Sebanyak 53 item atau buku ditemukan

Pentingnya kewirausahaan dalam pendidikan tinggi dan pemecahan masalah bangsa

membangun perguruan tinggi menjadi centre of excellence & enterpreneurship dari gagasan hingga pelaksanaan : kuliah perdana Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada, tahun akademik 2007/08, tanggal 10 September 2007

The Lion and the Mouse and the Invaders from Zurg

A Graphic Novel

In this graphic version of the classic fable, Daisy the mouse proves her worth when she has to rescue Thunder the lion, overconfident leader of the resistance, from the alien invaders from Zurg, and with the aid of a secret weapon--kitties--they drive the invaders from the planet!

In this graphic version of the classic fable, Daisy the mouse proves her worth when she has to rescue Thunder the lion, overconfident leader of the resistance, from the alien invaders from Zurg, and with the aid of a secret weapon--kitties- ...

Buku Panduan Penyusunan Skripsi

Skripsi merupakan karya ilmiah yang dipersyaratkan bagi mahasiswa yang akan memperoleh gelar sarjana pada bidang ilmu yang menjadi konsentrasi belajarnya di STAI Al-Azhary Cianjur. Juga merupakan media komunikasi ilmiah lewat tulisan ilmiah. Oleh sebab itu sangat diperlukan bagi mahasiswa terhadap penguasaan hakikat ilmu, prosedur penelitian dan penulisan ilmiah sebagai alat komunikasi ilmiah melalui tulisan skripsi agar terpenuhinya kaidah ilmiah. Proses penyelesaian skripsi harus mengikuti kaidah dan struktur penulisan skripsi yang telah disepakati di STAI Al-Azhary Cianjur, dalam prakteknya mahasiswa dibimbing oleh para pembimbing skripsi agar tidak terlepas dari ciri khas yang dibuat dalam panduan. [Skripsi, panduan, penyusunan, al azhar, cianjur, deepublish]

A. Gaya Penulisan Skripsi merupakan karya ilmiah, sama halnya dengan karya
tulis ilmiah lainnya seperti, jurnal, tesis dan desertasi, yang merupakan dokumen
ilmiah. Skripsi bukanlah buku biasa atau novel atau cerpen. Oleh sebab itu
skripsi tidak boleh mengandung pernyataan yang emosional, subjektif, dan
berlebihan, akan tetapi skripsi harus faktual, objektif, jelas, dan tepat. Hal
tersebut di atas akan nampak dalam penggunaan bahasa di dalam tulisan
skripsi. Oleh itu bahasa ...

Brand-New Prescription Drug Pricing

Lack of Therapeutically Equivalent Drugs and Limited Competition May Contribute to Extraordinary Price Increases

The growing cost of brand-name prescription drugs (BNPD) -- FDA-approved drug products that typically have patent protection -- is a concern for patients, payers, and providers of health care -- particularly when price increases are large and occur suddenly. A 2008 congressional hearing drew attention to some small market prescription drugs that had an extraordinary price increase -- 100% or more at a single point in time. This report examined extraordinary price increases for BNPD. It examined the: (1) frequency of extraordinary price increases for BNPD from 2000 to 2008; (2) characteristics of the BNPD that had extraordinary price increases; and (3) factors that contributed to the extraordinary price increases experienced by these BNPD. Illustrations.

The growing cost of brand-name prescription drugs (BNPD) -- FDA-approved drug products that typically have patent protection -- is a concern for patients, payers, and providers of health care -- particularly when price increases are large ...

Physical Design Considerations and Ip Address Space and As Numbers in Bgp

This chapter deals with the costly parts of the network: the physical properties, such as hardware, locations, and topology, and with ISPs and bandwidth.

This chapter deals with the costly parts of the network: the physical properties, such as hardware, locations, and topology, and with ISPs and bandwidth.

Budgeting, Spending, and Saving

People spend money on food, fashion, and fun. But how can you spend money wisely? How do you figure out what you want to buy and what you need to buy? Money is a key part of our world, and knowing how to use it is especially important. Read this book to learn how to save, to spend, and to build your own budget. As part of the Searchlight BooksTM collection, this series sheds light on an important economics topic—How Do We Use Money? Clear text, informative diagrams, vivid photos, and real-life examples will help you find the answers!

Read this book to learn how to save, to spend, and to build your own budget. As part of the Searchlight BooksTM collection, this series sheds light on an important economics topic—How Do We Use Money?

Central locator files

a guide for decisions, installation, operation, and utilization

The verbal numbers 'High', 'Medium', and 'Low' refer to the relative frequency and
time spent in information exchange. Banks with data processing equipment such
as ours, route much information through the computer to and from the primary ...