Sebanyak 26 item atau buku ditemukan

Effective Budgeting using Microsoft Excel

Understand cash budgets! Work on flexible budgets! Analyze a production budget! Prepare master budget! Yes, most of the above and much more can be achieved in Microsoft Excel if you understand some basic concepts of budgets and budgeting. This book was written to help any users wanting to have a clear understanding of how Excel can help to perform some aspects of budgeting using some of its built-in financial and logical functions. It starts off by explaining the concepts of budget and budgeting, moving on to variances in budgets, budgeting process, why budgets fail, limitations and characteristics of budgeting, cash budget, static budget, flexible budget and finally, how to prepare a master budget. Many books have been written on budgets but this book focuses on the use of Excel in budgeting. It explains the more important facts on master budgets and flexible budgeting. Anyone new to budgets or budgeting will find this book handy.

Many books have been written on budgets but this book focuses on the use of Excel in budgeting. It explains the more important facts on master budgets and flexible budgeting. Anyone new to budgets or budgeting will find this book handy.

Document Similarity and Structure

Using Bibliometric Methods and Index Terms as Approaches to Improving Information Retrieval Performance

The Database Hacker's Handbook Defending Database

In the introduction, we discussed the reasons why we consider database security
to be important. In this chapter, we provide a brief overview of several broad
categories of security issues, with a few specific details and some discussion of
general defenses. We also briefly discuss how to go about finding security flaws
in database systems. Before we do so, we should discuss some emerging trends
in database security. In recent years, with the explosion in web-based commerce
and ...

Data Mining V

Yielding substantial knowledge from data primarily gathered for a wide range of quite different applications, data mining is a promising and relatively new area of current research and development. This book features papers from the Fifth International Conference on Data Mining. Text Mining and Their Business Applications. Sharing state-of-the-art results and practical development experiences, these allow researchers and applications developers from a variety of areas to learn about the many different applications of data mining and how the techniques can help in their own field. The volume features contributions on topics such as: Data Preparation - Data Selection; Preprocessing; Transformation. Techniques - Neural Networks; Decision Trees; Genetic Algorithms; Information Extraction; Clustering; Categorization. Special Applications - Customer Relationship Management; Competitive Intelligence.

Besides, from Web Mining, new research areas were derived to guide the
solutions to its specific needs. In short, some researchers have worked on mining
the content of a web site (web content mining), others have decided to study the ...


conception de bases de données

Conception de bases de données : la fin de l'ère Merise. Conçu au départ pour modéliser des applications orientées objet (écrites par exemple en C++ ou en Java), UML s'est peu à peu imposé sur le terrain de la conception de bases de données relationnelles, au détriment du vénérable modèle entité-association, qui fut popularisé en France par la méthode Merise. Des diagrammes UML au code SQL. Destiné aussi bien aux étudiants qu'aux professionnels qui souhaitent évoluer vers UML, cet ouvrage explique comment construire un modèle conceptuel sous forme de diagramme de classes, comment transformer ce dernier en modèle de données relationnel ou objet-relationnel, pour générer au final le code SQL2 ou SQL3 souhaité. Panorama des outils de modélisation. Le dernier chapitre présente cinq outils du marché, Win'Design, PowerAMC, Rational Rose, Oracle Designer et JDeveloper, à l'aide desquels sont illustrées de manière concrète les différentes phases de la conception d'une base de données, de la modélisation Merise ou UML à la génération de code SQL. Chaque chapitre est accompagné d'exercices dont le corrigé est fourni en fin d'ouvrage. A qui s'adresse ce livre ? • Aux étudiants en IUT, IUP, DEUG ou écoles d'ingénieur, ayant à leur programme des cours sur les bases de données. • Aux professionnels souhaitant s'initier à la modélisation de bases de données avec UML. • A tout concepteur de bases de données souhaitant migrer de Merise à UML.

Des diagrammes UML au code SQL.

Cara Cepat & Mudah Taklukkan Ujian Nasional 2015 SMP/MTs

Buku ini sangat praktis dan istimewa karena tidak saja menyajikan soal ujian nasional bahasa Inggris dati tahun ke tahun dengan pembahasan yang ringkas dan lengkap, namun juga berisi tip-tip ringkas tata bahasa Inggris yang relevan dengan soal. Dengan begitu, siswa tahu pasti tak hanya apa jawabannya tapi juga mengapa jawaban soal itu seperti itu. Juga bisa menambah pengetahuan siswa tentang tata bahasa Ingris untuk menghadapi soal-soal serupa pada ujian nasional bahasa Inggris yang akan datang karena soal-soal ujian dari tahun ke tahun sangat mirip atau bahkan sama. -Indonesia Tera-

Pelajar banyak yang menggunakan internet. Pengetahuan yang diakses dari
internet sangat bermanfaat untuk belajar di sekolah maupun di rumah.
Pengetahuan tidak harus didapat dari guru di sekolah saja. c. Salah satu media
massa yang ...

Total Quality Management and Operational Excellence

Text with Cases

The notion of "Quality" in business performance has exploded since the publication of the first edition of this classic text in 1989. Today there is a plethora of performance improvement frameworks including Baldrige, EFQM, Lean, Six Sigma and ISO 9001, offering a potentially confusing variety of ways to achieve business excellence. Quality guru John Oakland’s famous TQM model, in many ways a precursor to these frameworks, has evolved to become the ultimate holistic overview of performance improvement strategy. Incorporating the frameworks that succeeded it, the revised model redefines Quality by: Accelerating change Reducing cost Protecting reputation Oakland’s popular, practical, jargon-free style, along with ten case studies eight of which are brand new, effortlessly ties the model to its real-life applications, making it easy to understand how to apply what you’ve learned to your practices and a achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Total Quality Management and Operational Excellence: Text with Cases (Fourth Edition) is supplemented for the first time with a suite of online teaching aids for busy tutors. This exciting update of a classic text is perfect for all students studying for professional qualifications in the management of quality, or those studying science, engineering or business and management who need to understand the part TQM may play in their subjects.

The notion of "Quality" in business performance has exploded since the publication of the first edition of this classic text in 1989.

Islam, Civil Society and Social Work

Muslim Voluntary Welfare Associations in Jordan Between Patronage and Empowerment

The thesis analyses the role of Muslim voluntary welfare associations in Jordan from the perspective of their religious discourse and the related social activities, to assess whether they contribute to empowerment or reinforce dependency

The thesis analyses the role of Muslim voluntary welfare associations in Jordan from the perspective of their religious discourse and the related social activities, to assess whether they contribute to empowerment or reinforce dependency