Sebanyak 34 item atau buku ditemukan

Aspek Hukum Otoritas Jasa Keuangan

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dibentuk agar keseluruhan kegiatan di dalam sektor jasa keuangan dapat terselenggara secara teratur, adil, transparan, akuntabel, mampu mewujudkan sistem keuangan yang tumbuh secara berkelanjutan dan stabil. Selain itu, agar mampu melindungi kepentingan konsumen dan masyarakat, yang diwujudkan melalui adanya sistem pengaturan dan pengawasan yang terintegrasi terhadap keseluruhan kegiatan di dalam sektor jasa keuangan. Pembentukan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan di Indonesia telah diatur dalam sebuah Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan yang diresmikan pada 22 November 2011. Dalam peraturan tersebut disebutkan bahwa definisi dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan adalah lembaga yang independen dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya, bebas dari campur tangan pihak lain, kecuali untuk hal-hal yang secara tegas diatur dalam UU OJK ini. Buku ini menguraikan tinjauan-tinjauan hukum yang melatarbelakangi terbentuknya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), hubungan OJK dengan bank sentral (Bank Indonesia), hubungan OJK dengan lembaga keuangan lainnya, dan penerapan lembaga otoritas jasa keuangan di negara- Salam Penebar Swadaya Grup & RAS

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dibentuk agar keseluruhan kegiatan di dalam sektor jasa keuangan dapat terselenggara secara teratur, adil, transparan, akuntabel, mampu mewujudkan sistem keuangan yang tumbuh secara berkelanjutan dan stabil.

Manajemen Indonesia menyongsong tinggal landas dan pada era industri

Indonesian management during economic takeoff; proceeding of a seminar.

Indonesian management during economic takeoff; proceeding of a seminar.

Current issues lembaga keuangan syariah

Issues concerning Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia; papers.

Issues concerning Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia; papers.

Affordable Reliability Engineering

Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Sustainability & Logistical Support

How Can Reliability Analysis Impact Your Company’s Bottom Line? While reliability investigations can be expensive, they can also add value to a product that far exceeds its cost. Affordable Reliability Engineering: Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Sustainability & Logistical Support shows readers how to achieve the best cost for design development testing and evaluation and compare options for minimizing costs while keeping reliability above specifications. The text is based on the premise that all system sustainment costs result from part failure. It examines part failure in the design and sustainment of fielded parts and outlines a design criticality analysis procedure that reflects system design and sustainment. Achieve the Best Cost for Life-Cycle Sustainment Providing a framework for managers and engineers to develop and implement a reliability program for their organizations, the authors present the practicing professional with the tools needed to manage a system at a high reliability at the best cost. They introduce analytical methods that provide the methodology for integrating part reliability, failure, maintainability, and logistic math models. In addition, they include examples on how to run reliability simulations, highlight tools that are commercially available for such analysis, and explain the process required to ensure a design will meet specifications and minimize costs in the process. This text: Demonstrates how to use information gathered from reliability investigations Provides engineers and managers with an understanding of a reliability engineering program so that they can perform reliability analyses Seeks to resolve uncertainty and establish the value of reliability engineering Affordable Reliability Engineering: Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Sustainability & Logistical Support focuses on reliability-centered maintenance and is an ideal resource for reliability engineers and managers. This text enables reliability professionals to determine the lowest life-cycle costs for part selection, design configuration options, and the implementation of maintenance practices, as well as spare parts strategies, and logistical resources.

Assembly Lead Engineer Design Engineers Reliability Engineers Quality
Engineers Cost Engineers Safety Engineers Test Engineers Systems Engineers
FIGURE 1.4 Revised organizational structure. the specialty engineers on the
design, ...

Analisis Dampak Lingkungan

3. Apakah wisatawan/penduduk lokal akan diikutsertakan dalam proyek ataukah
mereka akan dilarang untuk datang di daerah rekreasi yang semula mereka
gunakan? 4. Jika tapak atau bangunan bersejarah, geologik atau arkeologik ...

Computer Architecture

ISCA 2010 International Workshops A4MMC, AMAS-BT, EAMA, WEED, WIOSCA, Saint-Malo, France, June 19-23, 2010, Revised Selected Papers

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the workshops held at the 37th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA 2010, in Saint-Malo, France, in June 2010. The 28 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from the lectures given at 5 of these workshops. The papers address topics ranging from novel memory architectures to emerging application design and performance analysis and encompassed the following workshops: A4MMC, applications for multi- and many-cores; AMAS-BT, 3rd workshop on architectural and micro-architectural support for binary translation; EAMA, the 3rd Workshop for emerging applications and many-core architectures; WEED, 2nd Workshop on energy efficient design, as well as WIOSCA, the annual workshop on the interaction between operating systems and computer architecture.

This workshop aims to bring together application domain experts and computer
architects to discuss emerging applications as well as their implications on
current- and next-generation many-core architectures. There has always been a
close ...

Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering

Third International Conference, FASE 2000 Held as Part of the Joint European Conference on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2000 Berlin, Germany, March 25 - April 2, 2000 Proceedings

ETAPS2000wasthe third instanceofthe EuropeanJointConferenceson Theory and Practice of Software. ETAPS is an annual federated conference that was established in 1998 by combining a number of existing and new conferences. This year it comprised v e conferences (FOSSACS, FASE, ESOP, CC, TACAS), ve satellite workshops (CBS, CMCS, CoFI, GRATRA, INT), seven invited lectures, a panel discussion, and ten tutorials. The events that comprise ETAPS address various aspects of the system - velopment process, including speci cation, design, implementation, analysis, and improvement. The languages, methodologies, and tools which support these - tivities are all well within its scope. Die rent blends of theory and practice are represented, with an inclination towards theory with a practical motivation on one hand and soundly-based practice on the other. Many of the issues involved in software design apply to systems in general, including hardware systems, and the emphasis on software is not intended to be exclusive.

Bergadano, F.; Gunetti, D. Inductive Logic Programming, The MIT Press, 1996 8.
Berry, D.M.; Lawrence, B. “Requirements Engineering” IEEE Software, 26-29,
Mar. 1998. 9. Botilier, C.; Becher, V. “Abduction as belief revision” Art. Intelligence