Sebanyak 59 item atau buku ditemukan

Manajemen Insan Sempurna

The Real Secret to Balance Your Life

Manajemen insan sempurna

The Official Ubuntu Book

Ubuntu is a complete, free operating system that emphasizes community, support, and ease of use without compromising speed, power, or flexibility. It’s Linux for human beings, designed for everyone from computer novices to experts. Ubuntu 11.04 is the latest release–more powerful, more flexible, and friendlier than ever. The Official Ubuntu Book, Sixth Edition, will get you up and running quickly. Written by expert, leading Ubuntu community members, this book covers all you need to know to make the most of Ubuntu 11.04, whether you’re a home user, small business user, server administrator, programmer, or novice. The authors explain Ubuntu 11.04 from start to finish: installation, configuration, desktop productivity, games, management, support, and much more. Among the many topics covered in this edition: Ubuntu One cloud storage, Ubuntu Server, and the groundbreaking Unity desktop. This complete guide also covers standard desktop applications, from word processing, spreadsheets, Web browsing, e-mail, instant messaging, music, video, and games to software development, databases, and server applications. In addition, you will Learn how to customize Ubuntu for home, small business, school, government, and enterprise environments Learn how to quickly update Ubuntu to new release versions with upgraded applications Find up-to-the-minute troubleshooting advice from Ubuntu users worldwide from forums and other means to get the help you need quickly Learn Ubuntu Server installation and administration, including LVM and RAID implementation Learn how to use Ubuntu One to buy legal music from your favorite artists and how to use cloud storage to back up or share your important files Learn how you can be a part of the community that creates Ubuntu The DVD includes the complete Ubuntu Linux operating system for installation on PC platforms. The disk is preconfigured with an outstanding desktop environment for both home and business computing. It can be used to install other complete variants of Ubuntu, including Kubuntu (with the KDE environment), and Ubuntu Server.

Ubuntu 11.04 is the latest release–more powerful, more flexible, and friendlier than ever. The Official Ubuntu Book, Sixth Edition, will get you up and running quickly.

Understanding Forensic Digital Imaging

Understanding Forensic Digital Imaging offers the principles of forensic digital imaging and photography in a manner that is straightforward and easy to digest for the professional and student. It provides information on how to photograph any setting that may have forensic value, details how to follow practices that are acceptable in court, and recommends what variety of hardware and software are most valuable to a practitioner. In addition to chapters on basic topics such as light and lenses, resolution, and file formats, the book contains forensic-science-specific information on SWGIT and the use of photography in investigations and in court. Of particular note is Chapter 17, "Establishing Quality Requirements," which offers information on how to create a good digital image, and is more comprehensive than any other source currently available. A companion website offers exercises for the student and practicing professional. * Covers topics that are of vital importance to the practicing professional * Serves as an up-to-date reference in the rapidly evolving world of digital imaging * Uses clear and concise language so that any reader can understand the technology and science behind digital imaging

... a different way from the way that mechanical images are structured. What are
the two structures? 1.1 CHAPTER 2 Dynamic Range Semiconductor light
sensors are fundamental to CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Forensic Use of Digital
Imaging ...

Hukum pidana materiil dan formil korupsi di Indonesia

dilampirkan UU no. 31/199 yang disatukan dengan UU no. 20/2001, UU no. 28/1999, dan UU no. 30/2002, beserta PP no. 71/2000 : untuk mahasiswa dan praktisi hukum

Corruption in Indonesia from the perspectives of criminal law.

Corruption in Indonesia from the perspectives of criminal law.

Information Modeling the EXPRESS Way

Information modeling technology--the open representation of information for database and other computing applications--has grown significantly in recent years as the need for universal systems of information coding has steadily increased. EXPRESS is a particularly successful ISO International Standard language family for object-flavored information modeling. This cogent introduction to EXPRESS provides numerous, detailed examples of the language family's applicability to a diverse range of endeavors, including mechanical engineering, petroleum exploration, stock exchange asset management, and the human genome project. The book also examines the history, practicalities, and implications of information modeling in general, and considers the vagaries of normal language that necessitate precise communication methods. This first-ever guide to information modeling and EXPRESS offers invaluable advice based on years of practical experience. It will be the introduction that students as well as information and data modeling professionals have been waiting for.

