Sebanyak 24 item atau buku ditemukan

Manajemen Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah

Dunia pengadaan terus berkembang pesat sejalan dengan perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Teknologi dimaksud sampai saat ini dan selanjutnya akan terus mempengaruhi praktik dan proses pengadaan secara dominan. Teknologi akan mengubah pengadaan melalui banyak hal terutama di aspek bisnis proses. Kita tidak bisa membayangkan bahwa di waktu yang akan datang kita perlu menyusun kontrak atau menyusun HPS misalnya. Hari ini, dunia pengadaan pemerintah di tanah air sedang memulai langkah-langkah menapaki tahapan-tahapan perubahan yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Insan pengadaan di tanah air sedang dibawa kepada suatu visi besar pengadaan di masa yang akan datang. Pasar pengadaan akan menjadi "marketplace" yang lebih sempurna, dimana semua penyedia akan memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk menjual barangnya. Harga menjadi informasi yang terbuka, sehingga barang dan jasa yang sama akan memiliki harga yang sama pula. Harga barang tidak lagi menjadi persoalan pengadaan. Pada akhirnya, pengadaan adalah bidang bisnis. Bila hari ini bisnis dalam pengadaan masih banyak diwarnai dengan praktik-praktik bisnis yang tidak sehat, maka ke depan dunia bisnis perlu juga berubah.

teknis yang tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh usaha mikro dan usaha kecil serta
koperasi kecil. c. Menetapkan sebanyak-banyaknya paket pengadaan barang/
jasa untuk usaha mikro dan usaha kecil serta koperasi kecil tanpa mengabaikan
prinsip ...

Managing Credit Risk

The Next Great Financial Challenge

The first full analysis of the latest advances in managing credit risk. "Against a backdrop of radical industry evolution, the authors of Managing Credit Risk: The Next Great Financial Challenge provide a concise and practical overview of these dramatic market and technical developments in a book which is destined to become a standard reference in the field." -Thomas C. Wilson, Partner, McKinsey & Company, Inc. "Managing Credit Risk is an outstanding intellectual achievement. The authors have provided investors a comprehensive view of the state of credit analysis at the end of the millennium." -Martin S. Fridson, Financial Analysts Journal. "This book provides a comprehensive review of credit risk management that should be compulsory reading for not only those who are responsible for such risk but also for financial analysts and investors. An important addition to a significant but neglected subject." -B.J. Ranson, Senior Vice-President, Portfolio Management, Bank of Montreal. The phenomenal growth of the credit markets has spawned a powerful array of new instruments for managing credit risk, but until now there has been no single source of information and commentary on them. In Managing Credit Risk, three highly regarded professionals in the field have-for the first time-gathered state-of-the-art information on the tools, techniques, and vehicles available today for managing credit risk. Throughout the book they emphasize the actual practice of managing credit risk, and draw on the experience of leading experts who have successfully implemented credit risk solutions. Starting with a lucid analysis of recent sweeping changes in the U.S. and global financial markets, this comprehensive resource documents the credit explosion and its remarkable opportunities-as well as its potentially devastating dangers. Analyzing the problems that have occurred during its growth period-S&L failures, business failures, bond and loan defaults, derivatives debacles-and the solutions that have enabled the credit market to continue expanding, Managing Credit Risk examines the major players and institutional settings for credit risk, including banks, insurance companies, pension funds, exchanges, clearinghouses, and rating agencies. By carefully delineating the different perspectives of each of these groups with respect to credit risk, this unique resource offers a comprehensive guide to the rapidly changing marketplace for credit products. Managing Credit Risk describes all the major credit risk management tools with regard to their strengths and weaknesses, their fitness to specific financial situations, and their effectiveness. The instruments covered in each of these detailed sections include: credit risk models based on accounting data and market values; models based on stock price; consumer finance models; models for small business; models for real estate, emerging market corporations, and financial institutions; country risk models; and more. There is an important analysis of default results on corporate bonds and loans, and credit rating migration. In all cases, the authors emphasize that success will go to those firms that employ the right tools and create the right kind of risk culture within their organizations. A strong concluding chapter integrates emerging trends in the financial markets with the new methods in the context of the overall credit environment. Concise, authoritative, and lucidly written, Managing Credit Risk is essential reading for bankers, regulators, and financial market professionals who face the great new challenges-and promising rewards-of credit risk management.

Because of the growth of the syndicated loan market, banks are also adopting a
portfolio approach to commercial ... That is because they have adopted asset-
based lending and leasing techniques, which have enabled them to move down
the ...

An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica®

Accompanying the book, as with all TELOS sponsored publications, is an electronic component. In this case it is a DOS-Diskette produced by one of the coauthors, Paul Wellin. This diskette consists of Mathematica notebooks and packages which contain the codes for all examples and exercises in the book, as well as additional materials intended to extend many ideas covered in the text. It is of great value to teachers, students, and others using this book to learn how to effectively program with Mathematica .

The Mathematica programming language supports many programming styles
that can be transferred to other ... although we have found that a structured
introduction to Mathematiaz programming at the beginning of the semester works

BBC English Grammar; Tata Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

Buku “BBC English Grammar” ini dirancang khusus bagi Anda yang ingin memahami dasar-dasar tata bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar. Setiap topik materi diulas secara cerdas, luas, dan umum disertai dengan variasi contoh kalimatnya. Materi dalam buku ini antara lain dilengkapi dengan: 16 Tenses Regular Verbs & Irregular Verbs Synonyms & Antonyms Idioms British & American English Dialogues Wise Words -WahyuMedia-

Possessive Pronoun adalah Kata Ganti Kepunyaan yang berperan sebagai kata
sifat dan kata ganti. Sebagai kata sifat Digunakan di depan kata This is my hat.
This is ...