Sebanyak 7 item atau buku ditemukan

Tata guna tanah dalam perencanaan pedesaan, perkotaan, dan wilayah

Pembangunan wilayah pedesaan di Indonesia dilakukan oleh berbagai
departemen. Misalnya. Departemen Transmigrasi yang dibantu oleh departemen
lain membentuk wilayah pedesaan bani. yaitu di kawasan transmigrasi,
Departemen Pertanian menyelenggarakan wilayah pedesaan Tabel 19
Persentase distribusi mata pencaharian penduduk di negara-negara Asia 86
Jayadinata, J.T., Tata guna tanah. No. Harga Bahan makanan 60 gram protein (
dalam sen dolar) 1 Mentega ...


本书内容包括嵌入式软件新途径-组件化设计,UML如何表达组件的沟通,UML如何表现Whole-Part结构,UML如何表示组件状态的变化,UML如何实现Use Case,UML如何表达组件的活动,如何表达设计模式等.

本书内容包括嵌入式软件新途径-组件化设计,UML如何表达组件的沟通,UML如何表现Whole-Part结构,UML如何表示组件状态的变化,UML如何实现Use Case,UML如何表达组件的活动 ...

Maximizing Your SAP CRM Interaction Center

This is a must-have resource for anyone interested in learning how to optimize and maximize the SAP CRM Interaction Center. You'll discover what the SAP CRM Interaction Center is, and learn how to maximize it through customization and enhancement. Each chapter describes specific functions, explains why they are useful, and then demonstrates how to use and customize them. Topics covered include Computer Telephony Integration and Multi-Channel Integration, the different types of Interaction Centers, IC Marketing, IC Service, Shared Services Center, Telesales, and much more. You'll also learn about customer success stories and SAP's current and future plans. This book is up to date for CRM 2007, but also provides useful information for all versions of the IC, including tips and suggestions on why it is beneficial to upgrade. Whether you're a newcomer to SAP CRM and need an introduction to the Interaction Center, or you're a current SAP CRM IC user who wants to know what's new and find out how to customize your options, this book will give you the answers you need.

This is a must-have resource for anyone interested in learning how to optimize and maximize the SAP CRM Interaction Center.

An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB

The material presented in this volume provides an introduction to the numerical methods that are typically encountered and used in undergraduate science and engineering courses, and is developed in tandem with MATLAB, which allows rapid prototyping and testing of the methods.

The material presented in this volume provides an introduction to the numerical methods that are typically encountered and used in undergraduate science and engineering courses, and is developed in tandem with MATLAB, which allows rapid ...

Adobe Illustrator CS6

Classroom in a Book

A guide to Adobe Illustrator CS6 covers such topics as creating and managing documents, drawing, coloring artwork, working with typography and images, and preparing graphics for the Web.

Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book contains 15 lessons. The book covers the basics of learning Adobe Illustrator and provides countless tips and techniques to help you become more productive with the program.