Sebanyak 18 item atau buku ditemukan

Teknik & Etik Profesi TV Presenter

Menjadi TV Presenter yang baik dan menarik tidak mudah. Oleh karena itu, buku ini perlu dibaca dan dipelajari oleh siapa saja yang berminat menjadi TV Presenter yang andal dan profesional. Isinya dapat dijadikan rujukan praktis dan sederhana, karena mengulas berbagai seni dan prinsip dasar bagaimana menjalankan profesi sebagai TV Presenter yang baik dan menarik sehingga apa yang dikomunikasikan dapat dipahami, disukai, dan dipercayai oleh khalayak pemirsa TV. (Prof. Sasa Djuarsa Sendjaja, Ph.D. Guru Besar Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP UI, mantan Ketua KPI Pusat ) Buku Teknik & Etik Profesi TV Presenter hadir pada waktu yang amat tepat. Pertama, karena penulisnya adalah tokoh idola saya dan mungkin idola begitu banyak penonton serta pemirsa Televisi di masa kejayaan TV Publik (TVRI). Artinya, penulis buku menyampaikan pengalaman empirisnya yang benar-benar memesona pada saat itu. Bahkan tidak berlebihan saya menyatakan,kalaupun periode itu dipenuhi stasiun TV komersial seperti sekarang, penampilan Anita Rahman tetap akan menonjol. Jernih suaranya, tepat lantun nadanya, serta terlihat pas (dapat dibaca “etis”) pada setiap kesempatan. Kedua, buku ini memancing perbandingan, antara pengalaman dan hal-hal yang Anita Rahman usulkan, dengan kenyataan bagaimana para Presenter Televisi kita harus membawakan berita atau aneka acara dewasa ini : pada kasus terorisme, musibah tsunami, serangan kampanye negatif pilpres, pelecehan seksual anak dan sebagainya, Ketiga, buku ini diperkaya dengan aturan dan beberapa teori universal, plus kisah-kisah anekdotikal sebagai pelengkap sekaligus membuatnya menjadi mengalir. Terima kasih atas sumbangan signifikan antarmasa ini, yang akan memancing efek heuretik bagi para Presenter TV sekaligus ilmuwan lainnya. (Effendi Gazali, Ph.D., MPS ID, Peneliti Komunikasi Politik, UI dan Visiting Professor di Jeju National University Korea, alumnus Cornell University, NY, USA. & Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands) Seorang Presenter TV tidak hanya dituntut menguasai teknik presentasi, melainkan juga etik profesi sebagai wujud tanggung jawab kepada publik. Buku yang ditulis praktisi berpengalaman, seperti Ibu Anita Rahman ini patut diapresiasi karena akan memberi pengetahuan dan spirit yang bermanfaat bagi yang sedang dan akan menggeluti dunia Presenter Televisi. (Dr. Dadang Rahmat Hidayat, SH, S.Sos, M.Si. Ketua Departemen Jurnalistik Fikom Unpad, Bandung, mantan Ketua KPI Pusat) Anita Rahman, ikon yang lebih luas dari kotak televisi. Bahkan suaranya, untuk tidak mengatakan tarikan napasnya, dikenali masyarakat. Juga tatapan mata yang memberi garis bawah apa yang disuarakan. Kalau kini “si mata belok”, menurunkan ilmu dalam sebuah buku, itulah yang ditunggu. Sesungguhnya ini tradisi yang baik dari para suhu pertelevisian. (Arswendo Atmowiloto, Pengarang, Pengamat pertelevisian) Dalam profesi apa pun, pemahaman teknik dan etik menjadi hukum besi yang tak bisa ditawar. Apa lagi profesi TV Presenter yang menggunakan ranah publik. Pertanggungjawaban profesinya menjadi berlipat. Buku ini mengurai secara lengkap kedua dimensi tersebut. Contoh praktis dari pengalaman penulis yang mempunyai jejak rekam panjang di dunia penyiaran, menjadikan buku ini makin bernas. (S. Rahmat M., S.Si – Ketua Bidang Isi Siaran KPI Pusat)

Biasanya mereka memilih subyek yang berkaitan erat dengan latar belakang
pendidikan mereka, mis. seorang insinyur teknik sipil memilih berbicara tentang
seni bangunan. Dalam tugas saya sebagai instructor/trainer,pada latihan itu saya

Economics and Consumer Behavior

The idea of duality has proved to be a powerful device in modern work on the economics of consumer behaviour. The authors have used duality to provide an integrated and accessible treatment of this subject. The book focuses on applications of the theory to welfare economics and econometric analysis. The book begins with four chapters that provide a self-contained presentation of the basic theory and its use in applied econometrics. These chapters also include elementary extensions of the theory to labour supply, durable goods, the consumption function, and rationing. The rest of the book is divided into three parts. In the first of these the authors discuss restrictions on choice and aggregation problems. The next part consists of chapters on consumer index numbers; household characteristics, demand, and household welfare comparisons; and social welfare and inequality. The last part extends the coverage of consumer behaviour to include the quality of goods and household production theory, labour supply and human capital theory, the consumption function and intertemporal choice, the demand for durable goods, and choice under uncertainty.

PREFACE This book is about the economic theory of consumer behavior and its
uses in economic analysis. It is about the tools and language of utility theory and t
heir application to a field that ranges from empirical work on commodity ...

