Sebanyak 75 item atau buku ditemukan

UML for the IT Business Analyst

Today, information-technology business analysts are often working on object-oriented (OO), Unified Modeling Language (UML) projects, yet they have a long way to go to exploit the technology beyond the adoption of use cases (just one part of the UML). This

Today, information-technology business analysts are often working on object-oriented (OO), Unified Modeling Language (UML) projects, yet they have a long way to go to exploit the technology beyond the adoption of use cases (just one part of ...

Marketing Places

Today's headlines report cities going bankrupt, states running large deficits, and nations stuck in high debt and stagnation. Philip Kotler, Donald Haider, and Irving Rein argue that thousands of "places" -- cities, states, and nations -- are in crisis, and can no longer rely on national industrial policies, such as federal matching funds, as a promise of jobs and protection. When trouble strikes, places resort to various palliatives such as chasing grants from state or federal sources, bidding for smokestack industries, or building convention centers and exotic attractions. The authors show instead that places must, like any market-driven business, become attractive "products" by improving their industrial base and communicating their special qualities more effectively to their target markets. From studies of cities and nations throughout the world, Kotler, Haider, and Rein offer a systematic analysis of why so many places have fallen on hard times, and make recommendations on what can be done to revitalize a place's economy. They show how "place wars" -- battles for Japanese factories, government projects, Olympic Games, baseball team franchises, convention business, and other economic prizes -- are often misguided and end in wasted money and effort. The hidden key to vigorous economic development, the authors argue, is strategic marketing of places by rebuilding infrastructure, creating a skilled labor force, stimulating local business entrepreneurship and expansion, developing strong public/private partnerships, identifying and attracting "place compatible" companies and industries, creating distinctive local attractions, building a service-friendly culture, and promoting these advantages effectively. Strategic marketing of places requires a deep understanding of how "place buyers" -- tourists, new residents, factories, corporate headquarters, investors -- make their place decisions. With this understanding, "place sellers" -- economic development agencies, tourist promotion agencies, mayor's offices -- can take the necessary steps to compete aggressively for place buyers. This straightforward guide for effectively marketing places will be the framework for economic development in the 1990s and beyond.

This straightforward guide for effectively marketing places will be the framework for economic development in the 1990s and beyond.

Heavy Metal

Deep in the bowels of the Samaria Mountains, Jack Crampton labors in search of the “mother lode”. He knew he was getting close when the last blaster had revealed evidence of lead and silver, and an enormous deposit of a grayish, chalky mineral. This worthless mineral Jack had discovered turns out to be the catalyst to a heart-pounding thriller that leads from the legend of the “Iron Door” through the disaster of the Bay of Pigs, to the brink of nuclear war at the Cuban Missile Crisis. Burt Jones, retired air force officer, leads the way in a race against time to control this “heavy metal”, which will decide U.S. military might, or subjection to Soviet domination. HEAVY METAL draws from a local legend amid rumors about Jesse James and the Wild West in uncovering a secret that could change the course of history. The prologue sets the stage for this historical fiction novel, which causes the reader to wonder about a much different world than the one that exists today, had this tale turned out differently. Who will end up with the map to the “Iron Door”, and who will be left to regret its loss? Possession means military might; its loss means subjection to the Kremlin.

The hot metal glowed red and the fire leaped to consume the dry wood as it was
continually added. The small calf bellowed for its mother and the cow stood
nervously by as her calf was branded before being turned loose. The branding ...

Kamus Jerman - Indonesia Indonesia - Jerman

Untuk Pelajar, Mahasiswa & Umum

Kamus Jerman-Indonesia Indonesia-Jerman ini dibuat untuk melengkapi kebutuhan para pembelajar bahasa Jerman agar dapat memahami bahasa Jerman dengan mudah. Disertai dengan petunjuk penggunaan kamus yang akan membantu Anda yang baru ingin belajar bahasa Jerman. Sebaliknya, kamus ini juga cocok diguanakan penutur bahasa Jerman untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan lancar. Setiap entri kamus Jerman-Indonesia ini disertai dengan pelafalan, sehingga memudahkan Anda dalam mengaplikasikannya. Setiap entri kata benda dalam bahasa Jerman disertai artikel dan bentuk jamak yang disajikan dengan praktis dan mudah dibaca. Tidak hanya kamus, buku terbitan penerbit IndonesiaTera ini juga dilengkapi dengan materi berikut: Daftar nama-nama hari dan bulan; Daftar kata bilangan; Percakapan penting; Kata kerja ta beraturan. -Indonesia Tera-

... [populervizenjaftliç] adj ilmiah populer Population [population]f populasi
Populationswachtstum [populationzvaçztum] n pertumbuhan populasi Pore [pore]
f(-n) pori-pori Porengummi [porerjumi] т spon, busa karet porig [porig] adj berpori

Modeling and Verification Using UML Statecharts

A Working Guide to Reactive System Design, Runtime Monitoring and Execution-based Model Checking

