through the atrocities of the present day.

Organizational Data Mining

Leveraging Enterprise Data Resources for Optimal Performance

Mountains of business data are piling up in organizations every day. These organizations collect data from multiple sources, both internal and external. These sources include legacy systems, customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning applications, online and e-commerce systems, government organizations and business suppliers and partners. A recent study from the University of California at Berkeley found the amount of data organizations collect and store in enterprise databases doubles every year, and slightly more than half of this data will consist of "reference information," which is the kind of information strategic business applications and decision support systems demand (Kestelyn, 2002). Terabyte-sized (1,000 megabytes) databases are commonplace in organizations today, and this enormous growth will make petabyte-sized databases (1,000 terabytes) a reality within the next few years (Whiting, 2002). By 2004 the Gartner Group estimates worldwide data volumes will be 30 times those of 1999, which translates into more data having been produced in the last 30 years than during the previous 5,000 (Wurman, 1989).

Data mining has quickly emerged as a tool that can allow organizations to exploit
their information assets. In this chapter, we suggest how this tool can be used to
support strategic decision-making. Starting with an interpretive perspective of ...




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menyediakan 1 . Pijarkan minyak, tumis bawang putih sehingga garing. 2.
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