An Introduction to Programming Using Java

Ideal for the introductory programming course, An Introduction to Programming Using Java covers all recommended topics put forth by the ACM/IEEE curriculum guidelines in a concise format that is perfect for the one-term course. An integrated lab manual enhances the learning process by providing real-world, hands-on projects. This unique approach allows readers to test their understanding of the key material at hand. Sample exams urge readers to assess their progress through the course and are ideal study aids for in-class testing. The author's innovative, accessible approach engages and excites students on the capabilities of programming using Java! TuringsCraft CodeLab access is available for adopting professors. Custom CodeLab: CodeLab is a web-based interactive programming exercise service that has been customized to accompany this text. It provides numerous short exercises, each focused on a particular programming idea or language construct. The student types in code and the system immediately judges its correctness, offering hints when the submission is incorrect. See CodeLab in action! A Jones & Bartlett Learning demonstration site is available online at Look to the Samples and Additional Resources section below to review sample chapters! Key Features: • Covers all recommended topics put forth by the ACM/IEEE curriculum guidelines in a concise format that is perfect for the one-term course. • An integrated lab manual enhances the learning process with hands-on projects. • Uses a computer in lab exercises to teach students some of the finer points of Java • Introduces Objects early (Ch.1) • Explains abstract classes and interfaces in the context of generic programming. With this approach, students quickly grasp the conceptual and technical aspects of these constructs.

TuringsCraft CodeLab access is available for adopting professors. Custom CodeLab: CodeLab is a web-based interactive programming exercise service that has been customized to accompany this text.

The Definitive Guide to NetBeans Platform

The Definitive Guide to NetBeans™ Platform is a thorough and definitive introduction to the NetBeans Platform, covering all its major application programming interfaces (APIs) in detail, with relevant code examples used throughout. The original German book on which this title is based was well received. The NetBeans platform community has put together this English translation, which author Heiko Böck updated to cover NetBeans platform 6.5 APIs. With an introduction by known NetBeans platform experts Jaroslav Tulach, Tim Boudreau, and Geertjan Wielenga, this is the most up-to-date book on this topic. All NetBeans platform developers will be interested in purchasing it, because several topics in the book have not been documented anywhere else. Table of Contents Introduction Structure of the NetBeans Platform The Module System Actions User Interface Design Lookup File Access and Display Graphical Components Reusable NetBeans Platform Components Internationalization and Localization Real-World Application Development Updating a NetBeans Platform Application Persistence Web Services Extending the NetBeansIDE From Eclipse RCP to the NetBeans Platform Tips and Tricks Example: MP3 Manager

The Definitive Guide to NetBeans™ Platform is a thorough and definitive introduction to the NetBeans Platform, covering all its major application programming interfaces (APIs) in detail, with relevant code examples used throughout.

Introducing AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD LT 2010

Bestselling AutoCAD author George Omura presents a fast, focused course in AutoCAD essentials George Omura is an AutoCAD expert whose clear, focused instructions have taught hundreds of thousands how to use AutoCAD. This task-based, reference approach is perfect for newcomers to AutoCAD and those who manage AutoCAD drawings. You'll learn AutoCAD basics quickly and easily with the straightforward explanations and realistic exercises that focus squarely on accomplishing vital tasks. You'll get acquainted with the drafting tools of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT and learn such essentials as how to draw accurately and quickly, edit your drawings, create 3D models, and much more. Fully updated for all the new features of both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, including parametric design, free-form 3D mesh modeling, and enhanced PDF support Provides focused explanations and realistic exercises to quickly teach crucial tasks Shows how to draw accurately and quickly and how to effectively edit AutoCAD drawings Learn how to create 3D models and get organized with layers, blocks, groups, and external references Discover how to quickly add and edit notes and dimensions, find areas and distances quickly, and extract hidden data Work with the DesignCenter, create text, and learn to lay out and print your drawings If you want to quickly get up to speed on the newest version of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, Introducing AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD LT 2010 is a fast, no-nonsense way to learn the software. For Instructors: Teaching supplements are available for this title.

Fully updated for all the new features of both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, including parametric design, free-form 3D mesh modeling, and enhanced PDF support Provides focused explanations and realistic exercises to quickly teach crucial tasks ...

Programming Scala

Scalability = Functional Programming + Objects

Learn how to be more productive with Scala, a new multi-paradigm language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that integrates features of both object-oriented and functional programming. With this book, you'll discover why Scala is ideal for highly scalable, component-based applications that support concurrency and distribution. Programming Scala clearly explains the advantages of Scala as a JVM language. You'll learn how to leverage the wealth of Java class libraries to meet the practical needs of enterprise and Internet projects more easily. Packed with code examples, this book provides useful information on Scala's command-line tools, third-party tools, libraries, and available language-aware plugins for editors and IDEs. Learn how Scala's succinct and flexible code helps you program faster Discover the notable improvements Scala offers over Java's object model Get a concise overview of functional programming, and learn how Scala's support for it offers a better approach to concurrency Know how to use mixin composition with traits, pattern matching, concurrency with Actors, and other essential features Take advantage of Scala's built-in support for XML Learn how to develop domain-specific languages Understand the basics for designing test-driven Scala applications

With this book, you'll discover why Scala is ideal for highly scalable, component-based applications that support concurrency and distribution. Programming Scala clearly explains the advantages of Scala as a JVM language.