Sebanyak 8 item atau buku ditemukan

Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang Kebijakan Hukum Pidana dan Pencegahannya

Perdagangan orang merupakan perbuatan serupa perbudakan yang melanggar harkat dan martabat manusia (Hak Asasi Manusia), yang bertentangan dengan tata hukum, murugikan masyarakat dan antisosial. Desawa ini perdagangan orang sudah sangat meluas, dilakukan oleh jaringan yang terorganisasi bukan hanya dalam wilayah negara, tetapi sudah melintasi batas negara menggunakan berbagai cara termasuk teknologi canggih. Kebijakan hukum pidana yang dilakukan meliputi aspek hukum pidana materil, aspek hukum pidana formal, aspek hukum pelaksanaan pidana, dan melalui kebijakan legilasi, kebijakan yudikasi dan kebijakan eksekusi serta melalui pembaruan hukum/kriminalilasi dengan cara menemukan gagasan baru, regulasi dan revitalisasi terhadap peraturan yang sudah ada, yang bersumber pada nilai-nilai yang hidup dalam masyarakat. Penulis menempatkan norma-norma hukum hak asasi manusia sebagai landasan dalam pencegahan tindak pidana perdagangan orang. Dalam penegakan hukumnya, mengacu pada sistem peradilan pidana (criminal justice system) mulai dari penyidikan, penuntutan, peradilan sampai pelaksanaan hukuman. Di samping itu, ada peraturan lain yang berhubungan dengan tindak pidana perdagangan orang, baik peraturan singkat Undang-Undang, peraturan pemerintah, keputusan menteri, bahkan sampai peraturan daerah yang menunjang terhadap upaya pencegahan tindak pidana perdagangan orang. Buku ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh praktisi hukum, akademisi, para penegak hukum dan mahasiswa hukum, serta masyarakat dalam memahami tidak pidana perdagangan orang dari optik hukum pidana dan HAM. Di sisi lain, buku ini dapat juga dijadikan bahan rujukan dalam membuat kebijakan/regulagi yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan orang di Indonesia.

Perdagangan orang merupakan perbuatan serupa perbudakan yang melanggar harkat dan martabat manusia (Hak Asasi Manusia), yang bertentangan dengan tata hukum, murugikan masyarakat dan antisosial.

Pendekatan Populer dan Praktis Ekonometrika untuk Analisis Ekonomi Dan Keuangan

Harkness and Wagner's Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents

"Harkness and Wagner's Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents, Fifth Edition" is a practical reference in small mammal husbandry and health, encompassing the fields of laboratory animal medicine and pet practice. Part of ACLAM's series of laboratory animal books, this text offers concise but complete coverage on rabbits and the most common rodent species, with an emphasis on biology, clinical procedures, clinical signs, and diseases and conditions. By providing useful, accessible assessment and diagnostic information, "Harkness and Wagner's Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents" aids the practitioner in diagnosing and treating conditions in small mammals. Logically organized for easy reference, the book begins with general husbandry and procedures, followed by specific disease information. "Harkness and Wagner's" "Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents" is essential reading for clinical practitioners, laboratory animal personnel, and veterinary technicians. Key features: Concise but complete coverage of small mammal husbandry and health Encompasses the fields of laboratory animal medicine, production medicine, and pet practice Logically organized for easy reference Provides assessment and diagnostic information to aid in quick diagnosis and treatment Includes clinical photographs and case studies Covers rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, hamsters, gerbils, mice, and rats

Part of ACLAM's series of laboratory animal books, this text offers concise but complete coverage on rabbits and the most common rodent species, with an emphasis on biology, clinical procedures, clinical signs, and diseases and conditions.

TCP/IP Addressing

Designing and Optimizing Your IP Addressing Scheme

This comprehensive nuts-and-bolts resource is devoted entirely to TCP/IP addressing, a critical, underdocumented topic for companies building an intranet or linking their business to the Internet.

Address field should equal the Destination Address field (below) for redirects that
indicate that the destination address is a neighbor of the sender and packets can
be sent directly to its link layer address. • Destination Address: The IP address ...

A Systems Analysis of the Baltic Sea

During recent decades, large-scale effects of pollution on marine estuaries and even entire enclosed coastal seas have become apparent. One of the first regions where this was observed is the Baltic Sea, whereby the appearance of anoxic deep basins, extensive algal blooms and elimination of top predators like eagles and seals indicated effects of both increased nutrient inputs and toxic substances. This book describes the physical, biochemical and ecological processes that govern inputs, distribution and ecological effects of nutrients and toxic substances in the Baltic Sea. Extensive reviews are supplemented by budgets and dynamic simulation models. This book is highly interdisciplinary and uses a systems approach for analyzing and describing a marine ecosystem. It gives an overview of the Baltic Sea, but is useful for any marine scientist studying large marine ecosystems.