As systems being developed by industry and government grow larger and more complex, the need for superior specification and verification approaches and tools becomes increasingly vital. The developer and customer must have complete confidence that the design produced is correct, and that it meets forma development and verification standards. In this text, UML expert author Dr. Doron Drusinsky compiles all the latest information on the application of UML (Universal Modeling Language) statecharts, temporal logic, automata, and other advanced tools for run-time monitoring and verification. This is the first book that deals specifically with UML verification techniques. This important information is introduced within the context of real-life examples and solutions, particularly focusing on national defense applications. A practical text, as opposed to a high-level theoretical one, it emphasizes getting the system developer up-to-speed on using the tools necessary for daily practice. A practical, tutorial-style text (other books on this topic discuss the tools and formalisms only theoretically) Includes an unclassified case study example from the U.S. Missile Defense project

In this text, UML expert author Dr. Doron Drusinsky compiles all the latest information on the application of UML (Universal Modeling Language) statecharts, temporal logic, automata, and other advanced tools for run-time monitoring and ...

Pasar Modal Syariah & Praktik pasar modal syariah

Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2017 Release)

Creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Photoshop choose Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2017 release) from Adobe Press. The 15 project-based lessons in this book show users step-by-step the key techniques for working in Photoshop and how to correct, enhance, and distort digital images, create image composites, and prepare images for print and the web. In addition to learning the key elements of the Photoshop interface, this completely revised CC (2017 release) edition covers features like new and improved search capabilities, Content-Aware Crop, Select and Mask, Face-Aware Liquify, designing with multiple artboards, and much more! The online companion files include all the necessary assets for readers to complete the projects featured in each chapter as well as ebook updates when Adobe releases new features for Creative Cloud customers. All buyers of the book get full access to the Web Edition: a Web-based version of the complete ebook enhanced with video and interactive multiple-choice quizzes. As always with the Classroom in a Book, Instructor Notes are available for teachers to download.

"The official training workbook from Adobe"--Cover.

The Ultimate VB .NET and ASP.NET Code Book

Have you noticed that the majority of .NET books seem intent on hiding you from real-world code? You can buy a 1,500-page draft excluder, study it intensively for a month, and still be none the wiser as to how to write basic programs. This book isn't like that. You'll discover ways to obtain Microsoft code and save hours of development time; you'll uncover the truth behind creating fast programs that run on anything from PDAs to mobile phones to microwaves; you'll be exposed to a hidden .NET language; and you'll find out why you need to know at least some C# (and then be given a cheat course on the basics.) The useful code and .NET programming tips having been personally developed by the author over the past three years—these aren't updated Visual Basic 6 code scraps. Everything within these pages has been created and tested for VB .NET and ASP.NET. Table of Contents Moving from VB6 Creating Great Windows Applications Web Sites in Seconds! Working with Data The Lowdown on Web Services From Microwaves to Pocket PCs: Special Project Types More .NET Secrets Unveiled: The Hidden .NET Language The Quick C# Translation Guide

You can buy a 1,500-page draft excluder, study it intensively for a month, and still be none the wiser as to how to write basic programs. This book isn't like that.

Designing with Light

An Introduction to Stage Lighting

Designing with Light is a comprehensive survey of the practical and aesthetic aspects of stage lighting design. The authors approach stage lighting design as an art that integrates the vision of director, actor, and playwright, and as a craft that provides practical solutions for the manipulation of stage space. The sixth edition offers a wealth of new information on new trends in lighting design.

The sixth edition offers a wealth of new information on new trends in lighting design.



Buku Bank Soal Ujian Nasional SMP hadir setelah melalui proses yang panjang. Berbagai langkah dilakukan agar menghasilkan sebuah buku yang benar-benar dapat dijadikan sebagai pegangan bagi calon peserta Ujian Nasional Tingkat SMP. Buku ini sangat berbeda dari buku yang sudah beredar luas di pasaran. Dalam buku ini dibahas secara detail untuk setiap pelajaran (Bhs. Indonesia, Bhs. Inggris, Matematika, dan IPA) yang meliputi Pembahasan Lengkap Bank Soal UN serta Prediksi. Buku ini dilengkapi Bonus CD yang dapat digunakan untuk persiapan UN, yang memuat: • Software Simulasi CAT (Computer Assisted Test) Ujian Nasional SMP • Bank Soal Ujian Nasional 10 tahun (2005 – 2014) • Ebook Psikotes Buku ini adalah pilihan yang tepat!! Berisi Kisi-kisi UN terbaru dilengkapi dengan software CAT (Computer Assisted Test) simulasi UN, yang dapat anda gunakan sebagai latihan sehingga menjadi senjata ampuh dalam mencapai nilai tinggi tiap pelajaran. Dalam buku dan CD terdapat lebih 1600 soal. Jumlah soal yang fantastis, yang tidak pernah ada di buku lain yang khusus membahas Ujian Nasional.

Buku Bank Soal Ujian Nasional SMP hadir setelah melalui proses yang panjang.