Sebanyak 11 item atau buku ditemukan

Managing Customer Value

One Stage at a Time

This book is written for students - as well as employees of organizations - who have some previous exposure to principles of marketing. Its main objectives are to introduce the key marketing principles that govern the interactions between consumers and the goods and services being offered to them, to show how these principles can be used to gain a deeper understanding of the consumer's decision-making cycle, and to apply this knowledge in developing micro-marketing tactics. In doing so, the book offers an alternative perspective to the general practice of marketing products to consumers. Instead of applying the principles of mass marketing to a general group of consumers with similar characteristics, it aims to capture the right consumer at the right time. This is achieved by gaining a deep understanding of consumers' purchasing behavior as they progress through different stages of affiliation with the product or service. These stages are simply a set of thoughts, experiences and feelings that consumers encounter when faced with a purchase decision. Therefore, the major unifying theme between all the observable consumer behaviors and marketing tactics is micro-marketing.

This book is written for students - as well as employees of organizations - who have some previous exposure to principles of marketing.

Social marketing

strategies for changing public behavior

Outlines hows groups devoted to social change can effectively utilize their resources to maximize results, providing a marketing framework for social campaigning and targeting consumer groups

Outlines hows groups devoted to social change can effectively utilize their resources to maximize results, providing a marketing framework for social campaigning and targeting consumer groups

Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop for Photographers Classroom in a Book

Issued with a digital features access code.

You moved the photograph of the house cat to this Lesson 3 folder in the last
section, “Moving files inside the Library module.” 2 In your operating system, drag
the photograph of the house cat (DSC0204.jpg) out of the Lesson 3 folder and
into ...

Pengantar Etika Bisnis

Buku Pintar Bimbel SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9

Kimia - Fisika - Matematika - IPS - Biologi

Inilah buku pintar yang merangkum materi-materi andalan BIMBEL untuk para pelajarnya. Materi-materi ini pada umumnya tidak atau kurang begitu jelas di ajarkan di kelas. Namun pada dasarnya semua materi ini adalah pendalaman intisari yang selalu keluar dalam setiap Ujian dan Ulangan. Bagi pelajar yang ingin mempelajari semua intisari dalam waktu singkat atau mengacu SKS (Sistem Kebut Semalam), maka tidak salah kalau menjadikan buku pintar ini sebagai pegangannya. Dijamin semua soal-soal yang keluar disetiap ulangan, ujian, SBMPTN, bahkan olimpiade pun ada dalam buku ini. Semoga saja buku penerbit LEMBAR LANGIT INDONESIA ini dapat menjadi panduan bagi siswa-siswi dan bisa di gunakan sebaik-baiknya. -Lembar Langit Indonesia Group-

... berpangkat tiga. Sumber: Ensiklopedi Matematika dan Peradaban Manusia ...
Agar kamu lebih memahami konsep bilangan rasional, coba kamu selidiki
apakah bilangan-bilangan berikut merupakan bilangan rasional? a. – c. 0, 1 581
.... b.