Sebanyak 44 item atau buku ditemukan

Yang berhubungan dengan landasan hukum Pemilihan Umum tahun 1977

PENDIDIKAN , ILMU PENGETAHUAN , TEKNOLOGI DAN PEMBINAAN GENERASI MUDA Pendidikan pada hakekatnya adalah usaha sadar untuk mengembangkan kepribadian dan kemampuan di dalam dan di luar sekolah dan berlangsung seumur hidup .


Studi Teoritik dan Praktik di Sekolah / Madrasah

Buku ini bertajuk Pengembangan Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam kajian teoritik dan Praktik di sekolah/madrasah. Dengan tajuk tersebut dimaksud bahwa pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama islam di sekolah/Madrasah harus dilakukan pengembangan khususnya pada model dan strategi yang digunakan, karena dengan strategi yang konvensional dan tidak berbasis teknologi, tidak mampu merespon dunia Pendidikan yang wajib berteknologi sekarang ini.

Tadrib: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol. 5 No. 1 Juni (2019). Anianto, Tikno. “Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Dan Kemampuan Penalaran Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Sosiologi Dan Keterampilan Sosial Siswa SMA”, ...


Using SPSS and AMOS

Multivariate Data Analysis Introduction to SPSS Outliers Normality Test of Linearity Data Transformation Bootstrapping Homoscedasticity Introduction to IBM SPSS – AMOS Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) One Way Manova in SPSS Multiple Regression Analysis Binary Logistic Regression Factor Analysis Exploratory Factor Analysis Confirmatory Factor Analysis Cluster Analysis K - Mean Cluster Analysis Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Discriminant Analysis Correspondence Analysis Multidimensional Scaling Example - Multidimensional Scaling (ALSCAL) Neural Network Decision Trees Path Analysis Structural Equation Modeling Canonical Correlation

Multivariate Data Analysis Introduction to SPSS Outliers Normality Test of Linearity Data Transformation Bootstrapping Homoscedasticity Introduction to IBM SPSS – AMOS Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) One Way Manova in SPSS ...

Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data

The last two decades have seen enormous developments in statistical methods for incomplete data. The EM algorithm and its extensions, multiple imputation, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo provide a set of flexible and reliable tools from inference in large classes of missing-data problems. Yet, in practical terms, those developments have had surprisingly little impact on the way most data analysts handle missing values on a routine basis. Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data helps bridge the gap between theory and practice, making these missing-data tools accessible to a broad audience. It presents a unified, Bayesian approach to the analysis of incomplete multivariate data, covering datasets in which the variables are continuous, categorical, or both. The focus is applied, where necessary, to help readers thoroughly understand the statistical properties of those methods, and the behavior of the accompanying algorithms. All techniques are illustrated with real data examples, with extended discussion and practical advice. All of the algorithms described in this book have been implemented by the author for general use in the statistical languages S and S Plus. The software is available free of charge on the Internet.

3.2 The EM algorithm 3.2.1 Definition EM capitalizes on the interdependence
between missing data Ymis and parameters 6. The fact that Ymis contains
information relevant to estimating 0, and 6 in turn helps us to find likely values of
Ymis, ...

Perilaku Konsumen

Konsumen adalah entitas yangÊ mudah berubah. keinginan mereka tak selalu lurus, kadang berbelok dengan amat cepat. Untuk itu diperlukanlah suatu studi tentang perilaku konsumen agar segala gerak mereka mudah diantisipasi. --- Penerbit Kencana Prenadamedia Group

Selain konsumen melakukan perhatian secara sengaja, konsumen juga
melakukan perhatian secara tidak sengaja (involuntary attention). Involuntary
attention terjadi ketika kepada konsumen dipaparkan sesuatu yang menarik,
mengejutkan, menantang atau sesuatu yang tidak diperkirakan, yang tidak ada
relevansinya dengan tujuan atau kepentingan konsumen. Stimuli dengan ciriciri
di atas akan secara otomatis mendapat tanggapan konsumen. Baik voluntary
attention maupun ...

The Invaders

Brotherband Chronicles

From the author of the global phenomenon Ranger's Apprentice! Hal and the Herons have done the impossible. This group of outsiders has beaten out the strongest, most skilled young warriors in all of Skandia to win the Brotherband competition. But their celebration comes to an abrupt end when the Skandians' most sacred artifact, the Andomal, is stolen--and the Herons are to blame. To find redemption they must track down the thief Zavac and recover the Andomal. But that means traversing stormy seas, surviving a bitter winter, and battling a group of deadly pirates willing to protect their prize at all costs. Even Brotherband training and the help of Skandia's greatest warrior may not be enough to ensure that Hal and his friends return home with the Andomal--or their lives. Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, T.H. White’s The Sword in the Stone, Christopher Paolini’s Eragon series, and George R. R. Martin’s Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire series.

Brotherband Chronicles John Flanagan. PART 2 THE INVADERS T chapter
sixteen he town of Limmat was on the.

Payung hukum perbankan syariah di Indonesia

UU di bidang perbankan, Fatwa DSN-MUI, dan Peraturan Bank Indonesia

Collection of laws, regulations, and fatwas of Indonesian ulama regarding Islamic banks and banking in Indonesia.

On Islamic religious courts according to Indonesian laws.

Data Mining in Public and Private Sectors: Organizational and Government Applications

Organizational and Government Applications

The need for both organizations and government agencies to generate, collect, and utilize data in public and private sector activities is rapidly increasing, placing importance on the growth of data mining applications and tools. Data Mining in Public and Private Sectors: Organizational and Government Applications explores the manifestation of data mining and how it can be enhanced at various levels of management. This innovative publication provides relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings useful to governmental agencies, practicing managers, and academicians.

Data Mining in Public and Private Sectors: Organizational and Government Applications explores the manifestation of data mining and how it can be enhanced at various levels of management.