Sebanyak 24 item atau buku ditemukan

Hukum dagang

perkembangan buku kesatu Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang Indonesia

Buku ini hadir untuk membahas kebutuhan masyarakat berkaitan dengan kegiatan ekonomi perspektif hukum dagang Indonesia. Hukum dagang dengan objek pembahasan yang sama sekali baru di luar ketentuan yang diatur dalam KUHD dan KUH Perdata.

Ideologi dan praksis gerakan sosial kaum fundamentalis

pengalaman Hizb al-Tahrir Indonesia

Ideology and practices of Islamic fundamentalist organization in Indonesia.

Ideology and practices of Islamic fundamentalist organization in Indonesia.

Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan

Metodologi Penelitian Ekonomi Islam Pendekatan Kuantitatif

English for Business Studies

A Practical Course for Use in Secondary Schools and Colleges

English for Business Studies

A Practical Course for Use in Secondary Schools and Colleges

This book offers a complete course in effective business communication for use in schools and colleges of further education, suitable for those studying for examinations ranging from the elementary to those required by professional bodies.

Rampai bahasa, pendidikan, dan budaya

kumpulan esai

Essays on language teaching, education, and culture in Indonesia.

Dari segi akademik , sistem ini dapat dipertanggung - jawabkan karena
pengajaran bahasa Inggris memang menyangkut dua aspek : ( a ) pengetahuan
linguistik , dan ( b ) kemahiran berbahasa Inggris . Masalah yang dihadapi di
Indonesia ...

Peranan swasta dalam pemasaran hasil-hasil produksi di daerah transmigrasi

laporan akhir

Role of private companies in marketing agricultural products of transmigrants in Indonesia; final report.

Sebagian besar di antara mereka adalah anak remaja atau pemuda yang putus
sekolah atau hanya sempat menyelesaikan sekolahnya sampai tingkat Sekolah
Lanjutan Pertama. Ketika kami bertanya pada beberapa informan mengenai ...

Customer Relationship Management

The Ultimate Guide to the Efficient Use of CRM

Companies need a new approach—customer relationship management, or CRM—to leverage the Web's unique strengths for capturing and publishing a single view of customers. How does it work? What is the best CRM strategy? Which companies have successfully implemented CRM in their business? This HOTT Guide defines CRM from different points of view: sales, marketing, customer support and technology. By presenting white papers on the technology, business cases, reports sharing the major trends occurring in the CRM marketplace, interviews with experts in the CRM-field, and a special chapter dedicated to the implementation of CRM in callcenters, the reader will have the most complete file on CRM possible at his disposition. This HOTT Guide is unique ready-to-use guide for any manager interested in optimizing the relationship with his customers, by using the newest technology The HOTT Guide series is intended for a professional business audience: Management, Marketing, Sales, System Integrating, CIOs, IT specialists and executive level. Customer Relationship Management is especially aimed at those concerned with customer management, marketing and measurement: marketers, callcenter, managers, data architectures, the sale force and service

How does it work? What is the best CRM strategy? Which companies have successfully implemented CRM in their business? This HOTT Guide defines CRM from different points of view: sales, marketing, customer support and technology.