Sebanyak 71 item atau buku ditemukan

Tropical Rain Forest

Describes tropical rain forests, including where they are located and the various plants and animals that live and interact there.

Describes tropical rain forests, including where they are located and the various plants and animals that live and interact there.

Tropical Rain Forests

Describes the rain forest environment, including the plants and animals that live in them; explains their importance to the worldwide ecosystem; and discusses the actions that threaten the existance of these biomes.

Assists for Illness and Injuries

Assists for Illnesses and Injuries People sometimes get hurt in the business of living. The human body is subject to disease, injuries and various mishaps of accidental or intentional character. Throughout the ages, religions have attempted to relieve Man's physical suffering. Methods have ranged from prayer to the laying on of hands, and many superstitions arose to account for their occasional effectiveness. It has been a commonly held belief, however, no matter the method used, that the spirit can have an effect on the body. Today, medicine treats the body when there is something wrong with it. But it overlooks almost totally the relationship of the spiritual being to his body and the effect the former has on the latter. The fact is, after any necessary medical treatment, the individual himself has an enormous capacity to influence the body and its well-being or lack of it. L. Ron Hubbard developed numerous applications of his discoveries for the mental and spiritual aspects of a person's physical difficulties. And as more and more techniques evolved, a new body of technology came into use, called "assists." The ways assists can be applied are almost limitless. They always help and often have miraculous results. Dozens of assists exist today for a wide array of conditions, and several of the most basic and widely used are included in this booklet. Simple, easily applied methods to alleviate pain and discomfort. Contains the most used Scientology assists which have produced many miracles. * How do you speed an injured person's recovery? * What do you do to make a drunk person sober? * How do you bring relief to someone who is ill? For the solutions and answers to these situations, buy and read this booklet.

L. Ron Hubbard developed numerous applications of his discoveries for the mental and spiritual aspects of a person's physical difficulties. And as more and more techniques evolved, a new body of technology came into use, called "assists.

Kamus Bergambar Benda di Sekitar Kita

Ingin belajar bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Arab? Mulai dengan langkah yang paling mudah, yaitu menghafal kosakata dari benda-benda yang paling sering kita jumpai. Dalam buku ini disusun kosakata sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arab disertai dengan cara melafalkannya yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan lidahmu. Hasilnya, anak dapat menguasai kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arab dengan lebih mudah dan cepat. --------------------------- Want to learn English or Arabic language? Start with the easiest step, which is memorizing vocabulary of objects most frequently found. In this book compiled a simple vocabulary in the English language and Arabic language. As a result, children can master the vocabulary in the English language and Arabic language with easier and faster. -Cikal Aksara-

Benda di Sekitar Kita KAMUS BERGAMBAR WARNA COLOR о. bir'u тети (me-
roh) r'ed (r'ed) blue (blu). iv iv iv iv Penulis Naskah:Tim Media Vista (Putri Dewi
M. R.) Penyunting: Astutiningsih Penyunting Bahasa Arab: Ian Hamzah Desain
Sampul: Erlangga Bagus Sulistyo Tata Letak: Tim Media Vista (
com) Ilustrasi: Goegoek Darijono Penerbit: Cikal Aksara (Imprint AgroMedia
Pustaka) Redaksi: Jl. H. Montong No.57, Ciganjur, Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan
12630 Telp.

A Book for My Mother

The book pays tribute to mothers with lovely illlustrations accompanying thoughtful comments of appreciation.

The book pays tribute to mothers with lovely illlustrations accompanying thoughtful comments of appreciation.

Asian Tattoo Flash CD-ROM and Book

Fire-breathing dragons. Elegant floral bands. Exquisitely detailed Mehndi graphics. This collection of 125 beautiful Asian images features some of today's most popular body art designs. Includes three versions of each tattoo — in black-and-white outline, solid drawing, and full color — so it's a great resource for tattoo artists and designers alike.

Fire-breathing dragons. Elegant floral bands. Exquisitely detailed Mehndi graphics. This collection of 125 beautiful Asian images features some of today's most popular body art designs.

Melacak dana revolusi Sukarno & dana yayasan Soeharto

... Prospek edisi 42/thn VII, 8 Juni 1 998, di halaman 30. Di sana ditulis : VI.
Yayasan yang menempatkan Soeharto sebagai pelindung, dikelola orang- orang
dekatnya yang loyalitasnya tidak diragukan lagi, yakni BJ Habibie, Bob Hasan,
Sudomo. Keterlibatan Soeharto dalam yayasan ini adalah secara tidak langsung.
1. Melalui Sudomo : Yayasan Perhimpunan Manajemen Mutu Indonesia dan
Yayasan Esok Penuh Harapan. Perhimpunan Manajemen Mutu Indonesia (
PMMI), bukan ...

All Watcher - tome 4 – La spirale Mc Parnell

Nous sommes déjà à la moitié de l'enquête sur le mystérieux All Watcher. Tandis que d'autres s'intéressent aux origines de la fortune d'Abraham Romanovitch, Sheba et Mia tentent de comprendre quel peut être l'intérêt de leurs suspects pour des bidonvilles de Rio. Comment, au juste, un petit employé de bureau a-t-il pu profiter des retombées de la perestroïka pour devenir l'un des oligarques russes les plus en vue de la planète...? Avec un peu d'instinct, beaucoup de chance, des litres de sang versé et... les bons contacts !

Nous sommes déjà à la moitié de l'enquête sur le mystérieux All Watcher.