Sebanyak 46 item atau buku ditemukan


Buku pedoman ini disusun sebagai pedoman dalam penyelenggaraan Mata Kuliah Pengenalan Lingkungan Persekolahan (PLP I). Mata Kuliah Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan I (PLP I) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib yang dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pendidikan, penelitian dan pemagangan. PLP Ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat jati diri calon pendidik dan membentuk kesiapan calon pendidik. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh calon pendidik pada PLP Ini lebih banyak dilakukan melalui pengamatan atau observasi untuk mempelajari aspek-aspek pembelajaran dan pengelolaan pendidikan di Sekolah Mitra.

Mata Kuliah Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan I (PLP I) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib yang dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pendidikan, penelitian dan pemagangan. PLP Ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat jati diri calon pendidik dan ...

Buku Pintar Anak Saleh Mengenal Rukun Iman

Buku yang berisi pengetahuan Islam ini sangat baik diajarkan pada masa usia dini. Dengan buku panduan ini orangtua atau siapa saja menjadi mudah mengajarkan anak tentang Rukun Iman, sehingga anak-anak pun mudah memahami dan mengamalkannya --Cerdas Interaktif--

Ada 4 anak laki laki yang sedang mengaji Al Quran 3. Jumlah semua anak ada 7 4. Jumlah al Quran ada 10 5. Jumlah Al Quran di rak buku ada 5 AL QUR'AN KITABUMAT ISLAM AL QUR'AN KITABUMAT ISLAM Al qur'an. 17 Rukun Iman Ketiga: Iman Kepada ...

Agency Theory and Sustainability in the Global Supply Chain

This book analyzes how and under what conditions collaborating corporations can effectively manage relationships with their suppliers in order to decrease the risk of suppliers’ noncompliance with codes of conduct and standards. In so doing, it represents an important addition to the management literature on corporate social responsibility in global supply chains – which is highly topical at a time when companies are increasingly aware of the social and environmental aspects of global sourcing. After an opening systematic review of the literature on agency theory and supply chain management, it explores the rationale underlying collaboration among competitors, and the most critical aspects of such collaboration, in depth. Thanks to the book’s use of real-life examples, readers will learn how agency theory can help improve relationship management and address the major issues in sustainable global sourcing.

This book analyzes how and under what conditions collaborating corporations can effectively manage relationships with their suppliers in order to decrease the risk of suppliers’ noncompliance with codes of conduct and standards.

Financial Reforms in Sudan: Streamlining Bank Intermediation

The paper reviews the experience of financial reforms in Sudan with a view to assessing their macroeconomic impact and to shedding light on the question why such reforms have not yet brought about visible improvements in financial intermediation. The paper concludes that regardless of the progress achieved in recent years, deficiencies in the reform design, institutional weaknesses, shallow financial markets, shortcomings of the Islamic mode of finance, and strong seasonality remain key factors that constrain financial intermediation. Additional efforts, in particular in bank restructuring, credit instrument design, monetary policy management, and prudential regulation are needed to address the systemic problems of the financial sector and to make it capable of supporting private sector growth.

Anggaran dasar Muhammadiyah (baru) dan anggaran rumah tangga Muhammadiyah (lama).

By-laws of Muhammadiyah, Islamic organization in Indonesia.

By-laws of Muhammadiyah, Islamic organization in Indonesia.