Sebanyak 24 item atau buku ditemukan

Manajemen corporate & strategi pemasaran jasa pendidikan

Corporate management and marketing strategy on education in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Ad. 2 Pada waktu lembaga pendidikan mulai bertambah banyak, maka
muncullah persaingan. Calon mahasiswa tidak banyak mengenal lembaga yang
akan ia masuki. Lembaga mulai aktif merekrut calon mahasiswa, dengan cara ...

Ado.NET Programming in Visual Basic .NET

Completely revised and updated, this comprehensive reference on ADO .NET programming covers such topics as database tools, data objects, Web Services, multi-tier database applications, Windows Forms classes, and the development of ASP.NET Web applications, providing insider tips and techniques, code examples, and other helpful features. Original. (Intermediate)

Coverage includes - Understanding the ADO.NET class libraries Utilizing Visual Basic.NET's powerful database programming tools Connecting to databases using ADO.NET's wide range of data providers Using DataSets to read, store, and process ...

IBM Statistics 21 Step by Step

A Simple Guide and Reference

Earlier editions published as: SPSS for Windows step by step: a simple guide and reference, published by Allyn & Bacon.

Earlier editions published as: SPSS for Windows step by step: a simple guide and reference, published by Allyn & Bacon.