Sebanyak 32 item atau buku ditemukan

Kekayaan dan kelenturan arsitektur

Architecture values in the life of human and culture in Indonesia.

... jasa komputer yang dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan analisis kuantitatif dan penggambaran grafis secara cepat pula . ... atau unsur yang satu dengan lainnya bekerja - sama dalam sistem organisasi tertentu , untuk suatu tujuan tertentu ...

Sirkus Pohon

Baiklah, Kawan, kuceritakan padamu soal pertempuranku melawan pohon delima di pekarangan rumahku dan bagaimana akhirnya pohon itu membuatku kena selalu wajib lapor setiap Hari Senin, di Polsek Belantik. Benci nian aku pada delima itu, lihatlah pohon kampungan itu, ia macam kena kutuk. Pokoknya berbongkol-bongkol, dahan-dahannya murung, ranting-rantingnya canggung, kulit kayunya keriput, daun-daunnya kusut. Malam Jum'at burung kekelong berkaok-kaokdi puncaknya, memanggil-manggil malaikat maut. Tak berani aku dekat-dekat delima itu, karena aku tahu pohon itu didiami hantu. Dalam novel ini Andrea akan membuat kita terbahak-bahak mengikuti kisah orang-orang Melayu di pedalaman Belitong yang lugu, tersedu-sedu oleh kisah cinta yang masygul, atau geleng-geleng kepala oleh intrik-intrik mereka yang luar biasa. Kita akan menemukan manusia-manusia yang tak sempurna, tapi sekaligus menemukan kebijaksanaan dalam diri mereka. [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Fiction, General, Circus, Indonesia]

Dalam novel ini Andrea akan membuat kita terbahak-bahak mengikuti kisah orang-orang Melayu di pedalaman Belitong yang lugu, tersedu-sedu oleh kisah cinta yang masygul, atau geleng-geleng kepala oleh intrik-intrik mereka yang luar biasa.

Data Mining

Multimedia, Soft Computing, and Bioinformatics

First title to ever present soft computing approaches and their application in data mining, along with the traditional hard-computing approaches Addresses the principles of multimedia data compression techniques (for image, video, text) and their role in data mining Discusses principles and classical algorithms on string matching and their role in data mining

Principal topics discussed throughout the text include: The role of soft computing and its principles in data mining Principles and classical algorithms on string matching and their role in data (mainly text) mining Data compression ...

Memahami bisnis bank syariah

modul sertifikasi tingkat I : general banking syariah

Guide to the Unified Process featuring UML, Java and Design Patterns

The UML, or Unified Modeling Language, is the de facto standard adopted by the Object Management Group (OMG) and by almost all vendors of object modeling tools. The Unified Process is explicitly designed to work with the UML and is a whole design method covering the majority of the life cycle of a software product. John Hunt's book guides you through the use of the UML and the Unified Process and their application to Java systems. Key Topics Focusing explicitly on applying the notation and the method to Java, the book is clearly written to appeal to practitioners. This second edition is considerably revised and extended and includes examples taken from the latest version of Rational Rose and Together. All the UML references are updated to the latest version and the Patterns chapter has been expanded to include J2EE examples. New chapters are included showing how the Unified Process can be used in real world projects and project management, and there is comprehensive coverage of Agile Modeling. - A truly practical introduction to object oriented analysis and design using the Unified Process. Where necessary the UML is introduced, to support the Unified Process steps. - Good coverage of Design Patterns and how they integrate into Java development - Focuses on the real world use of UML and the Unified Process via a detailed case study that follows the whole design process through from the initial setting up, to implementation in Java and Agile Modeling - Features and Benefits - How to use the Unified Process in real world projects - Covers the Unified Process and UML in one book - A concise and accessible step-by-step guide to applying the Unified Process and UML in Java - Explains Design Patterns and discusses how Agile Modeling fits with the Unified Process John Hunt is Technical Director at JayDee Technology Ltd. He runs industrial courses, including server-side Java technologies. He also leads development projects for government and blue chip organizations using Java, J2EE, XML and C#. He is the author of nine other books on Java, XML and object orientation.

This second edition is considerably revised and extended and includes examples taken from the latest version of Rational Rose and Together.

Tafsir Konstitusi Berbagai Aspek Hukum

Untuk mempertajam pendalaman, "tafsir konstitusi" dalam buku ini memuat isu-isu klasik seperti konvergensi/titik singgung antara Islam dan Pancasila; relasi antara etika, keadilan, dan hak asasi manusia (HAM); dan diskursus RUU Keistimewaan Yogyakarta. Juga tentang dua lembaga negara dalam rumpun kekuasaan kehakiman yang diintrodusir oleh UUD 1945, yakni Komisi Yudisial (KY) dan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). -PrenadaMedia-

Sering berubahnya peraturan hukum di bidang ekonomi dilihat dari sisi ekonomi
sendiri yang dipandang bukan merupakan suatu penyimpangan atau
merupakan suatu kewajaran sepanjang ketentuan hukum memang sangat
diperlukan guna ... Oleh karena itu, jika dalam praktik terjadi benturan
kepentingan antara rakyat banyak dengan kepentingan orang seorang pelaku
bisnis maka pemegang kebijakan ekonomi harus tegas membela atau berpihak
pada rakyat banyak. Artinya ...

Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals, Sixth Edition

With global harmonization of regulatory requirements and quality standards and national and global business consolidations ongoing at a fast pace, pharmaceutical manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, and distributors are impacted by continual change. Offering a wide assortment of policy and guidance document references and interpretations, this Sixth Edition is significantly expanded to reflect the increase of information and changing practices in CGMP regulation and pharmaceutical manufacturing and control practices worldwide. An essential companion for every pharmaceutical professional, this guide is updated and expanded by a team of industry experts, each member with extensive experience in industry or academic settings.

An essential companion for every pharmaceutical professional, this guide is updated and expanded by a team of industry experts, each member with extensive experience in industry or academic settings.