Sebanyak 16 item atau buku ditemukan

Buku Pintar Hukum Bisnis Pasar Modal

Pasar modal Indonesia termasuk salah satu pasar modal yang kinerjanya terbaik di dunia. Pada tahun-tahun ke depan, investor di pasar modal Indonesia diperkirakan akan terus meningkat. Berbekal hal itu, tentunya berbisnis di pasar modal akan menggiurkan. Pasar modal tidak melulu menjadi lahan bagi perusahaan besar dan investor kawakan. Siapa pun bisa terjun ke dunia ini. Buku ini menjadi strategi tepat dalam berinvestasi instrumen pasar modal. Segala hal tentang pasar modal dan aspek hukum bisnis pasar modal disajikan secara lengkap dan sistematis. Dengan bonus CD tentang UU Pasar Modal, serta undang-undang dan peraturan lainnya yang terkait, buku ini menjadi SUPERLENGKAP. Dengan bahasa yang sederhana, semua kalangan bisa memahami dunia investasi yang menguntungkan ini. Tentu saja, dengan berbekal ilmu investasi yang matang dan luas, Anda siap terjun ke dunia investasi “SUBUR” ini dan piawai dalam menghindari risiko. Buku Pintar Hukum Bisnis Pasar Modal ini merupakan BACAAN WAJIB bagi calon investor, investor pemula, manajer investasi, konsultan bisnis, pelaku pasar modal, dan konsultan hukum. Juga bagi para dosen, mahasiswa, UMKM, pengusaha, pejabat BUMN dan BUMD, notaris, penilai, akuntan, pengacara, para profesional, bankir, pejabat pemerintah, wakil rakyat, penegak hukum, serta orang-orang yang ingin terjun ke dunia investasi. -VisiMedia-

Buku Pintar Hukum Bisnis Pasar Modal ini merupakan BACAAN WAJIB bagi calon investor, investor pemula, manajer investasi, konsultan bisnis, pelaku pasar modal, dan konsultan hukum.

Internet of Things

Challenges, Advances, and Applications

Internet of Things: Challenges, Advances, and Applications provides a comprehensive introduction to IoT, related technologies, and common issues in the adoption of IoT on a large scale. It surveys recent technological advances and novel solutions for challenges in the IoT environment. Moreover, it provides detailed discussion of the utilization of IoT and its underlying technologies in critical application areas, such as smart grids, healthcare, insurance, and the automotive industry. The chapters of this book are authored by several international researchers and industry experts. This book is composed of 18 self-contained chapters that can be read, based on interest. Features: Introduces IoT, including its history, common definitions, underlying technologies, and challenges Discusses technological advances in IoT and implementation considerations Proposes novel solutions for common implementation issues Explores critical application domains, including large-scale electric power distribution networks, smart water and gas grids, healthcare and e-Health applications, and the insurance and automotive industries The book is an excellent reference for researchers and post-graduate students working in the area of IoT, or related areas. It also targets IT professionals interested in gaining deeper knowledge of IoT, its challenges, and application areas.

The chapters of this book are authored by several international researchers and industry experts. This book is composed of 18 self-contained chapters that can be read, based on interest.

Migrant women and urban labour market

concepts and case studies of problems, gains, and losses

With reference to Madras, Coimbatore, and Tiruppur cities of India.

With reference to Madras, Coimbatore, and Tiruppur cities of India.

Total Quality Management

An Integrated Approach

This book has been written with the premise that no organisation can survive in an increasingly competitive business environment unless its primary focus is on offering quality products and services. Aimed at making the reader aware of the present scenario of quality management process in India, it presents an opportunity to:i. Learn the basic principles and tools of total quality management through practical experiences of Indian companies.ii. Clarify concepts by way of ample illustrations and end-of- chapter exercises.iii. Gain valuable insights through topical case studies.Total Quality Management is a useful tool, both for students and professionals in the corporate world.

This book has been written with the premise that no organisation can survive in an increasingly competitive business environment unless its primary focus is on offering quality products and services.