Sebanyak 8 item atau buku ditemukan

An Introduction to Indonesian Historiography

In the first major work on Indonesian historiography to have appeared in any language, twenty-two outstanding scholars survey available source materials in Asia and Europe and discuss the current state of Indonesian historical scholarship, the approaches and methods that might be fruitful for future research, and the problems that confront Indonesian historians today. The contributions which can be made to historical studies by other disciplines - such as economics, sociology, anthropology, and international law - are discussed by specialists in these fi elds. Problems of Indonesian historiography are presented not only from points of view of the diff erent social sciences, but also from those of historians who differ in approach and interpretation from one another. This unique work, now brought back to life in Equinox Publishing's Classic Indonesia series, proves to be great value to historians and social scientists as an introduction to both sources for and diff erent approaches to the history of an important part of the world. Edited by one of Indonesia's leading scholars, Soedjatmoko, as well as Mohamad Ali, G.J. Resnik and George McT. Kahin, An Introduction to Indonesian Historiography features contributions from John Bastin, C.C. Berg, Buchari, J.C. Bottoms, C.R. Boxer, L. Ch. Damais, Hoesein Djajadiningrat, H.J. de Graf, Graham Irwan, Koichi Kishi, Koentjaraningrat, Ruth T. McVey, J. Noorduyn, J.M. Romein, R. Soekmono, Tjan Tjoe Som, F.J.E. Tan, W.F. Wertheim and P.J. Zoetmulder.

BY G. J. RESINK 0 Research Professor, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences,
University of Indonesia, Jakarta THE history of international law in Indonesia has
an old and rich reality and is a young and poverty-stricken science. We shall
speak first of its age and richness, insofar as this reality can be shaped briefly into
words. Following this, we shall describe its youth and its poverty, which subject
will be swiftly exhausted. Finally, we shall touch on the history of international law
as a ...


Konsep-konsep Kunci (Sampel halaman)

Buku ini menjelaskan lebih dari 250 konsep dalam metode penelitian sosial, termasuk di dalamnya adalah konsep-konsep dalam statistik. Selain dijelaskan secara definitif, setiap konsep dalam buku ini juga diuraikan secara lebih mendalam dengan menjelaskan berbagai isu atau permasalahan utama dalam praktik penelitian berkaitan dengan konsep yang dijelaskan. Di setiap akhir uraian, dijelaskan beberapa konsep yang berhubungan dengan konsep yang dibahas. -------- Untuk mempelajari konsep-konsep dalam metode penelitian sosial, mahasiswa perlu melihat konteks yang berada di sekitarnya serta menghubungkan dengan konsep-konsep tersebut. Karena itu, posisi buku karya Martono ini menjadi sangat penting. Buku ini tidak hanya menyajikan setiap konsep yang terisolasi, namun buku ini juga menyoroti hubungan antaride. Strategi ini membuat mahasiswa lebih mudah mempelajari ide-ide, dan menunjukkan kepada mereka mengapa mereka harus kembali ke konsep tertentu selama beberapa kali jika mereka ingin mempelajarinya secara mendalam. William L. Neuman Profesor Sosiologi University of Wisconsin – Whitewater

A Abstrak (Abstract) Aksiologi (Axiology) Alpha Cronbach Analisis
(Analysis): Univariat, Bivariat, Multivariat Analisis Data (Data Analysis) Analisis
Data Kualitatif (Qualitative Data Analysis) Analisis Data Kuantitatif (Quantitative ...

SAP CRM Web Client

Customizing and Development

Do you want to utilize the new CRM user interface in the best possible way? This comprehensive guide, suitable for SAP CRM 2007 and SAP CRM 7.0, explains everything that you need to know about the CRM Web Client: the architecture of the UI framework, the Customizing options (roles, navigation, portal integration, and much more), as well as all options that are available for customer-specific extensions through programming. Readers quickly discover the critical modeling tools, such as the Easy Enhancement Workbench (EEWB) and the UI Configuration Tool. Then, explore all options for adapting the header, navigation, and work area without any development effort.The authors provide an in-depth look at the individual components of views, windows, and controllers, and deliver priceless tips on context binding, model integration, navigation and more. You'll learn about development and extension of UI components, the usage of the Business Object Layer (BOL), and the extension of the GenIL object model, as well as the modeling and usage of web services for the integration of Office applications.What's more, you'll also find comprehensive real-life examples to provide you with additional support for your daily project tasks.

This comprehensive guide, suitable for SAP CRM 2007 and SAP CRM 7.0, explains everything that you need to know about the CRM Web Client: the architecture of the UI framework, the Customizing options (roles, navigation, portal integration, ...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Classroom in a Book

Provides information on using Dreamweaver CS6 to create applications, covering such topics as HTML, CSS, templates, navigation, Web animation, and online data.

This is like telling someone that you live next door to the blue house. If someone
were driving down your street and saw the blue house, they would know where
you live. But it really doesn't tell them how to get to your house or even to your ...