Sebanyak 38 item atau buku ditemukan

Pelanggaran HAM Dalam Hukum Keadaan Darurat Di Indonesia

"Dalam buku ini, Penulis mengungkapkan bagaimana pengaturan HAM dalam hukum keadaan darurat dan praktiknya di lapangan, yakni pelanggaran HAM seperti apa yang dibenarkan dalam hukum keadaan darurat dan bagaimana Pemerintah menyelesaikan pelanggaran HAM dalam keadaan darurat tersebut, serta hal-hal baru yang ditemukan dalam penulisan buku ini. Hal-hal baru dimaksud seperti: ""kompensasi"" terhadap korban pelanggaran HAM akibat pemberlakuan status hukum keadaan darurat sebaiknya dipisahkan dengan proses hukum, tetapi cukup dibuktikan oleh tim medis/dokter dari Rumah Sakit yang ditunjuk Pemerintah. Kemudian, bagaimana seharusnya Pemerintah menerapkan pemberlakuan status hukum keadaan darurat yang efektif dan bagaimana seharusnya Hakim HAM mempertimbangkan penerapan pemberlakuan status keadaan darurat itu, semuanya dibahas dalam buku ini. Dalam buku ini, Penulis juga memberanikan diri menganalisis putusan bebas Peninjauan Kembali Mahkamah Agung atas pelanggaran HAM berat Timor-Timur pascajajak pendapat 1999 dan putusan bebas Kasasi Mahkamah Agung atas pelanggaran HAM berat Tanjung Priok 1984. Hal ini dilakukan, mengingat kedua kasus tersebut telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap (in cracht van gewijsde). Akhirnya, dari kajian ilmiah penulisan buku ini, Penulis menganjurkan setiap penyelesaian kasus pelanggaran HAM dalam keadaan darurat, khususnya darurat militer dan perang, lebih baik ditangani secara khusus melalui Pengadilan Militer dengan komposisi hakimnya terdiri atas tiga orang hakim dari peradilan umum dan dua orang dari peradilan militer, ketimbang melalui UU No. 26 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengadilan HAM yang memiliki prinsip-prinsip retroaktif, tidak mengenal kadaluwarsa, dan memerlukan rekomendasi DPR. Adanya prinsip-prinsip yang dianut oleh UU No. 26 Tahun 2000 tersebut menjadikan proses penyelesaian kasus pelangaran HAM menjadi panjang dan penuh ketidakpastian. Akibatnya hampir dapat diprediksikan semua kasus pelanggaran HAM berat masa lalu di-""bebaskan"" oleh Pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc karena barang bukti dan saksi korban/kunci yang diajukan ke persidangan telah rusak/hilang atau meningal dunia."

"Dalam buku ini, Penulis mengungkapkan bagaimana pengaturan HAM dalam hukum keadaan darurat dan praktiknya di lapangan, yakni pelanggaran HAM seperti apa yang dibenarkan dalam hukum keadaan darurat dan bagaimana Pemerintah menyelesaikan ...

Hukum Kejahatan Bisnis Teori & Praktik di Era Globalisasi

Perkembangan dan problem utama—kejahatan bisnis (business crime) yang dilakukan oleh perorangan dan/atau suatu korporasi yang legal, baik bisnis domestik maupun bisnis internasional—dalam perekonomian global, telah banyak memengaruhi dinamika perekonomian dalam negeri Indonesia, termasuk dalam industri perbankan dan moneter. Referensi penting ini merupakan handbook tentang Hukum Kejahatan Bisnis yang membahas perkembangan historis, sosiologis, serta komparatif dan yuridis masalah berkaitan dengan aktivitas bisnis yang bertujuan memperoleh keuntungan finansial melalui cara-cara yang melanggar hukum—kejahatan bisnis (business crime)—di Indonesia. Buku persembahan penerbit prenadaMedia

Dengan saldo Bank Century pertanggal 20 November 2008 pukul 17.00 wib sebesar Rp 1.96 miliar, Bank Century tidak akan mampu ... bank dan/atau lembaga keuangan bukan bank mengalami kesulitan likuiditas atau terjadi gejolak yang dapat ...

Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

A Sustainability Perspective

For too long, business has focused on short-term cost advantages through low-cost country sourcing with little regard for the longer-term implications of global sustainability. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, not only fully addresses the environmental, social and economic challenges of how companies manage purchasing and supply chains, but also delves deeper into emerging areas such as modern slavery, digital technologies and circular supply chains. In addition to explaining the basic principles and processes of both purchasing and supply chain management, the book evaluates how to develop strategic and sustainable purchasing and supply chain management. Our key message is that purchasing and supply chain management needs to focus on value creation rather than cost cutting. This requires the development of new purchasing and supply chain models that involve circular supply structures, supply chain transparency and collaboration with new stakeholders in traditional sourcing and supply chain settings. Aimed at students, educators and practitioners the book integrates sustainability into each chapter as a core element of purchasing and supply chain management. This second edition incorporates new examples and case studies from industry throughout, striking a balance between theoretical frameworks and guidelines for implementation in practice.

This second edition incorporates new examples and case studies from industry, striking a balance between theoretical frameworks and guidelines for implementation.

Budgeting and Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations

Using Money to Drive Mission Success

In the nonprofit sector, money drives mission. Well-managed budgets and investments can spur long-term growth and achievement, while financial mismanagement can damage or destroy an organization. Lynne A. Weikart, Greg G. Chen, and Ed Sermier—in their exciting new text geared wholly to nonprofits—provide the financial tools nonprofit managers need to thrive in pursuit of mission success. Given the wide array of nonprofit managers' backgrounds and a common fear of "the financials," the authors explain financial concepts without leaning unnecessarily on intimidating jargon. The result is a practical, accessible resource the prepares the next generation of nonprofit managers in financial planning and analysis as well as conventional and entrepreneurial financial management. Grounded in real-world cases and offering plenty of opportunity for application and practice, Budgeting and Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations helps readers develop a stable fiscal foundation and sound financial strategies for their organizations to prosper in times of economic expansion and contraction.

Grounded in real-world cases and offering plenty of opportunity for application and practice, Budgeting and Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations helps readers develop a stable fiscal foundation and sound financial strategies for ...

Aspek Hukum Dalam Penyelenggaraan Investasi di Pasar Modal Syariah

Buku ini membahas hukum investasi pada pasar modal syariah dengan titik berat pada aspek legal dalam aplikasinya. Dengan demikian, fokus pembahasan buku ini adalah tentang berbagai aturan hukum mengenai investasi pada paasr modal syariah dengan mengacu kepada aturan-aturan hukum yang berlaku di pasar modal, baik berupa undang-undang, fatwa-fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional, peraturan Bapepam, dan peraturan-peraturan lain yang terkait. Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMedia

Buku ini membahas hukum investasi pada pasar modal syariah dengan titik berat pada aspek legal dalam aplikasinya.

Beyond the Internet of Things

Everything Interconnected

The major subjects of the book cover modeling, analysis and efficient management of information in Internet of Everything (IoE) applications and architectures. As the first book of its kind, it addresses the major new technological developments in the field and will reflect current research trends, as well as industry needs. It comprises of a good balance between theoretical and practical issues, covering case studies, experience and evaluation reports and best practices in utilizing IoE applications. It also provides technical/scientific information about various aspects of IoE technologies, ranging from basic concepts to research grade material, including future directions.

The major subjects of the book cover modeling, analysis and efficient management of information in Internet of Everything (IoE) applications and architectures.

Quantitative Data Analysis with IBM SPSS 17, 18 & 19

A Guide for Social Scientists

This latest edition has been fully updated to accommodate the needs of users of SPSS Releases 17, 18 and 19 while still being applicable to users of SPSS Releases 15 and 16. As with previous editions, Alan Bryman and Duncan Cramer continue to offer a comprehensive and user-friendly introduction to the widely used IBM SPSS Statistics. The simple, non-technical approach to quantitative data analysis enables the reader to quickly become familiar with SPSS and with the tests available to them. No previous experience of statistics or computing is required as this book provides a step-by-step guide to statistical techniques, including: Non-parametric tests Correlation Simple and multiple regression Analysis of variance and covariance Factor analysis. This book comes equipped with a comprehensive range of exercises for further practice, and it covers key issues such as sampling, statistical inference, conceptualization and measurement and selection of appropriate tests. The authors have also included a helpful glossary of key terms. The data sets used in Quantitative Data Analysis with IBM SPSS 17, 18 and 19 are available online at; in addition, a set of multiple-choice questions and a chapter-by-chapter PowerPoint lecture course are available free of charge to lecturers who adopt the book.

This latest edition has been fully updated to accommodate the needs of users of SPSS Releases 17, 18 and 19 while still being applicable to users of SPSS Releases 15 and 16.

Studyguide for Strategic Logistics Management by Stock

Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again! Virtually all of the testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events from the textbook are included. Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9780256136876 .

Data Mining

A Tutorial-based Primer

CD-ROM contains: Supplemental chapters and appendices.

CD-ROM contains: Supplemental chapters and appendices.