Sebanyak 17 item atau buku ditemukan

Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif Teori Dan Praktik

Pengantar Akuntansi Berdasarkan SAK ETAP dan IFRS

British English A to Zed

General readers and language lovers alike will have immediate access to an alphabetical listing of more than 5,500 "Briticisms" and their correlating "Americanisms" in this fully revised and updated volume. Featured in this new edition are several hundred new entries; lively discussions of British language, pronunciation, punctuation, style, usage, and culture; and special sections on units of measure, automotive terms, cricket terms, and more.

Featured in this new edition are several hundred new entries; lively discussions of British language, pronunciation, punctuation, style, usage, and culture; and special sections on units of measure, automotive terms, cricket terms, and more ...

Kamus musik

Indonesian dictionary of musical terms.

... singkatan dari schmieder yaitu Wolf- gang Schmieder 1900-1973), seorang
musikolog Jerman yang berinisiatif mendata karya-karya Johann Sebastian Bach
dan memberikan nomor urut. Di samping kode S bagi karya Bach kini
dipergunakan kode BWV singkatan dari Bach Werke-Verzeichnis. 4) Singkatan
kata sinistra (kiri). Contoh: m. s. = mano sinistra. SA - Singkatan sadja, nama
nada dalam tangganada India. Dalam persamaan musik internasional sama
dengan D. Lih: shruti.

Strategic Information Technology and Portfolio Management

"The objectives of the proposed book are to provide techniques and tools appropriate for building application portfolios and develop strategies that increase financial performance"--Provided by publisher.

"The objectives of the proposed book are to provide techniques and tools appropriate for building application portfolios and develop strategies that increase financial performance"--Provided by publisher.

Beyträge zur vaterländischen Historie, Geographie, Statistik und Landwirthschaft

samt einer Uebersicht der schönen Literatur

non poffe, quas terras PRAUSI habitarint: quorum nomen ego quoque apud alios
fcriptores reperire non potui, Vero igitur valde ... Tantusque terror (pergit Juftinus)
Gallici nomihis erat, ut etiam Reges non laceffiti, ultro pa... cem ingenti pecunia ...

Chemistry and Safety of Acrylamide in Food

Interest in the chemistry, biochemistry, and safety of acrylamide is running high. These proceedings contain presentations by experts from eight countries on the chemistry, analysis, metabolism, pharmacology, and toxicology of the compound.

Interest in the chemistry, biochemistry, and safety of acrylamide is running high. These proceedings contain presentations by experts from eight countries on the chemistry, analysis, metabolism, pharmacology, and toxicology of the compound.