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The Lost Bank

The Story of Washington Mutual-The Biggest Bank Failure in American History

During the most dizzying days of the financial crisis, Washington Mutual, a bank with hundreds of billions of dollars in its coffers, suffered a crippling bank run. The story of its final, brutal collapse in the autumn of 2008, and its controversial sale to JPMorgan Chase, is an astonishing account of how one bank lost itself to greed and mismanagement, and how the entire financial industry—and even the entire country— lost its way as well. Kirsten Grind’s The Lost Bank is a magisterial and gripping account of these events, tracing the cultural shifts, the cockamamie financial engineering, and the hubris and avarice that made this incredible story possible. The men and women who become the central players in this tragedy— the regulators and the bankers, the home buyers and the lenders, the number crunchers and the shareholders—are heroes and villains, perpetrators and victims, often switching roles with one another as the drama unfolds. As a reporter at the time for the Puget Sound Business Journal, Grind covered a story set far from the epicenters of finance and media. It happened largely in places such as the suburban homes of central California and the office buildings of Seattle, but Grind covered the story from the beginning, and the clarity and persistence of her reporting earned her many awards, including being named a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the Gerald Loeb Award. She takes readers into boardrooms and bedrooms, revealing the power struggles that pitted regulators at the Office of Thrift Supervision and the FDIC against one another and the predatory negotiations of investment bankers and lawyers who enriched themselves during the bank’s rise and then devoured the decimated bank in its final days. Written as compellingly as the finest fiction, The Lost Bank makes it clear that the collapse of Washington Mutual was not just the largest bank failure in American history. It is a story of talismanic qualities, reflecting the incredible rise and the precipitous collapse of not only an institution but of trust, fortunes, and the marketplaces for risk across the world.

Kirsten Grind’s The Lost Bank is a magisterial and gripping account of these events, tracing the cultural shifts, the cockamamie financial engineering, and the hubris and avarice that made this incredible story possible.

作ればわかる!Androidプログラミング 第4版 SDK5/6 Android Studio対応 10の実践サンプルで学ぶAndroidアプリ開発入門

「習うより慣れろ」でAndroidアプリを作ることからはじめよう! 作って学ぶAndroidアプリ開発入門の決定版! 本書は、Android SDKとAndroid Studioを利用して、実際にアプリを作りながら、Androidアプリ開発の基礎知識や実践的なプログラミング方法を学ぶ書籍です。第4版でも「習うより慣れろ」「作って楽しい」というコンセプトはそのままに、Android SDK 5/6、Android Studio 2に対応! 簡単操作で定型メールを送信できるアプリ、度忘れ防止アラーム、Android端末を振ると音楽を奏でるアプリ、加速度センサーを利用したゲーム、撮影写真をクラウドにアップするカメラアプリ、ジョギングの走行経路や時間、速度を記録するアプリ、Android端末をマインドストームEV3リモコンに変えるアプリなど、特徴的で楽しい10のサンプルプログラムを作ります。 これらを作ることで、アクティビティやインテント、UI部品、イベントリスナーの使い方といったAndroidアプリ開発の基礎や、RecyclerView/CardViewの使い方やNotificationsによる通知、プレファレンスによる情報の記録、センサー/カメラ/SQLiteデータベース/Bluetooth通信の活用といった実践的なプログラミング方法を習得できます。また、Runtime Permissionや指紋認証といったAndroid SDK 6の最新機能も取り上げます。 「とにかくなにか作りたい」「アプリを作りたいけどなにからはじめればいいのかよくわからない」「アプリを作りながらプログラミングのコツをおぼえたい」という方におすすめの一冊です。

「習うより慣れろ」でAndroidアプリを作ることからはじめよう! 作って学ぶAndroidアプリ開発入門の決定版! 本書は、Android SDKとAndroid ...

