Sebanyak 9 item atau buku ditemukan

Perkembangan Ilmu Negara dalam Peradaban Globalisasi Dunia

Kelahiran ataupun keberadaan Ilmu Negara, tidak terlepas dari jasa seorang Jerman yang bernama George Jellinek yang merupakan pakar hukum yang juga dikenal sebagai bapak Ilmu Negara. Pada tahun 1882 George Jellinek menulis sebuah buku berjudul Allgemeine Staatslehre (Ilmu Negara Umum), yang kemudian buku ini menjadi cikal bakal pengetahuan Ilmu Negara. Dalam menyusun bukunya tersebut George Jellinek menggunakan metode van-systemate atau disebut metode sistematika, yaitu dengan cara mengumpulkan semua bahan tentang ilmu negara yang ada mulai zaman kebudayaan Yunani sampai pada masanya sendiri (sesudah akhir abad ke-19 atau awal abad ke-20) dan bahan-bahan itu kemudian disusunlah dalam suatu sistem. George Jellinek merupakan salah satu ahli bidang ilmu negara yang cukup monumental, Ia termasuk orang yang pertama kali melakukan penelitian yang komprehensif tentang Ilmu Negara yang tercermin dalam bukunya tersebut. Dalam konsep negara modern, negara dipandang dalam perspektif yang materialistik, yaitu terkait erat dengan keinginan rakyat untuk mencapai kesejahteraan bersama dengan cara-cara yang disepakati. Selama ini Ilmu Negara memandang objek kajiannya berupa Negara dari sifat atau pengertiannya yang abstrak, artinya objeknya itu dalam keadaan terlepas dari tempat, keadaan dan waktu, belum mempunyai ajektif (bentuk permanen) tertentu, bersifat abstrak-umum-universal. Oleh karenanya perbedaan ruang lingkup yang dikaji antara Ilmu Negara dengan Ilmu-ilmu lain yang pembahasannya sama yaitu Negara, seperti Hukum Tata Negara/Administrasi Negara dan Ilmu Politik Kenegaraan, pada dasarnya memandang objek negara dari sifatnya yang konkret.

Buku Perkembangan ilmu negara dalam peradaban globalisasi dunia ini diterbitkan oleh penerbit deepublish dan tersedia juga versi cetaknya.

Fortran 77 and Numerical Methods

Fortran Is The Pioneer Computer Language Originally Designed To Suit Numerical, Scientific And Engineering Computations. In Spite Of The Birth Of Several Computer Languages, Fortran Is Still Used As A Primary Tool For Programming Numerical Computations. In This Book All The Features Of Fortran 77 Have Been Elaborately Explained With The Support Of Examples And Illustrations. Programs Have Been Designed And Developed In A Systematic Way For All The Classical Problems. All The Topics Of Numerical Methods Have Been Presented In A Simple Style And Algorithms Developed. Complete Fortran 77 Programs And More Than One Sets Of Sample Data Have Been Given For Each Method. The Content Of The Book Have Been Carefully Tailored For A Course Material Of A One Semester Course For The Computer Science, Mathematics And Physics Students.

The first eight chapters have been devoted for FORTRAN 77. I have made
sincere attempts to present the concepts in my own simple style with a number of
programming examples. Chapters 9 to 14 deal with Numerical Methods. For each

Advanced Methods, Techniques, and Applications in Modeling and Simulation

Asia Simulation Conference 2011, Seoul, Korea, November 2011, Proceedings

This book is a compilation of research accomplishments in the fields of modeling, simulation, and their applications, as presented at AsiaSim 2011 (Asia Simulation Conference 2011). The conference, held in Seoul, Korea, November 16–18, was organized by ASIASIM (Federation of Asian Simulation Societies), KSS (Korea Society for Simulation), CASS (Chinese Association for System Simulation), and JSST (Japan Society for Simulation Technology). AsiaSim 2011 provided a forum for scientists, academicians, and professionals from the Asia-Pacific region and other parts of the world to share their latest exciting research findings in modeling and simulation methodologies, techniques, and their tools and applications in military, communication network, industry, and general engineering problems.

Nasereddin, M., Mullens, M., Cope, D.: The Development of A Reusable
Simulation Model for the Modular Housing Industry Using ProModel and Visual
Basic. In: Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Research Conference (2002)
Page, S.J.: ...

Conceptual Modeling for Discrete-Event Simulation

Bringing together an international group of researchers involved in military, business, and health modeling and simulation, Conceptual Modeling for Discrete-Event Simulation presents a comprehensive view of the current state of the art in the field. The book addresses a host of issues, including: What is a conceptual model? How is conceptual modeling performed in general and in specific modeling domains? What is the role of established approaches in conceptual modeling? Each of the book’s six parts focuses on a different aspect of conceptual modeling for simulation. The first section discusses the purpose and requirements of a conceptual model. The next set of chapters provides frameworks and tools for conceptual modeling. The book then describes the use of soft systems methodology for model structuring as well as the application of software engineering methods and tools for model specification. After illustrating how conceptual modeling is adopted in the military and semiconductor manufacturing, the book concludes with a discussion on future research directions. This volume offers a broad, multifaceted account of the field by presenting diverse perspectives on what conceptual modeling entails. It also provides a basis upon which these perspectives can be compared.

Improving police response using simulation. Journal of the operational research
society 59: 171–181. Harrell, C.R., B.K. Ghosh, and R.O. Bowden. 2004.
Simulation Using ProModel, 2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional.
Howick ...

The Art of Agile Practice

A Composite Approach for Projects and Organizations

The Art of Agile Practice: A Composite Approach for Projects and Organizations presents a consistent, integrated, and strategic approach to achieving "Agility" in your business. Transcending beyond Agile as a software development method, it covers the gamut of methods in an organization—including business processes, governance standards, project management, quality management, and business analysis—to show you how to use this composite approach to enhance your ability to adapt and respond to evolving business requirements. The book is divided into three parts: Introduces Agility and identifies the challenges facing organizations in terms of development and maintenance approaches Presents Composite Agile Method and Strategy (CAMS) as a carefully constructed combination of process elements and illustrates its application to development, business management, business analysis, project management, and quality Includes two Agile case studies, a comprehensive index, definitions of key acronyms, and appendices with a current list of Agile methods and interview summaries The book describes relevant metrics for the entire CAMS lifecycle and explains how to embed Agile practices within formal process-maps in projects. Filled with figures, case studies, and tables that illustrate key concepts, the text is ideal for a two- or three-day training course or workshop. It is also suitable for a 13-week education course for higher degree students that includes process discussions and consideration of Agile values at both software and business levels. The chapters are organized to correspond roughly to such lectures with an option to choose from the case study chapters.

... operates at the organizational level as against operating only at the level of
software projects ◾ Present a taxonomy of organizational methods that cover
software development, business analysis, testing, architecture, business
management, ...

Petunjuk pelaksanaan dan petunjuk teknis penyidikan tindak pidana di bidang perpajakan

Decisions of the Director General of Taxation concerning with tax fraud investigation in Indonesia.

Decisions of the Director General of Taxation concerning with tax fraud investigation in Indonesia.