Springer- Verlag, 1987. [Coa92a] P. Coad. 'Finding Objects: Practical
Approaches'. OOPS Messenger, 3(4):17-19, October 1992. (OOPSLA'91:
Addendum to the Proceedings.). [Coa92b] P. Coad. 'Object-Oriented Patterns'.
Communications of ...

Passion to Your Words - Boys Edition

Jadi cowo muda dan remaja di era ini, banyak tantangannya. Godaan untuk not responsible to use internet, gadget canggih baru, electronic device dan lainnya, selalu muncul dalam masa muda kita. Belum lagi tantangan pergaulan bebas di lingkungan sekolah/universitas, bisa secara langsung atau via Facebook, Twitter dan jejaring sosial lainnya kita alami. Boys, kita perlu penuntun hidup yang sejalan dengan Firman Tuhan. So, renungan yang up to date, bahas topik-topik trend muda saat ini, dan menjawab kebutuhan cowo muda, sangat kita butuhin untuk pandu kita dan tumbuh kembangkan kepribadian kita. Passion to Your Words - Boys Edition, dirancang untuk kita, Boys... Buku renungan setahun ini akan bantu kita me-Maximize our Life with planning, belajar Love, Sex and Dating yang sehat, dan cari Motivation untuk mencapai Spirit of Success. Jadi jangan ragu pilih Passion to Your Words-Boys Edition, buat kita yang mau belajar lebih dalam tentang Firman-Nya, dan belajar untuk taat sebagai anak Tuhan.

Jadi jangan ragu pilih Passion to Your Words-Boys Edition, buat kita yang mau belajar lebih dalam tentang Firman-Nya, dan belajar untuk taat sebagai anak Tuhan.

Passion to Your Words - Girls Edition

Banyak hal up to date dibahas dalam buku ini, mulai dari SNSD, Justin Bieber, Super Junior, Agnes Monica, Twilight Saga, Boys Before Flowers, Secret Garden, dan berbagai jenis film, musik, dan trend cewe modern saat ini. Coba siapa sih yang gak kenal sama mereka? Tapi apakah mereka semua membentuk jati diri Girls di dalam Tuhan? Semua itu memang asyik, keren, dan menghibur. Tapi gak semua nilai-nilai yang ada di sana sesuai dengan nilai-nilai kebenaran Firman Allah. So kita butuh banget panduan yang bisa membantu kita hidup sesuai dengan kebenaran Firman-Nya. Passion to Your Words – Girls Edition adalah jawabannya. Diinspirasikan oleh kebenaran Firman Allah yang kekal, Passion to Your Words – Girls Edition akan membantu kita bagaimana caranya menjadi cewe yang super dan extra ordinary dan yang paling terpenting... Godly. Kalau kita mengaku anak Tuhan yang cinta Tuhan dan mau hidup sesuai kehendak-Nya, maka Passion to Your Words – Girls Edition adalah buku yang tepat buat kita. Sssst...selain renungan harian, di dalamnya juga ada bonus 12 tips pacaran yang Alkitabiah dan benar loh...

So kita butuh banget panduan yang bisa membantu kita hidup sesuai dengan kebenaran Firman-Nya. Passion to Your Words – Girls Edition adalah jawabannya.

Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management

An Evidence-Based Guide to Delivering High Performance

Managing staff performance is an effective mechanism for developing both staff and organizational growth. By clarifying an organization's objectives, translating these into clear individual goals and reviewing these goals regularly, performance management provides a well-structured and effective management tool. In the completely updated fifth edition of this classic text, Michael Armstrong considers the latest developments in this area, and how these can be applied to managing staff for increased performance. The new edition includes guidance on 360-degree feedback and the results of a far-reaching e-reward survey of performance management practices in 156 organizations. Ideal for practitioners and students alike, Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management is aligned to the CIPD standards for Performance Management and so is ideal for those working towards the intermediate and advanced level qualifications. It remains the most authoritative and engaging textbook on performance management and is accompanied by an extensive online resource, including PowerPoint slides for tutors, and a glossary, literature review, and exercises to help students to test their learning.

In the completely updated fifth edition of this classic text, Michael Armstrong considers the latest developments in this area, and how these can be applied to managing staff for increased performance.