Kubik Leadership - New Cover

"""Kenapa karier saya tidak juga naik? Kenapa usaha saya tidak berkembang? Kenapa kehidupan keluarga saya tidak kunjung harmonis? Kenapa saya terus terjerat dalam permasalahan yang sama dalam hidup saya? Banyak solusi yang ditawarkan saat ini tidak mampu menyelesaikan masalah hingga tuntas. Sebab layaknya obat analgesik, solusi tersebut hanya menghilangkan gejalanya. Buku ini menawarkan sebuah solusi yang lain. Sebuah solusi esensial yang langsung menyasar pada akar permasalahan dan menyembuhkan penyakitnya hingga tuntas. Melalui eksplorasi akan kekuatan kepemimpinan diri, Kubik Leadership menguak rahasia alam dan kehidupan dan menyajikannya untuk Anda dalam sebuah rumusan yang sederhana dan mudah. Apa pun peran Anda saat ini, Anda akan mampu menggunakannya untuk meraih kehidupan yang lebih baik. Tidak seperti kebanyakan buku solusi lainnya yang banyak bicara konsep dan ide, Kubik Leadership menuntun Anda selangkah demi selangkah, hingga sukses dan hidup mulia benar-benar menjadi milik Anda. Baca buku ini dan silakan buktikan. “Mencerahkan dan inspiratif. Secara ilmiah dan gamblang, buku ini menguraikan keterjebakan paradigma sebagian dari kita bahwa kekayaan spiritual tidak punya tempat di area manajemen dan leadership. Bahkan sebaliknya, secara praktis buku ini membuka wawasan dan menuntun kita pada destinasi hidup sukses mulia yang hakiki.” -- Siti Chalimah Fadjrijah Deputi Gubernur Bank Indonesia “Bravo! Membaca buku Kubik Leadership ini serasa saya mendapatkan jawaban atas rahasia kesulitan dan keberuntungan hidup yang saya alami. Bila Anda ingin membuat kehidupan yang lebih sukses dan mulia ke depan, segera baca buku ini.” -- Arief Safari Direktur Suco findo “Saya banyak membaca buku kepemimpinan, tetapi buku Kubik Leadership ini memberikan pencerahan baru dengan memadukan ilmu alam, ajaran Tuhan, dan mentalitas manusia.Buku ini dituturkan secara populer, mudah dimengerti, dan menuntun pembacanya untuk menjadi insan-insan yang lebih baik.” -- Prof. Dr. Ir. H. E. Gumbira Sa’id, MADev Direktur Program Manajemen dan Pasca Sarjana IPB"""

"""Kenapa karier saya tidak juga naik?

The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture

Volume 17: Education

Offering a broad, up-to-date reference to the long history and cultural legacy of education in the American South, this timely volume of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture surveys educational developments, practices, institutions, and politics from the colonial era to the present. With over 130 articles, this book covers key topics in education, including academic freedom; the effects of urbanization on segregation, desegregation, and resegregation; African American and women's education; and illiteracy. These entries, as well as articles on prominent educators, such as Booker T. Washington and C. Vann Woodward, and major southern universities, colleges, and trade schools, provide an essential context for understanding the debates and battles that remain deeply imbedded in southern education. Framed by Clarence Mohr's historically rich introductory overview, the essays in this volume comprise a greatly expanded and thoroughly updated survey of the shifting southern education landscape and its development over the span of four centuries.

The desegregation of southern education occurred in several phases over 80
years: (1) 1930–45, inauguration of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People's (NAACP) desegregation campaign, which
ended the era of virtually unchallenged Jim Crowism; (2) 1945–54, overturning
the separate-but-equal doctrine, first in graduate and professional education and
then in elementary and secondary schools; (3) 1955–64, massive southern white
resistance countered ...

Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Essentials

The perfect primer for learning Adobe Flash, whether you're new to Flash or updating your skills You'll get quickly up to speed on the essentials of Adobe Flash with this clear, task-based book. From the fundamentals of rich media design to specific techniques, it's a thorough introduction. Using step-by-step instruction, this book clearly shows you how to draw shapes, use the Timeline, add video or audio, create complex animations, and much more. Moreover, if you're preparing for the Flash Professional Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) exam, this thorough guide is the perfect preparation. Covers Flash essentials for beginners and assists candidates preparing for the Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) for Rich Media Communication Using Flash Professional certification Introduces you to the principles and practices of rich media design as well as Flash basics and essential tools Delves into topics and techniques, including creating designs using Flash shape tools, the essentials of layers and the Timeline, using text and symbols, and creating simple animations

Using step-by-step instruction, this book clearly shows you how to draw shapes, use the Timeline, add video or audio, create complex animations, and much more.

Bank Islam

analisis fiqih dan keuangan

Finances and practices of Islamic banking in Indonesia.

Finances and practices of Islamic banking in Indonesia.